
University of Colorado - Boulder

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Colorado Boulder. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Colorado Boulder student, please check with Education Abroad for guidelines on enrolling in an education abroad program, if financial aid might apply, and receiving credit. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review The Best Semester Of My Life CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Florence, Italy

"I am less judgmental and I appreciate where I came from so much more. I see the world and different cultures in such a different light. I appreciate meeting new people and I love getting to know locals because you can learn the most from them. "

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review My Trip Abroad Through Cea Best Decision Of My Life! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Florence, Italy

"I learned so many different things from my time abroad. From gaining insight into different cultures all around the World to truly becoming a local Italian for four months, I had the time of my life. I gained new friends, new experiences, new knowledge, and a new view of the World. I would recommend studying abroad to anyone who..."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Learned To Speak Spanish In 6 Months Faster Than In 12 Years Of Classes Prior Instituto Franklin-UAH: Alcalá de Henares - Study Abroad in Spain

"The six months I spent in Alcalá de Henares were among the most formative of my college education. After learning Spanish for years in American public education systems, where I could learn to read and write but not to speak with confidence, staying with a host family unable to speak English transformed my Spanish. It also trans..."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Best Experience Ever! Instituto Franklin-UAH: Alcalá de Henares - Study Abroad in Spain

"I learned how to make friends and keep in touch with them, I gained experiences of a lifetime that will be with me for the rest of my days, I got to know a different side of Spain that not a lot of people get to know. I got to travel across europe on a budget."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Take Me Back! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Florence, Italy

"Studying abroad in Florence was the best decision I have ever made. I was pushed out of my comfort zone and given the chance to learn more about myself in 4 months than I thought was possibe. I would do it all over again if I could! "

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Eye Opening & Life Enhancing: An Absolute Blast The University of New South Wales: Sydney - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It's always challenging trying to remember exactly what I was like before studying abroad. I was still the same me, with the same beliefs and general goals. However, I came home from Australia with a confidence and excitement that can only truly be gained through experience, and getting out of your comfort zone! I also developed..."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Intern In Italy Sant'Anna Institute: Sorrento - Live, Learn and Immerse in Italy

"I have learned so many things that I do not even know where to begin. I am currently an intern in Italy, which is an opportunity most students do not gain when they study abroad. My school offered me an internship in the town of Sorrento, but I happened to become an intern at the school. Here, I get to work closely with the f..."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review The Absolute Reason I Am Where I Am Today ! Georgetown University: Washington, DC - Semester in Washington DC Program

"On the ground experience and connections in D.C."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review The Time Of My Life CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Florence, Italy

"There are no words to explain how worthwhile my experience in Florence was. If I could do it all again I would- a million times! "

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Eye Opening And Breath Taking! SIT Study Abroad: Chile - Public Health, Traditional Medicine, and Community Empowerment

"My semester abroad in Chile utilized lectures, discussions and shadowing to fully understand the topics of public health, traditional medicine, and community empowerment in the Chilean, Peruvian, Aymará, and Mapuche populations. Throughout the semester our program traveled to the towns of Temuco in southern Chile, Putre in the h..."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Love New Zealand, And Globa Links Was Helpful ISA Study Abroad in Wellington, New Zealand

"I gained so much. The most important thing is the ability to handle challenging situations as a group, and when I was by myself. I travelled alone for a month, including a week of hitch-hiking alone around New Zealand. I had to handle lots of tough situations on my own, and I'm more mature because of it."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review A Fine Firenze CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Florence, Italy

"I feel like I know more about Florence than I know my own town, which is quite odd. The depths of the city and the culture and history behind it is fascinating, and through learning about that, I was able to have rich experiences in which I learned about myself as a person. Worthwhile is an understatement!"

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review The Hardest Thing I've Ever Done, But So, So Worth It. CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Florence, Italy

"It was absolutely worthwhile!!! I learned how to stand up on my own: how to travel, how to interact with total strangers, how to get by without speaking the language, how to problem-solve on my feet, how to be flexible, how to enjoy the present moment, how to love diversity and differences in people and places, how to appreciate..."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review An Eye Opening Adventure. CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Florence, Italy

"I gained a lot of new knowlege and skills. The whole experience was beyond worth it and I can't wait to travel again."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Incredible CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Florence, Italy


University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Florence Is Incredible But Other Programs Are Much Better Than Capa CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Florence, Italy

"Better understanding of the world and other cultures. The best experience I could ask for"

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Extroidonary CEA CAPA Education Abroad: London, England

"I did an internship and it really helped me professionally, I am still in touch with my supervisor and will see him in a couple weeks in Boulder. I also made friends and got to see how a huge city functions in another part of the world!"

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Paris Is A Place Of Cultural Wonder As Well As Tension, And In It, I Found A New View On The World. CIEE: Paris - Summer Contemporary Music Creation + Critique

"It was worthwhile because I learned so much about the world, and it opened my eyes to the issues that face every country, and every city all over the world. Paris is not exempt from cultural tension and racism, and this dichotomy between the immigrants and the Parisians can be overwhelming. I certainly learned a lot, and, in fac..."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Barcelona: Always A Party ISA Study Abroad in Barcelona, Spain

"My experience was very worthwhile. I was able to experience and live in a culture that was different from my own, which broadened my understandings and view points. I learned how to rely on myself and successfully travel abroad through many different countries."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Sevilla: An Amazing City And Experience CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Seville, Spain

"YES! Go abroad! You will never get another experience like this. It changed my life, and made me grow so much as a person. I never realized how much I didn't know about the world and how much I wanted to see it until I went to Sevilla. "

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Ciee Tropical Ecology And Conservation: Months Of Pure Amazement For The World Around You. CIEE: Monteverde - Summer Tropical Ecology and Conservation

"Yes. It has completely opened my mind to others around the globe. I use the information I learned about the world around us everyday, making positive changes within my own life and the lives of the people around me. "

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Learn Pura Vida In Costa Rica ISA Study Abroad in San José, Costa Rica

"I gained a lot of language skills. I am also much more accepting and have incorporated a little bit of pura vida into my life. I am much more laid back and more interested in exploring different areas, even within the states. Every new experience offers room for growth."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review Isa Barcelona: Where Knowledge And Culture Lead To Success And Freedom ISA Study Abroad in Barcelona, Spain

"Gained great cultural understanding and overall life experience. Challenged me to be fully responsible of my actions while inspiring a sense of adventure for the world."

University of Colorado - Boulder
Past Review I Survived Barcelona ISA Study Abroad in Barcelona, Spain

"Best 5 months of my life, I would give anything to go back. The friends I met I still keep in contact with and I'm very bad with keeping in contact with people when I'm not with them"

University of Colorado - Boulder