
Wartburg College

September 19, 2024

University Information

We are happy you continue to explore your opportunties to study abroad. The Abroad 101 site is a great tool to enable you to do just that!

Of course, feel free to stop in the Study Abroad office to discuss any questions you might have. You will find us in WBC 118.

Important Dates and Deadlines

February 1st of the year prior to your departure is the application deadline for study abroad. All Wartburg students must submit an application to WBC 118 before they will be considered eligible to study abroad. Applications can be found in the pockets outside the Study Abroad office in WBC 118.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Finding My Home Abroad Arcadia: Dublin - Trinity College Dublin

"I learned so much from my semester abroad that it is difficult for me to encapsulate it in a few sentences. However, I find it best to describe my knowledge and growth in terms of learning from the world, not learning from the classroom. I learned about the culture of another country and about the similarities that can be found ..."

Wartburg College
Past Review Radelaide Wartburg College Diers Program: Adelaide - Community Service at Lutheran Community Care

"I learned a lot about Australian culture and other cultures around the world, also how the US is viewed by other countries. Also learning about the needs of Australian populations and how organizations like LCC tend to those needs. "

Wartburg College
Past Review Indepence, Integration, And Maturation Arcadia: Limerick - University of Limerick

"I learned a lot about how to become independent. The professors allow students to choose what interests them in the classes and research further. I was welcomed into many groups with Irish students and they showed me how to be Irish and what it meant. Stereotypes were proven wrong about both Irish and American culture, and I thi..."

Wartburg College
Past Review Great Experience SSA Education Abroad: Córdoba - Semester, Year or Summer in Argentina

"To learn a language you can only use that language. Falling back on English and not fully immersing oneself will not better your language skills"

Wartburg College
Past Review An Eye Opening Experience! USAC Costa Rica: San Ramón - Life Sciences, Spanish Language, and Culture

"I was able to practice Spanish and definitely improved my speaking ability. I also met people from all over the US in addition to meeting locals. I also learned how to be apart from the people I love at home (I am currently engaged) and became more independent. It was a worthwhile experience that will always hold a place in my h..."

Wartburg College
Past Review No Comparison, The Best You Can Find AIFS: Grenoble - University of Grenoble - French Language and Culture and Intensive French Language

"I learned not to generalize about culture. There's no better experience you can find."

Wartburg College
Past Review Absolutely Unforgettable! USAC Costa Rica: San Ramón - Life Sciences, Spanish Language, and Culture

"I learned a lot of Spanish, made a plethora of lifelong friends, and saw sights that I never would have imagined in my life that I would see. This was the experience of a lifetime, and I would not change it for the world. I grew as a student, as a Spanish speaker, and as a person in general due to my semester abroad. It was a..."

Wartburg College
Past Review Traveling Through Tanzania Wartburg College Diers Program: Tanzania - Community Service based at SEKOMU University

"This experience has changed my perspective on a lot of things, and opened my eyes to some global issues such as sustainability and social inequality. I have come a long way in my spiritual journey as a direct result of my religious experiences in Tanzania. I have also become more independent while also learning the value of part..."

Wartburg College
Past Review It Was Awesome! BSM: Budapest - Budapest Semesters in Mathematics

"I learned a lot of great mathematics and differences from America to Europe. It was very worthwhile. If one is majoring in math and has the time and money, they should do this program without any doubt!"

Wartburg College
Past Review My Experience In Oz Wartburg College Diers Program: Adelaide - Community Service at Lutheran Community Care

"Yes, it was worthwhile! The number one thing I gained from my experience abroad is more self confidence in myself. "

Wartburg College
Past Review It Was A Blast And An Enlightening Experience. AIFS: Cannes - Campus International de Cannes

"It was definitely worthwhile and I would do it again if I got to stay with a host family. I learned things about myself, the language, and France."

Wartburg College
Past Review Unforgettable Life Highlight Arcadia: Cork - University College Cork

"I gained a more worldly perspective/cultural emmersion"

Wartburg College
Past Review The Adventure Of A Life Time SSA Education Abroad: Córdoba - Semester, Year or Summer in Argentina

"I think through this program I learned that I don't need to be afraid to use my spanish and that I do know how to speak pretty well. I definitely gained a lot of confidence in myself"

Wartburg College
Past Review Amazing Chance To Explore, Speak Spanish And Live Pura Vida. USAC Costa Rica: San Ramón - Life Sciences, Spanish Language, and Culture

"I learned a lot about different cultures, the environment and Spanish. "

Wartburg College
Past Review Go For It! CIEE: Buenos Aires - Liberal Arts

"This was one of the best experiences in my life, if not the best one. I would highly recommend it to anyone and I seriously think everyone should study abroad at least once while in college. I have new lifelong friends, am almost fluent in a second language, and have absolutely no fear or hesitance to go anywhere else in the wor..."

Wartburg College
Past Review Friends, Sun, Volcanoes, And Freedom From Constant Technology Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Literally the best experience of my entire life. I can't imagine choosing a better place or spending a semester with other people. We all met and became best friends instantly, including the professors. "

Wartburg College
Past Review Worthwhile And Learning SSA Education Abroad: Seville - Semester, Year or Summer in Seville

"I learned about a different culture and whats important to them and how that affects their way of life."

Wartburg College
Past Review Córdoba Gave Me Everything I Wanted But Never Expected. SSA Education Abroad: Córdoba - Semester, Year or Summer in Argentina

"I learned to leave fear behind and dive right into what I want to do. I also learned the values of independence and true friendship. It was completely worthwhile."

Wartburg College
Past Review Fantastic Times In Argentina SSA Education Abroad: Córdoba - Semester, Year or Summer in Argentina

"I learned a lot of Spanish and this was great. It was definitely worthwhile for me."

Wartburg College
Past Review Adventures In Argentina! SSA Education Abroad: Córdoba - Semester, Year or Summer in Argentina

"I learned more about my ability to interact with people who come from different backgrounds and learn how similar we are. Also, I learned to adapt to various environments!"

Wartburg College
Past Review Best Time Of My Life In Australia. Wartburg College Diers Program: Adelaide - Community Service at Lutheran Community Care

"Friendships, knowledge of my future career as a social worker, personal development. So very worthwhile! "

Wartburg College
Past Review Truly A Once In A Lifetime Experience. IFSA/Alliance: Manipal - Global and Public Health

"This experience was definitely worthwhile. I learned a lot about myself as well as what another culture is like. I learned that there are certain things in my life that were important that are just not as important anymore. "

Wartburg College
Past Review Sevilla, Una Ciudad Maravillosa SSA Education Abroad: Seville - Semester, Year or Summer in Seville

"It was incredibly worthwhile. I learned so much about meeting people where they are in their language barriers and how it can affect me and my profession."

Wartburg College
Past Review Arcadia Ireland: The Best Experience Of My Life! Arcadia: Cork - University College Cork

"So worthwhile, so lifechanging. I feel that I have changed so much from it, for the better. My study abroad experience has impacted my entire life, my outlook of the world, and my desire to travel and live abroad in the future. "

Wartburg College