University of Kentucky

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Kentucky. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. We also hope that these first-hand accounts of education abroad from previous students at your institution will help you understand what to expect from study abroad and help you set your expectations. If you are a University of Kentucky student, please check with the UK International Center for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review An Experience I Will Take With Me The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Gold Coast - Bond University

"I know how to adapt, how different but beautiful other countries were, I grew to appreciate the native aboriginees of Australia, and gained an international perspective of the world. It was absolutely worthwhile."

University of Kentucky
Past Review The Best Experience I've Ever Had So Far In Life! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Sydney - University of New South Wales

"There are so many things I gained from my time abroad but the most important thing I gained from my experience was independence. It takes a lot of guts to fly across the world, not knowing a single person, for 5 months and be okay. It was definitely worthwhile. "

University of Kentucky
Past Review Boy, That Went By Fast! University of Nicosia - Global Semesters: Nicosia - Semester in Cyprus

"Learning about other people, my US roommates and fellow students."

University of Kentucky
Past Review Altering Mexico Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Be aware of your surroundings "

University of Kentucky
Past Review Amazing Experience Interning And Exploring Australia The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Australia Internship Program

"I learned so much through my internship that will help me in the future. I also learned about Australia's different culture. I loved every minute of this entire experience. "

University of Kentucky
Past Review Most Insightful, Adventurous Summer Yet Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"I gained a sense of confidence in trying to speak spanish. I also got a sense of what the lifestyle is of a typical family in Costa Rica. It was definitely worthwhile, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. "

University of Kentucky
Past Review Best. Summer. Ever. Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"I became conversational in Spanish, gained a ton of confidence and independence, and had a blast."

University of Kentucky
Past Review A Summer Of New Experiences University of Nicosia - Global Semesters: Nicosia - Summer in Cyprus: Animal Science

"Practical knowledge about breeds and management of farm animals from a different country's perspective. Yes, I can utilize this knowledge moving forward with my coursework."

University of Kentucky
Past Review Exhilarating! KEI Abroad in Dublin, Ireland

"I learned to always have an open mind to learning a new culture, it was very worth my while."

University of Kentucky
Past Review Poorly Organized Waste Of Money EuroScholars: Stockholm - Karolinska Insitutet

"My experience allowed me to increase my lab abilities and see some beautiful locations but given how poorly I was treated and how poorly it was run, it was not worth the 11,000 dollar investment. "

University of Kentucky
Past Review Eye Opening Program That Emerges Students In Education As Well As The Experience Swan Valley Connections: Landscape and Livelihood

"This program taught far beyond a traditional classroom setting. Although I learned the typical material, I also learned what it meant to be a part of a progressive community and how to work daily with those around you to improve or protect the place you live. Most importantly, this program really showed me how to apply the knowl..."

University of Kentucky
Past Review Incredible Opportunities And Adventure! Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"I learned about myself, the culture and beauty of Costa Rica, the richness of the Spanish language, and the value of exploring the world."

University of Kentucky
Past Review A Life Made Of Gold: Life On The Gold Coast The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Gold Coast - Griffith University

"If I could sum all of Australia up in one word, it would be unforgettable. Everything we did there, from scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef with TEAN, to going on adventures in the rainforest, to sunset dinner cruises and everything in between, it was all unforgettable. The friends I met and the lessons I learned are ones I won..."

University of Kentucky
Past Review Oaxaca Will Change Your Life Mexico Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Oaxaca is unlike any other place I have ever visited and it changed the way that I look at my own life in the United States. Mexico is the perfect place to learn Spanish and Oaxaca offers many opportunities to learn in-depth about social and political issues. I could not recommend this program more. "

University of Kentucky
Past Review A Very Different Experience University of Nicosia - Global Semesters: Nicosia - Semester in Cyprus

"I learned more about cultures and the differences of how people act compared to Americans. It was worthwhile."

University of Kentucky
Past Review The Best Experience Of My Life! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN: The Australian Semester

"I can honestly say that studying abroad has made me think and live differently. I take advantage of more opportunities and resources now. Studying abroad in Australia has allowed me to see parts of the world I may not have seen otherwise. It helped me push my own boundaries and challenge myself. My advice to students who are thi..."

University of Kentucky
Past Review View Changing SAI Study Abroad: Florence - Florence University of the Arts (FUA)

"I learned so much about different ways that cultures present hospitality and how people view tourism. I learned a lot about the Italian culture that I think is important to incorporate in American culture. As my Italian professor told us, we have to work to find the best ingredients to develop the best glass of wine, just as we ..."

University of Kentucky
Past Review Studying Abroad In Sydney Will Be The Best Decision You Ever Make!! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN: The Australian Semester

"There are so many lessons I learned while abroad. Not only were my classes extremely beneficial and fun but I learned about local food, culture, people and even the history of Australia. I learned as much about Sydney as I know about my hometown in Chicago. I learned how to use the bus system alone. I learned how to scuba dive. ..."

University of Kentucky
Past Review Adventurous Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"I learned about a culture different than my own, and I think I am more well rounded because of it. It was definitely worthwhile because I learned a lot about myself and others through this experience. "

University of Kentucky
Past Review Adventure Of A Lifetime Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"The power of saying "yes" to new experiences and challenges, how laughter and love and family intertwines cultures, and how every day of this wonderful life is an adventure. "

University of Kentucky
Past Review Sol Is The Program I Could Have Chosen! Mexico Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"What I gained, besides near fluency in Spanish, was confidence and determination. This program was definitely worth while!"

University of Kentucky
Past Review Best Semester Of My Life CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Aix-en-Provence, France

"I gained so much from the experience. Aside from the obvious language and culture training, I met lifelong friends. My roommate from Aix will even be in my wedding next summer! But most importantly, I learned how to function completely on my own."

University of Kentucky
Past Review Game Changer University of South Florida: Florence - Florence University of the Arts

"I learned a lot about another culture and how the people in Italy live. I learned to just jump into activities and traveling, and to trust myself enough to feel comfortable in those situations. The one thing I wish I would have done is volunteer. "

University of Kentucky
Past Review Lifechanging KEI Abroad in London, England

"Confidence and learned how to be a real adult. Absolutely worthwhile. "

University of Kentucky
Past Review No Worries Mate, Just Go! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Sydney - University of New South Wales

"Oooooohhhh yeahhhhh it was worthwhile. It cost me a fair amount but it was totally worth every single 5 cent piece (Australia doesn't have pennies). Studying abroad will literally be the best time of your life so just do it! I really learned how to experience and appreciate other cultures and other people. I learned how to handl..."

University of Kentucky