University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Massachusetts Amherst. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Massachusetts Amherst student, please check with the Education Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I gained a lot while studying abroad (knowledge, experience in a foreign country, friendships that will last a lifetime, experiences I will never forget)"
Alex Krell University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"In addition to memories and friends that will last a lifetime, I gained many valuable life skills: independence, confidence, adaptability, cross-cultural communication, the ability to work through difficult situations. Study abroad is probably the most worthwhile and beneficial thing that I’ve done in college. Everything that I ..."
Jill University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"I could not have asked for a better study abroad experience. I gained so many life long friends and traveled to more places than I could have imagined. I learned how to travel at an affordable price, the safest and easiest ways to get around cities, and became more of an overall independent person."
Emily Pahl University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"The teaching style is different in Ghana than in America. I definitely appreciated experiencing a different style of teaching as well as a completely different style of life and am humbled to understand the reality of their daily existence more fully. "
Tahnee Fallis University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"Too much to just write here. Learned how to cook, live on my own, figure out how to deal with health related issues like going to the hospital alone etc. "
Stelliana Benson University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"I gained self confidence, independence, and a love for travel. "
Andrea N University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"Sant'Anna has given me the drive and opportunity to find my passion while working with a gorgeous backdrop. While working in an international setting has not alway been the easiest thing to do it is rewarding day after day. My internship allows me to work independently and collaboratively with Italian staff members and Ameri..."
A student University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"Whether it's in Latin America, Europe, etc., I HIGHLY recommend studying or interning abroad to EVERYONE. Studying abroad in Costa Rica has definitely been one of the highlights in my undergraduate career, and if I had the chance to I would go to Europe, preferably Italy, France, Spain, or Czech Republic! While I was abroad, I f..."
Kalina P University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"It was absolutely worthwhile. I made friends who have become really important parts of my life and have inspired me and helped me find pieces of myself that I had lost. I learned so much about tropical ecology, conservation, and culture, but also learned a lot about myself."
Anwyn D University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"Totally incredible experience, I learned so much and have a new view of the world."
A student University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"CAPA made me more independent and ready for the future. I wouldn't have any of the amazing job opportunities I've been blessed with if I hadn't gone."
Jane K University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"I learned a lot about public health, especially in the global context. This program was the start of my international global health interest and it only further inspired me to continue. "
Samantha . University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"I learned a lot about independence, time and money management, and breaking out of my shell. "
Griffin D University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"I evolved so much as a person and became so much more independent and mature. I now know that I can do anything I set my mind to and have the ability to do whatever I want."
Maggie M University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"I learned so much about my self and my work ethic. My internship helped me figure out what I want to do with my life after I graduate. It was well worth the money. "
Julia E University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"I gained so many new life skills from this program! Being able to intern in another country helped me learn so much, and will definitely boost my resume."
Luz A University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"The Health and Community Development program at SIT offered everything I was looking for in a study abroad experience: a coursework focused on public health issues, a hands-on learning approach, complete cultural immersion, lifelong friendships, and the opportunity to learn a new language in its native environment. I was able to..."
Jennifer D University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"It was incredibly worthwhile. I feel that this experience has permanently changed me. I will return to Lebanon inshallah, I can't imagine not coming back here. I'm already looking to apply to Graduate School."
Mike A University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"A broader world perspective. Yes, it was absolutely worthwhile. It's amazing to think about the stereotypes we (Americans) have of Africa. I really appreciate the fact that I can accurately speak to those now. "
A student University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"I learned how easy it is to meet people from other countries and people with other backgrounds."
A student University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"I learned a lot about myself. It was the first time I was entirely on my own ever, and that initial isolation from close family & friends was terrifying. But because of that, I became a stronger person and my values & belief in myself is more solid than it ever has been. I love the person I became after study abroad!"
Catherine T University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"I learned about all sorts of conservation skills, like bird ringing and electrofishing. I also made lots of friends and got to see a lot of the country. I learned a lot about Scottish culture and history. Very worthwhile trip."
A student University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"hands on experience"
Ella L University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"Everything about traveling abroad is useful, even the negative parts. I learned so much about other Americans, Chinese people, and myself. Alliance was an excellent program and facilitated my personal growth in so many ways. "
Ryan S University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass
"I saw the world."
Ali H University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass