University of Nevada – Las Vegas
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Nevada – Las Vegas. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Nevada, Las Vegas student, please check with the Office of International Programs for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."Language, social skills, international experience, how to socialize, how to open up a little more, how to be more independent definitely, how to be away from family, how to take better pictures, and a larger view of how the world works, what my role is, and what I can do to make it better. "
A student University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"Lots of Spanish, how little I knew about the world around me, and how to be independent and take care of myself anywhere. Every single day of the ten months I was abroad was worth it. "
Kiara Morgan University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"I gained so much from this experience and I appreciate the opportunity. I would 100 percent move to Germany again and I plan on it. I fell in love with the country more than I thought and I can thank this experience. While I would not use this program again, I can say that with it's ups and down's it was a nice experience."
A student University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"Definitely worthwhile. I learned so much about the Spanish/Catalan culture and absolutely love the way they live! It made me want to bring me with me their laid back and loving lifestyle. I made lots of new friends and enforced that you have to completely rely on yourself. "
Natalie H University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"This experience has opened my eyes to a completely new light! I never realized how little I actually knew about the world until I came here. It has helped me understand English culture, and opened my mind in a way that has helped me look at things in a completely different way."
Whitney D University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"I loved it!"
G G University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"Study abroad helped me to improve my personal grow. In my case my parents are very protective so looking myself abroad away from family and friends allowed me to resolve issues and think before taking a decision because there iwas no going to be mommy o daddy who were going to came help me out. I became more independent thanks t..."
Norma R University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"Study abroad for me was extremely worth while. My time abroad opened my eyes to all the beautiful and amazing things, cultures and people that this world has to offer. It has helped me to be more understanding of others and has made me more curious about other cultures. It has influenced me professionally, not only how I design ..."
James C University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"Study abroad for me was extremely worth while. After going on this trip I had decided to take the internship that was offered the following year. My time abroad opened my eyes to all the beautiful and amazing things, cultures and people that this world has to offer. It has helped me to be more understanding of others and has mad..."
James C University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"Yes, study abroad helped open my eyes to the world. I recently returned from an internship in Rome which I can honestly say I probably would have never pursued had it not been for my time spent in Torino. It makes you want to challenge yourself and keep pushing to go somewhere new and exciting. It opens you up to new people and ..."
Casey S University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"I learned things I don't like, and things I like. I learned to accept things I will never understand! It got me interested in a part of the world I never thought about before. It prompted me to teach English, and make a difference. I am currently working and studying in Beijing, China. My experience has also opened up doors for ..."
Hero H University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"I feel that my educational experience is richer and I am more enlightened by the reality of Globalism. I saw first hand how interrelated our "worlds" are such as business. I also learned of a unique culture and am a more well rounded person because of those experiences. My Spanish has improved greatly and I not only know it but ..."
Cecilia E University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"I fell in love with Spain, its culture, its people... I am trying to find my way back. It opens your eyes to a new lifestyle and you decide what to make of your experience.."
Ella C University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"This experience brought me some of the greatest gifts- from the locals who became good friends, to the beauty of the culture, to the art, to the architecture, to the wonderful food, and all the history. There was something new to learn every day. Something new to experience."
Alexandria b University of Nevada – Las Vegas
"It was worthwhile for the experiences of traveling that I made for myself, but I did not feel the program itself actually helped me. I did learn a fair amount about the German culture while I was there."
Sarah A University of Nevada – Las Vegas