University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Minnesota. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Minnesota student, please check with the Learning Abroad Center for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I still stay in contact with all 14 other students from my trip. 3 of them go to school/live close to each other and I even went to visit them. "
Vasili N University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"For me, my participation in MSID Senegal confirmed my desire to pursue a career in international development. It also strengthened my language skills and gave me experience using French language, specifically in disciplines that are relevant to my career goals. I appreciate very much having had the opportunity to live abroad ..."
Jace G. University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I really gained more knowledge of South American economies, which I can apply to my studies at my university. I loved being able to learn the cultures of South America and their values. It was tough adjusting at some points, but totally worthwhile. "
Mollie Abts University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"After living by myself for 5 months in Egypt, I can easily say I was shocked by how independent and self-sufficient I became. Working through a language barrier in your daily life isn't easy, but things got much easier after the first few weeks "
Hanna Madkour University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I learned so much about Italian food and the culture surrounding food in Italy. In addition, I developed my Italian language skills. "
Lauren Pahmeier University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I learned how to be more at ease with uncertainty and to embrace the ambiguity that is present in times of growth. I also gained a great deal of independence and confidence in the person I am and am growing into. My language skills also greatly improved and I learned to how to empathize with others better. This experience was mo..."
A student University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"My experience there was more than worthwhile. I get emotional thinking about the bonds I made with Argentinians, international students, and other American students while I was there. I am fluent in Spanish now, which is so nice. Using Spanish day to day helped me perfect it. I learned that there aren't as many differences as I ..."
Emily Frey University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"New cultural perspectives, a lot on what is being done to effectively protect the environment, a new language, and experience teaching English Abroad"
A student University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I learned a lot about myself as an individual and as a Lebanese-American. I gained experience with what I want to do professionally (I volunteered with two different Syrian refugee NGOs). "
Celine Ammash University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I learned about myself, most importantly that I cannot control everything and that is okay. This was the most worthwhile thing that I could have done in my life so far. "
A student University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I learned how to thrive in a foreign country and gained the ability to use my resources when things may not be easy. Especially since there was a language barrier, I think it was really important to get accustomed quickly in order to communicate with locals. "
Simran University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I learned how much I love the country as a whole and their culture. I have always wanted to go there, but now I am trying to do everything I can to finish my studies there in either Biochemistry or Medicine and eventually live there."
A student University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I think the biggest thing I gained from the program was confidence. "
A student University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"This is impossible to sum up briefly; but I gained a lot of knowledge specifically about Catalan culture, but also independence and a more open mind to other cultures. "
Kiaran Hartnett University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"This experience was absolutely worthwhile. I feel during my time abroad that learning was not isolated within the classroom / homework experience, but that learning was everywhere. You can learn about history and politics at school, but also through casual conversations with people who experienced these things. Going to events a..."
Leila Awadallah University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"gained more independence. yes it was worthwhile "
A student University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I learned how to be more self-sufficient, how to cook better, and even a little bit of a new language."
A student University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"My favorite part of study abroad wasn't the studying. It was the travel. UEA's long Easter break (as well as shorter breaks here and there) allowed me to go all over Europe and the UK. I saw museums and cities that I have always dreamed of visiting. I discovered new places I loved (Scotland) far more than the places I thought I ..."
A student University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"As a PhD student focusing on the interaction of Arabic/Andalusi knowledge in conjunction with Castilian in medieval Iberia, living in Granada--home of the last caliphate--it allowed me to see and experience the magic of Southern Spain and the lasting Arab influences. Furthermore, the professors were fantastic and engaged in many..."
Veronica Menaldi University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I gained tough skin and how to be more independent. "
Kendall University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"Yes it was worthwhile. I learned a lot about myself and what I can handle as well as the way in which others live. "
A student University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I learned a lot about myself and global issues. "
Kennedy University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"It was the most worthwhile thing I have ever done. I learned so much, made a ton of great friends, and visited so many places. Most of all, I became more independent and confident in myself."
Maia University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"I became a much better Spanish speaker, gained a more worldly view, learned to be more easy-going, became more independent, a prepared traveler, and gained more knowledge about Spain. "
R.W. University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
"It was SO worthwhile. I learned all about the EU from my time abroad and gained a whole new perspective on the world. I met so many great people that I will keep in touch with the rest of my life. "
Rachel Rudolph University of Minnesota - Twin Cities