University of Hartford
University Information
The mission of the Study Abroad Office is to help prepare you for a journey of a lifetime! With over 60 different destinations to consider for your study abroad opportunity, there's a special place that will work for each and every one of you.
Study in English, or study in the native tongue of the country you select. Go for a year, a semester, a summer or a winter, but just GO! Take regular courses, participate in special programs, or intern in a variety of places, while earning University of Hartford credits. At the Study Abroad Office, we strive to answer all of your questions - including the ones you haven't even thought of yet!
The benefits of world travel are universal, no matter where you study. Inspiration can be found anywhere you go, whether it's in the architecture of castles and cathedrals, the wilderness of the Outback, the mountain ranges of Northern Italy or the local communities where you will stay for the duration of your experience.
Every destination will have a friendly and supportive program director or international office to guide you along the way, helping you achieve the most out of your time away. Each country, each city, and each university has its own distinctive character - something unique that will ultimately draw you to your best choice! So, let's get started by considering them all and begin exploring your future!
Important Dates and Deadlines
Please visit for more information.
"It was without a doubt one of the greatest things I have ever done. "
laura.ackerson University of Hartford
"I think so. I learned some Hebrew, and I had the opportunity to live independently in a foreign country. The chocolate croissants were also amaaaaaaaaaaaazing."
Cotton McKnight University of Hartford
JessicaIngalls University of Hartford
"I think it was very worthwhile. I gained perspective on my future and how I've been living my life. I've refocused on what I feel is important and found a new appreciation for all the people in my life."
Gabriella M University of Hartford
"I gained a lot of independence"
Hickersonam University of Hartford
Michelle - Barcelona University of Hartford
"I would do it again in a second...I wish I were there for an entire year"
Kris University of Hartford
"Yes, worthwhile. Met a lot of new friends, traveled a lot. I would not recommend staying in England the entire time though. Travel as much as possible, don't fill your schedule too much, because Stafford gets dull quickly. "
Jason University of Hartford
"It was definately worthwhile. I was able to learn things about people and cultures that just isn't possible in a class room or in the United States."
CHeag University of Hartford
"Absolutly, I would not trade this experience for the world. I am so much more open minded and alot more independent. I have traveled to so many different places, experiencing many different cultures that makes me a more well rounded indivual."
Eric B University of Hartford
Grace P University of Hartford
"It was definitely worthwhile. I gained a lot of patience and confidence in life that I hadn't had before. I feel much better about talking to people, and better about my abilities to cope with situations outside my comfort zone."
annaeliza09 University of Hartford
"I feel i have said why it was the best in all my other responses above. This trip taught me things about myself i did not know. I learned travel things and personal skills. I also learned communication skills. If i were able to go abroad again i would in a heartbeat. "
Aaron W University of Hartford
"My study abraod experience was 100% worthwhile due to the life exeriences I gained, though the technicalities of the educational transfer proved to be a nightmare."
RyanDeLaney University of Hartford
"The study abroad experience was worth every bit i put into it (energy, money, stress,thought,etc). What i gained from it was independence, knowledge , friends, understanding of a whole new culture, chances of a life time. Most importantly, a whole new outlook on life."
civ. eng. University of Hartford
"Barcelona, Spain, was probably the best decision i have ever made in my life. They all say that when you go abroad or perhaps just Barcelona, that you are running away from something. Sometimes it's true, but sometimes you need to just leave and get away from America to appreciate, what you have at home, change, group up become ..."
Tashie University of Hartford
Robert B University of Hartford
"The musical experiences were invaluable. The University of Hartford is completely incapable of giving a legitimate education. The experience is what you make of it. You can either take in everything the city has to offer, or study while taking a 5 month vacation. I saw many students do the latter, and I know they won't regret th..."
Jeff University of Hartford
"I gained a whole new set of wonderful people in my life as friends and I gained a whole "second family" who's doors are always open for me. I'm planning to visit them all in January. "
jamie d University of Hartford
" above."
Bethany University of Hartford
"yes, definitely."
david h University of Hartford
"Most definitely. It was like going to school in paridise. I learned so much academicly, socially and about myself. I feel like I have grown and gained so much."
Katelyn University of Hartford
"It was 100% worthwhile and I wouldn't have changed it for the world. The only thing I would have done differently was stay for the year instead of only one semester. I strongly recomment for everyone to study abroad at least for one semester."
Sheila G University of Hartford
"It was because if I didn't get to study abroad then I would have never got to Australia and New Zealand for so long. "
Alexander S University of Hartford
"Yes. I gained friends, knowledge on topics I couldn't study in America, cultural experiences. "
Britt1688 University of Hartford