University of California - Riverside
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of California - Riverside. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a UC Riverside student, please check with the Education Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."Yes. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but now on to a new adventure!"
Gayat A University of California - Riverside
"i was exposed to new cultures and got to experience that for 2 months of summer. through the program, i learned to be more accepting of people. "
Phoebe L University of California - Riverside
Deny S University of California - Riverside
Ruby C University of California - Riverside
"yes, i really enjoyed it"
Paulina G University of California - Riverside
"Possibly moving to Korea to work"
Bryan S University of California - Riverside
"Yes, I improved my Chinese which will undoubtedly help me in future job search. I am also considering working in China."
Derek Y University of California - Riverside
"Yes, compare to my China program Turkey is my country"
Dulce G University of California - Riverside
"It was definitely something that I would love to do again. I learned a lot about myself, my friends back home, and everything. A lot of things were put into perspective and reminds me to not take things for granted."
Margaret D University of California - Riverside
"Yes, my overall experience was great and i learned alot"
Summer S University of California - Riverside
"Yes, my overall experience was great and i learned alot"
Summer S University of California - Riverside
"Yes the experience was worthwhile, it was not what I was expecting, but sometimes that is a good thing, right?"
Brandy F University of California - Riverside
"yes, I really loved my experience abroad. I feel like I learned so much and I got what I wanted from this trip. However, I feel like my academic adviser did not prepare me too well. Academic advisers should be more prepared to assist students in choosing which classes to take. "
Lisa Y University of California - Riverside
Kathleen D University of California - Riverside
"Through my experiences, I have acquired skills such as conversating with people from other countries other than the one that i was studying at. It has impacted cultural awareness by appreciating other cultures as well as becoming open-minded on the type of lifestyle other people in countries live and how their daily life is like..."
Fatima A University of California - Riverside
"Yes. I learned to cope with really bland food, a different learning setting."
Irene O University of California - Riverside
"it was okay"
Pyong K University of California - Riverside
"I plan to go back to China, and live there for a few years. I absolutely adored being in China. "
Leana R University of California - Riverside
"I want to study abroad even more."
Christina H University of California - Riverside
"My study abroad experience cemented my love for what I am studying."
Lillian Z University of California - Riverside
"it was fantastic. the only downers were some of the american students i was with and the marginal bathroom and kitchen facilities."
Larissa Y University of California - Riverside
"Education at ICU is similar to a UC but being alone in Tokyo is the experience that you ultimately want. "
Kanwara W University of California - Riverside
"For me it was more of a general, personal maturity. I was a bit older than the other students (27) and had never lived away from home. Everyone was great, and I learned there is so much more out there for me. I am now pursuing a degree in Law."
Sergio F University of California - Riverside
"I gained my own Independence from studying abroad. Although I lived away from my home university I was always close enough to go home and to be able to drive home and back on the same day. Being abroad taught me how to budget and also prioritize my time wisely. Also to be open to trying new things and learning new things. Being ..."
Jessica K University of California - Riverside