
University of Wisconsin - Platteville

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Wisconsin - Platteville. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. UW-Platteville sponsored program are offered nationally and any student can apply to one of our 6 amazing programs in:
-Seville, Spain
-Rome, Italy
-London, England
-Newcastle, Australia
-Suva, Fiji
-Nagasaki, Japan

If you are interested in apply to any of our programs, please check with the Education Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Deadline for Summer, Fall, and Academic Year Apps: April 15th
Deadline for Calendar Year, Spring, and Winter Apps: December 15th

Please contact Sami at studyabroad@uwplatt.edu for more information on our programs!

Sort by: Date | Rating
05/26/2022 Prospering Post Pandemic SAI Study Abroad: Barcelona - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)

"I improved my Spanish, experienced a new culture, lived in a big city, made a bunch of new friends with very different backgrounds than myself, and just gained an appreciation for a different community that I didn't have beforehand."

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Truly A Life Changing Experience UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the Spanish-American Institute of International Education (SAIIE)

"A lot more knowledge about spanish and Europe in general."

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review The Best Way To Learn About Yourself And Explore The World. UW-Platteville Education Abroad at St Mary's University (SMU)

"I learned how to be independent. I can really trust myself to do anything and that I know how to handle difficult situations. "

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Loving London UW-Platteville Education Abroad at St Mary's University (SMU)

"I gained a lot of cultural awareness and I learned how to work with many different people from different backgrounds so it was very worthwhile in my opinion"

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Maravilloso Experiencia En EspaƱa UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the Spanish-American Institute of International Education (SAIIE)

"My Spanish ability has increased tremendously. Being able to travel around Europe was the experience of the lifetime. Definitely worthwhile to delay graduation."

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review The Highlight Of My College Carer. Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences: Darmstadt - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Travel experience, interesting/ diverse friends, a new perspective, and great memories. It was definitely worthwhile."

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Incredible Experience In Spain UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the Spanish-American Institute of International Education (SAIIE)

"Language, experience, and a better worldview! Plus friends!"

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Experience Of A Lifetime UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the University of the South Pacific (USP)

"I learned that you truly can make the best out of every situation. Money and material things are not true happiness. You can only have true happiness from within and life is really what you make of it. Be appreciative for the things that you have and don't sweat the small stuff."

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review The Most Amazing Experience Of My Life UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the University of the South Pacific (USP)

"Studying abroad was definitely worthwhile. I learned how to be by myself, be indepndent, I got to meet people from all over the world and gain so much just from hearing their stories of their home/countries they travelled to. Studying abroad makes you a better person because you are introduced to things outside of your comfort z..."

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review A Fulfilling And Educational Experience Working To Better The Lives Of Others. Engineers Without Borders: Worldwide Volunteer Projects

"Language experience, cultural experience, construction skills. Most definatley worthwhile to anyone planning on owning a home. "

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Fun European Study Center: Heidelberg - Study Abroad in the EU

"Yes. I saw so many different things and was in the middle of a large diverse area. It was amazing. "

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review A Time That Has Changed Me Forever! UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the Spanish-American Institute of International Education (SAIIE)

"I learned about myself and how many chances I would take, to me this was a very important thing. I had the time of my life, and I wouldn't take back this experience if I had the choice. "

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Sevilla And Its People Changed My Life, And I Will Return. UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the Spanish-American Institute of International Education (SAIIE)

"I have improved my Spanish speaking skills immensely, and am also comfortable speaking to people I don't know (in two languages!)"

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Spain...Why Not? UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the Spanish-American Institute of International Education (SAIIE)

"I learned so many new things about myself and the Spanish culture while I was abroad in Sevilla, Spain. But the one thing that surprised me the most was how much of the Spanish language I really did know. By the end of the first week I felt completely confident in talking to the locals. I made great friends from across the Unite..."

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review A Phenomenal, One Of A Kind Cultural Experience In Seville,Spain! UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the Spanish-American Institute of International Education (SAIIE)

"I improved my Spanish knowledge and confidence with my Spanish-speaking abilities! I experienced unique history of Seville, Spain! This experience was definitely worthwhile! "

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Beautiful Seville, Not So Beautiful Program UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the Spanish-American Institute of International Education (SAIIE)

"My time abroad was definitely worthwhile. Living in another country was a phenomenal experience. I loved Europe more than I can put into words. I spent a month traveling around Europe after the program ended by myself, and that was probably the best month of my life, at least so far."

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Amazing Experience Of A Lifetime That I Will Remember Forever And Never Regret! University of Newcastle: Newcastle - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Very worthwhile. I learned about cross cultural relationships and that there are people like me (same interests) all around the world. "

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review The Semester I'll Never Forget UW-Platteville Education Abroad at the Spanish-American Institute of International Education (SAIIE)

"This experience is invaluable. For me, studying abroad opened up my views about the world and the people in it. As a future educator, it is vital to understand that everyone is different and see those differences as strengths. After studying abroad, I have an appreciation for diversity and an understanding that could only be f..."

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Lieben Salzburg, Liebes Oesterreich (Lovely Salzburg, Lovely Austria) College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Salzburg - Salzburg College

"I understand much more about the Austrian culture, and the overall history of Europe and how that in turn affected music and the arts. I truly enjoyed my time in Austria, even though the first block of the semester was insanely busy."

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review I Can't Wait To Go Back. ISEP Exchange: Bangkok - Exchange Program at Thammasat University

"it was totally worthwhile, even though it was hell to get through the application process. "

University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Past Review Barcelona! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Barcelona, Spain

"I learn about the different culture and it was definitely worthwhile "

University of Wisconsin - Platteville