
Truman State University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Truman offers you the amazing opportunity to choose from more than 50 countries in which to study. The language of instruction depends on the program you select – from some programs that require extensive knowledge of a foreign language to others that require little or no knowledge of a language other than English.

Participating in a study abroad program as part of your Truman experience will enhance your undergraduate years, help in your preparation as a citizen of the world, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

Important Dates and Deadlines

See the study abroad office for specific program deadlines.

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Past Review An Fun Outdoor Experience Where You Learn Practical Field Skills! Round River Conservation Studies - Taku River Watershed Program

"I grew in my field skills, knowledge of conservation, and overall understanding of my place on the earth. "

Truman State University
Past Review It Was Great! Arcadia: Stirling - University of Stirling

"I learned how to push myself out of my comfort zone and how to adapt to different situations.n "

Truman State University
Past Review Study Abroad College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Sydney - Macquarie

"How to love another culture. Yes!"

Truman State University
Past Review A Summer In Seoul CIEE: Seoul - Summer Korean Studies

"A more international perspective and cultural versatility"

Truman State University
Past Review A Pleasant And Fun Trip To England Full Of Insight And Experiences. College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Ormskirk - Edge Hill University

"I learned much about British culture, literary style, poetry, architecture, my own culture, and South Korean culture (I shared the dorm with many South Koreans)."

Truman State University
Past Review Great Experience And I'll Do It Again College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Annecy - Institut Français des Alpes

"I learned to be more relaxed and slow down and enjoy the moment. I learned to be more respectful of others and greeting people I did not know and wish them a good day. French women have such a classy but relaxed style. "

Truman State University
Past Review Truly A Gratifying Experience CIEE: Alcala - Summer Language & Culture

"I learned about how big the world is, I improved my Spanish skills, and I got to travel to some neat places. Definitely worthwhile."

Truman State University
Past Review Learn So Much Italian From The Italians, You Almost Start To Feel Like One CUNY - College of Staten Island: Venice - Study Abroad at Istituto Venezia

"Independence and value for the differences of other cultures. Huge fan of Italy's coffee culture"

Truman State University
Past Review The Ireland Experience Maynooth University: Maynooth - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about life in Europe including Ireland and the other countries I visited."

Truman State University
Past Review American In Angers Truman State University: France - Study Abroad at ESSCA

"I don't even know how to summarize this. Don't be afraid, but be cautious. Eat well, laugh often. Meet people, make connections, cry when you leave because you'll miss them. "

Truman State University
Past Review A True Growing And Learning Experience ISEP Exchange: Oulu - Exchange Program at University of Oulu

"A whole new perspective on the world, especially the business environment which my courses focused on. An absolutely worthwhile part of my academic career."

Truman State University
Past Review London And Beyond Missouri-London Program at Roehampton

"There is always a different viewpoint and opinion. Definitely worthwhile. "

Truman State University
Past Review Amazing Customized Internship International Internships: Custom Internship Placements in New Zealand

"I learned more about myself and definitely became even more independent. Absolutely worth all the stress of planning it. "

Truman State University
Past Review Great But Expensive Ashland university

"a wordly view. Definitely worth it "

Truman State University
Past Review This Experience Opened My Eyes And Made Me Want To Travel So Much More! Travel & Education: Salamanca - University of Salamanca

"It was definitely worthwhile. Not only did I gain Spanish skills, but I also gained people skills and became more comfortable meeting new people and exploring new places. I also learned so much about history, art, culture, and people in general."

Truman State University
Past Review African Safari Where You Get To Work With Animals Parawild Edu-Capture: Conservation and Wildlife Management in South Africa

"Yes!! I learned not only a lot about animals, game capture and conservation but also a lot about myself"

Truman State University
Past Review An Unforgettable And Perfect Experience; I Wouldn't Change A Thing. Kingston University: London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, it was absolutely worthwhile. I think the biggest thing that I learned from the program is to always take the time to appreciate the world and people, no matter how busy I am. It's so easy back home to get caught up with work and just forget about living, but in London, I couldn't ignore that."

Truman State University
Past Review Trying To Do It All In Austria And Europe In Just 5 Months! ISEP Exchange: Graz - Exchange Program at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

"It was definitely worthwhile. First and foremost, I learned how to survive in a language which I didn't know. This developed my cultural sensitivity and communication skills. In addition, planning and leading trips all across Europe sharpened my leadership skills. I also developed more individuality and a sense of self, all very..."

Truman State University
Past Review Franklin Summer Study Abroad Franklin University Switzerland: Lugano - International Summer School

"I think it was worthwhile, I learned a lot about different cultures and was able to gain an appreciation for a lot of very different cultures."

Truman State University
Past Review From Russia With Love College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Moscow - Grint Centre for Education and Culture

"While abroad, my language skills increased four fold and that made it completely worthwhile. Immersing yourself in a different culture is a life changing experience that really challenges your perspectives on your own country and culture. 10/10 would recommend. "

Truman State University
Past Review Amazing, I Want To Go Back! Arcadia: Limerick - University of Limerick

"Friend, culture, and amazing memories. "

Truman State University
Past Review New Friends And New Experiences ISEP Exchange: Jyvaskyla - Exchange Program at University of Jyväskylä

"I learned so much about different cultures, and I felt such freedom and lack of judgement for who I wanted to be as a person because no one there knew me before. It was so worthwhile, and I would love to go again, to Finland or another country."

Truman State University
Past Review Formative, Eye Opening, Igniting ISEP Exchange: Buenos Aires - Exchange Program at Universidad del Salvador

"Definitely worthwhile. I learned a lot about the world, Argentina, and the United States. I learned even more about myself and what interests me."

Truman State University
Past Review First Time For Everything! Association Pop Wuj

"I gained a sense of humility and pride for the work we did. It was extremely worthwhile to work in the conditions of the clinic and help such a well thought out set of programs. "

Truman State University
Past Review Life In A City Beyond My Dreams University of New York in Prague: Study Abroad Program

"Independence, open-mindedness, confidence"

Truman State University