University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee student, please check with the UWM Center for International Education for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Best Place To Learn About The Eu And Close To Many European Cultures! CEPA Foundation: Strasbourg - EU Studies Semester Abroad Program

"It was a ideal setting to learn and experience French culture, close to Germany and other countries as well. It was an interesting experience to view the lifestyles of another culture over a long time and see what parts of your life that you never thought about might be able to be changed or improved by thinking about it differe..."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Strasbourg, My New Home Away From Home! CEPA Foundation: Strasbourg - EU Studies Semester Abroad Program

"I still have 2 months of the program left, but have had an incredible time here. I’ve traveled many places in Europe and have met some of the most amazing friends. The university has given me opportunities to grow academically in ways I don’t think my home university would have been able to do. "

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review So Much More Than A Resume Booster American Councils (ACTR): Business Russian Language and Internship (BRLI) Program

"My two months in Moscow interning as a translator at CRO I gained valuable insight into the Russian business work culture. I made many contacts and learned how business and work, in general, differ from how we conduct business in the U.S. I was able to enhance my knowledge while during my internship, and after when I could ask q..."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review It Was An Amazing Experience To See A Lot Of Other Cultures First Hand CEPA Foundation: Strasbourg - EU Studies Semester Abroad Program

"I learned so many things about other cultures through the other international students I met in classes. It was fascinating to see the similarities and differences between education, and the way everybody lives in Europe. "

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Semester Of A Lifetime American Councils (ACTR): Advanced Russian Language & Area Studies Program (RLASP)

"My experiece was worth while. I learned a lot about myself but I learned even more about the Russian langauge and culutre. Living with a family allows you to see how Russians live and you can pick up on the differences of how the language is spoken at home and in the classroom. It provides you with amazing resources to learn abo..."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Best Experience Of My 20s! API (Academic Programs International): Rome - John Cabot University

"I learned the value of perspectives and patience. It was worthwhile x100 round. I will value everything I learned over those four months for the rest of my life."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Live In Vilhelmsro Jonkoping University: Jonkoping - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned how to be independent and learned how big the world is. This was my first international experience. "

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Interesting But A Great Experience CEPA Foundation: Strasbourg - EU Studies Semester Abroad Program

"I have learned so much about travel, the cultures, people from all over the world, and so much more. 100% worthwhile!"

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Reality Check, Learning Expirence, Incredibly Fun, Would Do It Again Instituto Franklin-UAH: Alcalá de Henares - Study Abroad in Spain

"I learned a lot about myself both as a person and academically. I matured and gained a lot of confidence in the time I was in Spain. I also improved on my academics and had some great professors. It was definately worthwhile."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Invaluable Adventure! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Ho Chi Minh City - Semester in Vietnam

"This was the most enlightening experience I've ever had. I gained insight into two new cultures as well as a region of the world I new nothing about. I learned a lot about myself too, putting myself in situations (good and slightly uncomfortable) that I had never thought about before. "

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Once In A Lifetime Opportunity CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Internships in Seville

"I interned with a well-known TV production company in Southern Spain and learned so much about the entertainment industry and Spanish work culture. My Spanish improved so much since my coworkers knew minimal English and now I have valuable connections (and friendships) in Spain to carry with me. "

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Kuisc 2017 Review! Korea University: Seoul - International Summer Campus

"I think most importantly on my trip, I gained confidence in my language speaking skills. Having to use the taxi and order at restaurants forced me to develop my use of the language and speak more instead of letting my fear get the best of me. "

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Life Changind Instituto Franklin-UAH: Alcalá de Henares - Study Abroad in Spain

"My Spanish got a lot better i learned a lot about the European Union and the history of Madrid, my host family was very nice i traveled around Europe, it was definitely worthwhile"

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review The Places I Saw Were Amazing And So Were The People I Met. Beijing Normal University: Beijing - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Just an understanding of how other people in the world live."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Eye Opening And A Learning Experience In Seville UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the Spanish-American Institute of International Education (SAIIE)

"It was worth my time and I do not regret going at all. It was the perfect amount of time for my particular goals."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review La Manca La'italia!!!! Study Abroad at SRISA: Accredited Semester - Fine Arts, Liberal Arts and Design

"I learned how to be on my own. how to interact in the world outside of my small hometown. it was worth everything. "

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Just Go Study Abroad at SRISA: Accredited Semester - Fine Arts, Liberal Arts and Design

"I gained an awareness of those around me. I'm a white suburban middle class girl, and so I have never been in a situation that took me really outside of my comfort zone. This experience did that. I did not speak the same language as the majority, and so it taught me patience with those learning English. I also learned the true m..."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Learn, See And Do CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Paris, France

"I really learned a lot about myself while abroad. I became more wise about where I was spending my money. I became more self reliant and independent. And I became a more well rounded student with a huge new found respect for different cultures. "

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Best Decision Of My Life! American College Dublin: Irish Language & Culture Program

"I learned so much that it is hard to pinpoint one thing. Met a ton of awesome people, traveled a ton, had classes with people for over 10 different countries, etc. "

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review The Magic Of Morocco AMIDEAST: Rabat - Regional Studies in French

"I learned that people are people wherever you go, but US citizens could really learn a LOT from Moroccans. I've learned that contrary to popular belief, most people are indifferent about Americans. We aren't hated nor loved."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review I Love Jordan AMIDEAST: Amman - Area & Arabic Language Studies

"I could live in a country like Jordan, and I love the Arabic language. I just think it was an overall great experience."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Life Changing ThisWorldMusic: Traveling - Study in Ghana: Music, Arts, Culture

"I grew as an artitst and as an educator"

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review The Past And Present Collide In Amman FIE: Conflict and the Struggle for Peace: Explorations in Ireland and the Middle East

"It was worthwhile. I learned a lot about the world and myself."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Life Changing, Amazing Semester In Jordan AMIDEAST: Amman - Area & Arabic Language Studies

"Definitely. My understanding of culture is what improved the most. I'm currently living abroad, and have plans to study for my grad degree abroad as well."

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Past Review Amideast Amman: Daily Adventures And Memorable Experiences AMIDEAST: Amman - Area & Arabic Language Studies

"I improved my language skills and built understanding of the region and culture that I could not have otherwise known. I look for any opportunity to go back!"

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee