
University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse

September 20, 2024

University Information

If you have the desire to experience a new culture, learn about yourself, and have the journey of a lifetime, then you are definitely the kind of person we are looking for! Whether you have questions about studying abroad, or you just want to be kept informed about what's happening at UW-La Crosse, then please become a fan of this page.

Program updates including new locations, scholarships, and special events will be posted. You can also contact the office to set up an appointment with one of the advisors! Let the Study Abroad Office help you become a global citizen!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Please note that the application deadline for summer, fall, and academic year programs is March 1st, and the deadline for spring and January intersession programs is October 1st. SOME PROGRAMS HAVE EARLIER DEADLINES SO BE SURE TO CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION!

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Once In A Lifetime And Unforgettable. University of Wisconsin La Crosse: Ecuador - Building Bridges in Bunche / Service Learning Program to Ecuador

"It was worth every single penny. It was such an eye-opening experience that I will never forget. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review I Literally Can't Even CIEE: St. Petersburg - Russian Area Studies

"Completely worth while. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I met life long friends, and other people who changed my life and my self. I learned to let go and deal with what I can't change, while taking control of what I could. I found self confidence I have lacked my entire life."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Marine Symbiosis University of Wisconsin La Crosse: Marine Symbiosis Program, Winter Session

"I learned that experiments don't always work out the way you wanted and you must be flexible to changes that can occur due to circumstances beyond your control. This was a great trip and class."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Galway Study Abroad University of Galway: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Seeing and immersing in a different culture and way/ pace of life."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review I Didn´T Have A Reason To Travel Before This Trip And Now I Do. Bca Study Abroad: Valladolid Universitas Castellae Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I learned that friends are found wherever you go and that trying new adventures is scary but usually worth the risk."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Journey Of A Lifetime University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Galway - National University of Ireland

"Studying abroad makes you look at your culture and at yourself as an individual person separate from your culture. It allows you to open up your mind and view your everyday activities with a critical eye. You learn new ways to do things and different ways to think. You learn to appreciate what you have and prioritize what truly ..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review An Incredibly Eye Opening Experience ISEP Exchange: Bradford - Exchange Program at University of Bradford

"I really learned so much about the world in general, I was immersed in the British culture and I got to learn the similarities and differences of the country. I also made friends from all over the world and got to learn about their cultures as well! I really just experienced so many things and that was the most incredible part! ..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Wow. ISEP Exchange: Rennes - Exchange Program at Université de Rennes 2 (Haute-Bretagne)

"I learned a lot about myself, I have become less shy and open to more experience. I have learned to question things, and see things more from a different perspective."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Life Changing La Trobe University: Melbourne - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Learned more about myself that I thought I would. I gained a new perspective on the world and on life itself"

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Sevilla, Best City In Spain API (Academic Programs International): Seville - Universidad Pablo de Olavide

"Absolutely. It is worth the headaches of application forms, the meltdowns before leaving and the debts. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review There Are So Many Amazing People And Places Out There. University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Frankfurt - Germany Exchange Program

"Too much about myself and other cultures to explain. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review An 'Other Worldly' Experience Filled With Much Blessings And Many Challenges CIEE: Hyderabad - Arts and Sciences

"I got to see and be a part of a culture that is so very different from mine. I learned how challenging it is to try and live in another culture that functions in a much different way. I got to experience what it is like to be the minority. I learned how to be more independent and how to be okay with be uncomfortable and unsure. ..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Buena Onda! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Buenos Aires, Argentina

"I learned so much about myself living abroad for four months, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!"

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Amazing ISEP Exchange: Buenos Aires - Exchange Program at Universidad del Salvador

"I learned about a completely different way of life, and along the way I learned more about myself and my culture. I also gained many friends around the world. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review I Found My Second Home Across An Ocean, API (Academic Programs International): Dublin - University College Dublin

"I learned to be completely independent. If I made a mistake I alone had to fix it or figure out what to do. It made me realize that I can do anything, The experience was completely worthwhile. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Unforgettable!!! API (Academic Programs International): Limerick - University of Limerick

"I learned to be more independent and I learned about values of other cultures. It was definitely worthwhile to travel and experience new opportunities!! "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Enlightening ISEP Exchange: Accra - Exchange Program at University of Ghana

"It was very worthwhile, I learned more than i could say in a paragraph."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Completely Original Experiences That Can Only Be Seen In Buenos Aires CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Buenos Aires, Argentina

"There is an unexplainable affect that studying abroad does to you. Being immersed in a culture completely different from your own changes you in ways that nothing else can."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Excellent! EducatorsAbroad: Traveling - Student Teaching (10-18 Weeks)

"I learned more about British culture and went to London for four days to see all of the exciting sights! The school was lovely and everyone was so kind."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Whirlwind API (Academic Programs International): Budapest - Corvinus University of Budapest

"I learned so much that I don't know where to start. This program taught me to be independent, organized, open minded and to trust my instincts. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Seville Won My Heart! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Seville, Spain

"I learned to live life at a slower pace to enjoy it to the fullest, meet all kinds of people from different cultures & backgrounds, don't be shy, never have regrets, and do things that will make you happy. It was the most worthwhile experience of my life."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Best Experience Of My Life! La Trobe University: Melbourne - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I realized that there is so much of the world to learn that you can't learn in the classroom. In a year, I've learned so much about myself and the world that I never thought possible. Definitely worth my while."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Touch The Sky. CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"My experience abroad was definitely worthwhile! I learned to live life to the fullest and go on every adventure possible. Also, to not compare yourself to others since we all have histories and the fun part is getting to know that history of others! Finally, I learned to just pick up and travel- experience new cultures, try new ..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review The Semester That Changed My Life! API (Academic Programs International): Barcelona - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

"I learned SO much about myself while abroad. Living in a different country is unlike any experience you could imagine. You learn to love what is different from home which opens your mind even more. The people you meet while studying abroad are friends you'll keep the rest of your life because they are the only ones who know how ..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse