
University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse

September 20, 2024

University Information

If you have the desire to experience a new culture, learn about yourself, and have the journey of a lifetime, then you are definitely the kind of person we are looking for! Whether you have questions about studying abroad, or you just want to be kept informed about what's happening at UW-La Crosse, then please become a fan of this page.

Program updates including new locations, scholarships, and special events will be posted. You can also contact the office to set up an appointment with one of the advisors! Let the Study Abroad Office help you become a global citizen!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Please note that the application deadline for summer, fall, and academic year programs is March 1st, and the deadline for spring and January intersession programs is October 1st. SOME PROGRAMS HAVE EARLIER DEADLINES SO BE SURE TO CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION!

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Past Review Navigating Parisian Life CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Paris, France

"I got to see another way of life."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review The Hong Kong Experience University of Hong Kong / HKU: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I loved my time abroad and I want to go back to Asia in the near future. I learned a lot about myself, different cultures, and different forms of politics while there. I enjoy challenging myself and being independent and living abroad offers that kind of life."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Yay Ecuador!!! Best Time Ever! University of Wisconsin La Crosse: Ecuador - Building Bridges in Bunche / Service Learning Program to Ecuador

"YES! I miss the laid back lifestyle and the welcoming attitudes of the native people. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Eye Opening Experience! Service Learning University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Dominican Republic Alternative Spring Break

"I gained a motivation and determination to make a difference in people's lives here in the United States as well. I saw how feasible it was to do and want to continue doing that in both my personal and professional life. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Building Bridges In Bunche: An Eye Opening Experience University of Wisconsin La Crosse: Ecuador - Building Bridges in Bunche / Service Learning Program to Ecuador

"I learned a lot about myself and the world. It was only eleven days, but it is safe for me to say that this experience opened my eyes to how big and diverse the world is. I now have a thirst to keep traveling and experiencing other cultures in less touristy ways."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Learned Everything Outside Of Class Exchange: Hessen - Hessen-Wisconsin Exchange

"I really didn't learn much german or really any other school related things. I did learn so much about cultures and their perceptions of the USA. i also just got so many new perspectives on life and i feel like i really grew as a person. i am much more independant now and am comfortable and confident in virtually any situatio..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review The Wonderful Land Of Oz: I'd Go Back In A Heartbeat! La Trobe University: Melbourne - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Hands down worth it! I learned so much about myself, became more independent and confident in myself, and you really learn to be flexible. With traveling around the country I came across a few instances where I just needed to roll with the punches and everything worked out. I met some of the most amazing people while I was there..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Amazing Trip To Nepal And India Medical Service Trip University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Nepal / India Service Learning Trip

"Yes, I met a lot of great people and realized I want to travel more. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review New Zealand: An Experience Of A Lifetime University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: New Zealand & Sydney: Humans, Business, and the Environment

"It was the trip of a lifetime. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. It has impacted me by realizing how far behind the US is with sustainability and what other countries are doing to be ahead of us. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Nz & Sydney, Australia Best Month Of My Life University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: New Zealand & Sydney: Humans, Business, and the Environment

"I know have a better understanding and awareness on sustainability in the US and how much we are lacking in comparison to especially NZ. This trip has pushed me to want to travel much more than ever before. I also now appreciate how inexpensive the lifestyle is in the US "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Denmark; Exciting, Memorable, And Difficult All At The Same Time. Copenhagen Business School: Copenhagen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes,I became more personable and better at doing things on my own. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Experience A Cultural Awakening In Italy UW-Platteville Education Abroad at The American University of Rome (AUR)

"My study abroad experience was definitely worthwhile. I got to experience a new culture by being immersed into it. I learned the language and had the opportunity to have an instructor guide me around the city. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Valladolid, Spain Is My Second Home! Universitas Castellae: Valladolid - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"YES. I learned to understand native speakers of Spanish better as well as gained confidence in my ability to hold a conversation in another language!"

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Peru: The Greatest Experience I Have Had CIEE: Lima - Liberal Arts

"I loved living with a family so that I could learn more about the culture. I took direct enrollment courses, so I wasn't just studying the language in school, I was taking regular classes in Spanish. I feel like I learned a lot that way. I learned more about relating to and understanding people from other cultures, and also how..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Granada: A Great Place To Learn Spanish. API (Academic Programs International): Granada - Universidad de Granada

"Of course, I improved my language skills SO MUCH! It was fantastic."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Granada: A Great Place To Learn Spanish. API (Academic Programs International): Granada - Universidad de Granada

"Of course, I improved my language skills SO MUCH! It was fantastic."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Studying In New Zealand Was A Life Changing Experience That Made Me A Better Teacher! Study Abroad Programs in New Zealand

"I learned how to teach a diverse group of high school students from a different country, which broadened my skill-set as a teacher."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Alicante: An Unforgettable Month! Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"The study abroad experience was definitely worthwhile. I became more culturally aware and definitely improved on my Spanish speaking skills. I learned so much about their culture and learned a lot that I will use in my future."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Marburg, Germany Opened My Eyes To A Whole New World Philipps-Universität / University of Marburg: Marburg -International Undergraduate Study Program / IUSP

"Yes, I learned so much about myself. I changed for the better. I am far more outgoing, and I always want to go on a new adventure now. I am so excited for my future becuase I know after stuyding abroad I can do anything."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Alicante: Best Decision I've Made. Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I improved a lot in the language. I also gained a lot of self-confidence and appreciation for my life in the US. Prior to leaving, I just wanted to improve my Spanish speaking. Now I want to go back and become fluent."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse