
University of Northern Iowa

September 20, 2024

University Information

The University of Northern Iowa's Study Abroad Center (SAC) offers academic opportunities in over 30 countries and administers over 20 faculty-led programs. SAC programs range in duration from 2 weeks to one year and allow students to earn UNI credit while studying abroad. Programs are designed to accommodate student’s program of study.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 1 for Spring semester programs
October 15 for Winter Break programs
December 1 for Spring Break programs
February 15 for Summer programs
March 1 for Fall semester programs

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review England Educational & Fun University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"Yes, but way too expensive. I could have done it cheaper on my own."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Ireland And England: Wonderful Experience! University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"It gave me a greater appreciation for my life in the U.S. It was an amazing experience and I would highly recommend studying abraod to everyone."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Four Country Capstone Was Amazing! University of Northern Iowa: UNI Capstone in Four Countries

"This capstone provided me the experience of working with people from other languages and cultures. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Sacred Space In Italy University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - Sacred Space Honors Capstone in Italy

"The experience was wonderful. I gained an appreciation for the complexity and difficulty of the work undertaken to construct the marvelous things we saw, and enjoyed the cultural aspects of our stay in Italy."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Capstone London& Paris Was A Worthwile Experience University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - UNI Capstone in London and Paris

"I had a lot of fun in London. It was my favorite part of the trip being able to venture out on our own and tour the city without a guide. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Going To Europe Opened My Eyes University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"Yes. Even though it was very expensive and I missed America, I learned a lot about other people and myself and I don't think I could've done that by never traveling abroad."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review England And Ireland: What An Experience. University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"I gained a sense of independence and a confidence that I did not know I had. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review England And Ireland: What An Experience. University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"I gained a sense of independence and a confidence that I did not know I had. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Russia: An Interesting Cultural Experience. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics: Moscow - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, it was an interesting experience, and it made me appreciate how good we have it in the US."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review England/Scotland: Better Than I Could Dream Of! University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - UNI Capstone in England and Scotland

"Yes, I just wish I went somewhere that was more different than the U.S. but I had a great time! It was a good place to go for the first time out of the country. I met amazing people, my professor and leader knew so much and were fun! I loved everything we did."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Italy: Rethink Your Preconceived Notions. University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - Sacred Space Honors Capstone in Italy

"Yes I loved it, it was great experiencing Italian language, food, and culture... also experiencing flying and using different currency. It was an awesome learning experience. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Amazing Scotland University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - UNI Capstone in England and Scotland

"it was amazing and everyone should study abroad"

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Environment, Technology, And Society England And Scotland: A Great Place To Spend Your Capstone. University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - UNI Capstone in England and Scotland

"Yes, I gained a more global perspective and learned more about different cultures. This will help me in future endeavors both academic, professional, and other aspects. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review England And Ireland: A Cultural Experience University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"I had a very informative yet fun experience. I provided me with knowledge that will better me in all aspects of my life. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Amazing And Beautiful University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"Just seeing how everyone lives"

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Europe = Beautiful But America = My Home University of Northern Iowa: UNI Capstone in Four Countries

"Obviously there were some negaitves involved with the program but overall the experience is amazing and I know I will never get another chance like this again. I learned a lot about myself and others. This is definately a once in a lifetime experience with the way the program was set up, traveling with a group, and traveling to ..."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Europe = Beautiful But America = My Home University of Northern Iowa: UNI Capstone in Four Countries

"Obviously there were some negaitves involved with the program but overall the experience is amazing and I know I will never get another chance like this again. I learned a lot about myself and others. This is definately a once in a lifetime experience with the way the program was set up, traveling with a group, and traveling to ..."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Paris: Not All It's Cracked Up To Be" London: "A Whole New Experience" University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - UNI Capstone in London and Paris

"It was fun being in different cultures. I had not traveled to a country before that our money was actually worth less in, that was an interesting change. I would like to return to France and get out of the city, I feel like it would be a whole different experience. Paris was just dirty, smelly, and filled with people trying to g..."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Four Countries: More Time Outside Of School Than In It University of Northern Iowa: UNI Capstone in Four Countries

"This experience has made me more thankful for what I have."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Changed The Way I See Different Things In Life. University of Northern Iowa: UNI Capstone in Four Countries

"Yes it was, I learned a lot about myself and other people. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Study Abroad In France Opened My Eyes To The Culture And Art History In Europe University of Northern Iowa: Paris & Rennes - UNI Capstone in France

"The study abroad experience has opened my eyes to other cultures and the art and history of France. It helped me to broaden my perspectives and become a more well-rounded individual. It has caused me to want to experience more diverse cultures in the future."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Socio Economic Reality Capstone Nicaragua University of Northern Iowa: Managua - UNI Socio-Economic Reality Capstone in Nicaragua

"I am more likely to travel in my future and have realized how important it is to be able to communicate with other cultures effectively."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review London/Ireland:Amazing Trip To Experience! University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"Loved every minute of the trip. It really broaded my horizon when it comes to my future teaching career. "

University of Northern Iowa