Yale University

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Yale University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. We also hope that these first-hand accounts of education abroad from previous students at your institution will help you understand what to expect from study abroad and help you set your expectations. If you are a Yale University student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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09/06/2024 Hard Work, Fun, And Lots Of Learning! Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Beijing

"I learned how incredibly adaptable I am. I also learned more about my identity, especially as an American, while removed from my usual life context. I gained a much deeper level of fluency in the Chinese language. I would say the experience was worthwhile."

Yale University
08/16/2024 Learning The Joys And Responsibilities Of Being Human In Tokyo Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Tokyo

"Language skills, cooking skills, communication skills, studying skills, work skills, travel experience, how to be environmentally responsible, etc... It was most definitely worthwhile. "

Yale University
08/15/2024 Memories That Last Forever CYA (College Year in Athens) - Summer Program

"I gained new experiences, learning moments, and friends that I still stay in touch with! The program was incredible and I would recommend any student to look into CYA!"

Yale University
03/03/2021 So Fun And Exciting! Studio Arts College International (SACI): Florence - SACI in Florence, Summer

"I traveled, met new people, really enjoyed the culture, loved my classes"

Yale University
02/11/2021 Stimulating Studio Arts College International (SACI): Florence - SACI in Florence, Summer

"I gained a confidence and independence that was not essential at my home institution. I also learned how to interact with people in high stress situations like travel. The resources of the city were unimaginable and extremely worth it for my studies and life experience. "

Yale University
Past Review Six Weeks Of Excitement, Cultural Immersion, And Self Discovery! IES Abroad: Madrid Summer - Language & Cultural Studies

"The experience was definitely worth it. I got to understand myself better, both in terms of when I am alone as well as in group settings. I learnt how to budget better, how to make myself comfortable in a completely different culture and language settings, as well as how to make other people feel comfortable when I myself am sti..."

Yale University
Past Review Will Not Be My Last Tme Abroad! IES Abroad: Amsterdam Summer – Society, Culture & Gender

"I learned how to live and travel on my own, and how to explore new countries! The classes also gave me insights that I can bring back to my home school to help with my own studies."

Yale University
Past Review The Best Trip To Siberia One Could Possibly Have Middlebury Language Schools: Davis School of Russian

"I was able to greatly improve my abilities with the Russian language and learn about a distant (and very misunderstood in my opinion) part of the world. I got to really experience life in Irkutsk and will remember the time I spent there forever; if given the opportunity, I will definitely return."

Yale University
Past Review A Profound Unique Experience The GREEN Program: Hawai'i - Sustainable Community Food & Energy Systems

"Fascinating knowledge and skills in considering perspectives, valuable discussions and friendships, and unique memories."

Yale University
Past Review Best School In The Most Beautiful Place In China Chinese Language Institute / CLI: Guilin - Immersion Program

"Extremely worthwhile; learned to use Chinese and not rely on English to get around. Got to discover and enjoy one of the most beautiful places in Asia and study Mandarin intensively at the same time. "

Yale University
Past Review Jordan: The Country Of Many Cultures AMIDEAST: Amman - Intensive Arabic, Summer

"I gained valuable experience with the Arabic language and even more valuable understanding of the Arab culture. It was worthwile, but also worth the money. It's an expensive program, but AMIDEAST did everything right."

Yale University
Past Review Amazing Academic And Personal Growth! SIT Study Abroad: Chile - Comparative Education and Social Change

"I had an incredible experience abroad through SIT Chile: Comparative Education and Social Change. The staff and all our professors were knowledgeable, caring, and enthusiastic about the program and helping us learn and grow. I found that most of our academic and personal learning happened outside the classroom—SIT’s emphasis on ..."

Yale University
Past Review A Very Fulfilling Semester! SIT Study Abroad: Ecuador - Development, Politics and Languages

"My experience was definitely worthwhile. I learned so many different things, but I'd say the most significant takeaway for me was bringing an intercultural perspective to the table whenever I consider economic, social, or political issues."

Yale University
Past Review An Unforgettable Experience IES Abroad: Madrid Summer - Language & Cultural Studies

"I was able to achieve so many of the study abroad goals that I set for myself before going. I gained greater confidence in my speaking abilities and was able to immerse myself in the culture. I remember leaving for Madrid the first day. I was excited and a little nervous sitting at the airport, and I had no idea what I was about..."

Yale University
Past Review Learning & Living Experientially Appreciation, Gratitude, Living In The Moment SIT Study Abroad: Indonesia - Arts, Religion, and Social Change

"I became a calmer, less worried, less frantic, more patient, more loving, more open, happier person because of my experience abroad. I learned to treat everything in life as a learning experience and to approach things and people without expectations or reservations."

Yale University
Past Review Great Semester In Copenhagen DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Friends! DIS is a well-oiled machine and a great organization. "

Yale University
Past Review A Life Changing Year! CUPA: Paris - Study Abroad in Paris

"Study abroad was ver worthwhile. It really helped me build my social skills and my people skills. I was able to feel confident speaking in french and navigate living in a foreign city. Getting to travel around France and Europe was very valuable. I learned about different cultures and went on great adventures. Academically, I wa..."

Yale University
Past Review Five Life Changing Months In Granada! IES Abroad: Granada - Liberal Arts & Language

"I grew to understand myself more while I was abroad. I feel more confident asking questions, don't hesitate to meet challenges head on, and feel a lot more expansive as a person since getting back. For these reasons, and countless more, the experience was 100% worthwhile. In retrospect, I see it as a necessary step in personal m..."

Yale University
Past Review Copenhagen Is A Great Place DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Got to travel a lot during the semester!"

Yale University
Past Review Confidence Boosting, Trip Of A Lifetime The GREEN Program: Iceland - Sustainability and Renewable Energy Abroad

"I learned a lot about who I am as a person, as well as what I want to do with my life moving forward. It was certainly worthwhile. The Capstone Project proved to be the most rewarding aspect of the trip for me, but I also relished every moment I spent outside hiking, watching the sun set at midnight, or running against 50 mph wi..."

Yale University
Past Review Summer Up North With Round River Conservation Studies Round River Conservation Studies - Taku River Watershed Program

"I learned that field research is something that I'm really interested in doing with my future, which is what I went into the program intending to find out. I also found that I'm really interested in First Nations/ Native American culture. Finally I found that learning in a different type of environment (not in a typical classr..."

Yale University
Past Review Madrid, Una Ciudad Magnífica IES Abroad: Madrid Summer - Language & Cultural Studies

"I really feel like I have experienced the culture of Spain now, which was my goal from the beginning. I've gained international experience and confidence."

Yale University
Past Review Amazing Experience! SIT Study Abroad: Argentina - Transnationalism and Comparative Development in South America

"I learned a lot about myself and group dynamics. On an academic level, I got to see first hand a lot of the topics we studied in class, such as rural development and the different development strategies of Mercosur countries. It was definitely worthwhile."

Yale University