
Wellesley College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Wellesley students may select from more than 150 pre-approved programs of study. Select the "Pre-approved Programs" tab to see the full list. Programs featured in the side-bar may or may not be approved for Wellesley students. When in doubt, please contact the Office of International Study at ois@wellesley.edu.

Please note that some programs listed below are pre-approved by Wellesley. If you select one of these programs, you may need to petition the International Study Committee. For more information, please contact OIS.

Important Dates and Deadlines

All Wellesley students who intend to study abroad during the academic year (fall and/or spring) must declare a major and submit a Proposal to Study Away by December 1 each year. Please refer to the Office of International Study website (www.wellesley.edu/OIS/) for details.

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Past Review Sit China: Great People, Great Experience SIT Study Abroad: China - Health, Environment, and Traditional Chinese Medicine

"My program taught me more than I could have imagined about my host country, and put me in touch with people who I'll be in contact with for a long time. It was a very worthwhile experience."

Wellesley College
Past Review Vienna: A Nice Place To Relax And Enjoy Art And Music, Always With A Nice Cup Of Coffee University of Vienna: Vienna - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely! One thing I realized is that in many ways I fit in in Europe better than in the US, from a cultural and ideological perspective. I am now looking for ways to perhaps lead my future path towards ending up working and or living somewhere in Europe. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Edinburgh: The Best Study Abroad Experience I Could Have Hoped For! University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My experience was absolutely worthwhile. I made some life-long friends, fell in love with a new city, traveled to places I never thought I would, opened my eyes to the world, and made me realize things about myself that I had no idea were there."

Wellesley College
Past Review Ecuador: Stressful At Times But Worth It! SIT Study Abroad: Ecuador - Comparative Ecology and Conservation

"I've decided that I will not be a reasearcher and that I would LOVE to work with people in an environmental context. This program helped to strengthen my belief in social activism."

Wellesley College
Past Review Córdoba: My New Home! PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"My study abroad experience, as cliched as it is, changed my life. I learned so much about myself and about other people, my language abilities soared, and I had the opportunity to be truly independent."

Wellesley College
Past Review A Year At The Lse To Specialize In The Social Sciences London School of Economics (LSE): London - General Course, Year-Long Study Abroad Programme

"Yes, I feel like I achieved what I had intended to - a year of in- depth and specialized education in the social sciences."

Wellesley College
Past Review Cape Town, South Africa. Learning The Art Of Walking Slowly. CIEE: Cape Town - Arts and Sciences

"I learned so much it is impossible to distill down into a few sentences. I deepened my understanding of not only myself, but the world around me and my place and role within that world. I gained a self assurance and confidence, a deepening knowledge of who I am, what I am capable of and what I am becoming. I learned how it is ..."

Wellesley College
Past Review London: The City Of Challenges And Excitement University College London (UCL): London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes it was definitely worthwhile. Not only was London a diverse city where I learned to adapt to the city lifestyle. I also experienced various cultures traveling throughout Europe. Not only did I enjoy most of my classes, I also gained skills in everyday life like cooking for myself and adapting to new situations. I would like ..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Oxford: So Much Freedom University of Oxford - Visiting Students

"YES. This was an absolutely amazing experience from the friends I made, the professors/tutors I learned from, and the places I saw. One of the best experiences of my life, and I sincerely hope to return to the UK sometime soon in the future."

Wellesley College
Past Review Jordan: My Gateway To Another World SIT Study Abroad: Jordan - Modernization and Social Change

"I gained a lot more confidence in traveling, conducting field research, and speaking Arabic. I definitely want to live/work in the Middle East in the future."

Wellesley College
Past Review Oxford: Once In A Lifetime Experience University of Oxford - Visiting Students

"I had an amazing time at Oxford. I have never been so happy academically, intellectually, or socially. It was one of the best experiences of my life."

Wellesley College
Past Review Living And Learning At The University Of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I have new perspectives on aspects of British history and literature, academically. I grew a lot socially because I forced myself to step out of my comfort zone by going to a place where I knew no one. I learned a lot about the world from spending time with other international students. "

Wellesley College
Past Review London The International Hub Of Europe London School of Economics (LSE): London - General Course, Year-Long Study Abroad Programme

"Academically, I think I learned a lot because it was so independent and a lot of the readings were everyday-relevant. Many opportunities opened up for me while I studied at LSE that I don't think would have been available had I not studied abroad. Socially, it was a great opportunity to travel to countries like Italy, Switzer..."

Wellesley College
Past Review New Zealand: A Sweet As Experience IFSA: Dunedin - University of Otago

"Yes. I loved it. I traveled a lot, made great friends, and enjoyed learning there. It was a great balance of work, play, and travel. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Morocco: Awesome But Exhausting SIT Study Abroad: Morocco - Migration and Transnational Identity

"You cannot underestimate a study abroad experience. It made me more self sufficient and prouder of what I was capable of doing. It made me more interested in internationalist and languages and being culturally savvy. It changed my future plans in the sense that i'm rethinking doing international politics, and i'm going to stu..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Soas: Poles Apart From Wellesley SOAS, University of London: London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, my program was definitely worthwhile. I gained experience in a very different academic milieu, one that I enjoyed greatly. I plan to go back to the UK to pursue further education, because I have benefited from the more open environment that prevails in its institutions. Discussions were, in my opinion, of more value because..."

Wellesley College
Past Review An Adventure In Paris: The Cultural Epicenter France Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Absolutely. I learned so much about myself as an individual, about the french language and culture, and I made a few lifelong friends, including my host family. I intend to return to Paris, to live. I think my positive experience has defined me, and I can see myself calling Paris "home"."

Wellesley College
Past Review Take Me Back To Barcelona Now, Please. CIEE: Barcelona - Liberal Arts

"YES. I became much more independent and had an incredibletime. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Lisbon:City Of Youth CIEE: Lisbon - Language and Culture

"definitely worthwhile. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Pembroke! Cambridge! University of Cambridge, Pembroke College: Cambridge - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely. I think I learned more about myself, just being at a University so different from Wellesley. I am so grateful for this privilege. I am interested in going back at some point to get an MPhil in English. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Reflections On My Semester At Nui Galway University of Galway: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was somewhat worthwhile- I learned a lot about myself and pushed my comfort zone. If I could do it again, I would choose to go abroad with a small program or for a shorter period (perhaps summer or winter session)."

Wellesley College
Past Review Studying In Manchester: Discovering Myself In A New City University of Manchester: Manchester - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Most definitely my study abroad experience was worthwhile. It gave me confidence and independence. I live an hour away from Wellesley so this was the first time I've spent a significant amount of time away from home, navigating a city on my own. I made amazing friends and experienced a wonderful culture. I'm so grateful to have ..."

Wellesley College