
University of Hartford

September 20, 2024

University Information

The mission of the Study Abroad Office is to help prepare you for a journey of a lifetime! With over 60 different destinations to consider for your study abroad opportunity, there's a special place that will work for each and every one of you.

Study in English, or study in the native tongue of the country you select. Go for a year, a semester, a summer or a winter, but just GO! Take regular courses, participate in special programs, or intern in a variety of places, while earning University of Hartford credits. At the Study Abroad Office, we strive to answer all of your questions - including the ones you haven't even thought of yet!

The benefits of world travel are universal, no matter where you study. Inspiration can be found anywhere you go, whether it's in the architecture of castles and cathedrals, the wilderness of the Outback, the mountain ranges of Northern Italy or the local communities where you will stay for the duration of your experience.

Every destination will have a friendly and supportive program director or international office to guide you along the way, helping you achieve the most out of your time away. Each country, each city, and each university has its own distinctive character - something unique that will ultimately draw you to your best choice! So, let's get started by considering them all and begin exploring your future!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Please visit https://www.hartford.edu/academics/study-abroad/ for more information.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Best Time Of My Life! AIFS: Barcelona - Universitat Autònoma Barcelona

"That I made the friends I will keep forever"

University of Hartford
Past Review The Absolute Best Experience I Could Have Ever Dreamed Of The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Gold Coast - Bond University

"I found out a lot about myself, I received new perspectives on many things and generally have a new outlook on life. I got to experience some of the most amazing things in the world, it was worthwhile 1000000 times over"

University of Hartford
Past Review Professional Training In Being A Foreign Correspondent SIT Study Abroad: Morocco - Field Studies in Journalism and New Media

"I learned a lot about practicing journalism in another country and the media industry"

University of Hartford
Past Review The Best Experience I Have Ever Had In My Life API (Academic Programs International): Florence - Lorenzo de’ Medici – The Italian International Institute (LDM)

"i gained knowledge about another place that i could call home. i learned about their food and cultures and the people. it was 100% worthwhile "

University of Hartford
Past Review Spend Every Day Wishying I Could Go Ack. Regent’s University London: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I made some of my best friends, saw places I'd never imagined, and most importantly learned how to exist outside of my everyday life. "

University of Hartford
Past Review The Best Pr Program Study Abroad Europe: PAID Internship in France, PR, Fashion, Art, Business, Marketing, TV

"During my experience abroad, I gained greater perspective with my studies, and got to see a practical experience from another angle. The professors were incredible, and even more insightful than some of those I've taken classes with back home. It was an amazing opportunity and definitely worthwhile"

University of Hartford
Past Review Eye Opening API (Academic Programs International): London - University of the Arts, London

"saw how big the world is, learned useful information about my major, great experience!"

University of Hartford
Past Review Designing Abroad In England API (Academic Programs International): London - University of the Arts, London

"I learned a lot from my tutors and peers which enriched and expanded my learning beyond my home university experience. "

University of Hartford
Past Review The Semester That Changed My Life The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Dunedin - University of Otago

"Being aboard has taught me a lot of personal things about myself and brought in new changes to my life and the perspective on the world and people. The kind hearted people of New Zealand has spread it's love towards me and inspired me in all sorts of ways to grow as a person. Everyone that goes aboard will tell you that going ab..."

University of Hartford
Past Review New Experiences University of Georgia: Studies Abroad Program in Cortona, Italy

"Differences in culture, similarities between Spanish and Italian that helped me learn Italian better since I had taken 4 years of Spanish in high school, a new mindset, gained new skills in fine arts such as ceramics and jewelry/metals"

University of Hartford
Past Review Absolutely Amazing! University of Georgia: Studies Abroad Program in Cortona, Italy

"Independence - yes it was."

University of Hartford
Past Review Learning About Art In A Place Filled With The Old Masters' Works University of Georgia: Studies Abroad Program in Cortona, Italy

"I gained a lot of confidence in my own artwork and also learned a few new mediums to work with. I also got more real world experience such as handling my money and communicating with others. It was a worthwhile experience."

University of Hartford
Past Review The Semester Of A Lifetime AIFS: Rome - Richmond in Rome and Internship Program

"I grew in so many ways that I never even knew were possible. It was truly the best choice of my life."

University of Hartford
Past Review Life Changing Starting With New Perspectives! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Brisbane - Queensland University of Technology

"Through the culture lived in Australia I learned to be more stress free. I learned to take time to explore and be more independent. The experience was amazing and I wish I could do it all over again."

University of Hartford
Past Review Worth Any Amount Of Debt I Have Gained University of Georgia: Studies Abroad Program in Cortona, Italy

"Yes it was worth while. I experienced a new life pace, and experienced being disconnected from electronics and social media; which was lovely. "

University of Hartford
Past Review A Semester Of Self Reflection! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Gold Coast - Bond University

"It is hard to sum up in words the experience that I had abroad. I have realized that there is a feeling of change, the knowledge of self progress, and the urge to continue traveling within myself. Simply stated my experience abroad gave me the opportunity to learn more about myself, my capabilities, and how to trust my own decis..."

University of Hartford
Past Review 2 Months Of Exploring And Accepting Different Ways To Learn! University of the Arts London - Integrated Study Abroad

"Yes completely, I learned about how a different approach to teaching fine art is invaluable to the way I continue my art practice. "

University of Hartford
Past Review A Wild Life Changing Experience University of Georgia: Studies Abroad Program in Cortona, Italy

"Seeing another part of the world and how other people and place function besides corporate America was cool. It was worthwhile."

University of Hartford
Past Review Amazing City, Horrible School API (Academic Programs International): London - University of the Arts, London

"I loved living in a big city but I also learned that it is not a place I would like to live in in the future. It was worthwhile to be abroad but the school was not."

University of Hartford
Past Review The Best Thing I've Ever Done University of Georgia: Studies Abroad Program in Cortona, Italy

"I learned more about the world and myself then any other experience in my life has ever taught me. Everything we did and saw was so worthwhile and I encourage the experience on everyone."

University of Hartford
Past Review A Semester That Changed My Entire Life And Perspective On Things. The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Wellington - Victoria University of Wellington

"Really, the question should be "what didn't I gain?" I truly learned how to live on my own- cooking, cleaning, classes, traveling, budgeting, international housemates. I learned how to budget my time most effectively and I feel more prepared for the "real" world after I graduate. I know how to build relationships with people fro..."

University of Hartford
Past Review The Best Experience I Have Ever Had! University of the Arts London - Integrated Study Abroad

"I learned a sense of self confidence and open-mindedness. Traveling to different countries and adjusting to a new culture has showed me what I can do for myself. "

University of Hartford
Past Review Amazingly Life Changing University of Georgia: Studies Abroad Program in Cortona, Italy

"i learned about how my family would be in italy and i learned a different type of environment. i appreciate much more in life now going abroad "

University of Hartford
Past Review Best Experience Of My Life. API (Academic Programs International): Florence - Lorenzo de’ Medici – The Italian International Institute (LDM)

"I learned that traveling the world is amazing because, you get to open your eyes up to a different view on life and different cultures."

University of Hartford