
Austin College

September 19, 2024

University Information

Austin College's Center for Global Learning facilitates Semester Abroad Studies and JanTerms. If a student would like to spend a semester abroad with Austin College, the he/she should stop by our office (Wright Campus Center #204) to begin the process. It is extremely important to go through the process in the office, otherwise the College will be unable to send the student's financial aid to the program and the student will need to withdraw from Austin College during their semester or year abroad. The Center's goal is to make each student's experience abroad a meaningful and engaging experience. In order for that to happen, students are required to go through the process in place at the Center.

We look forward to working with you and please read about other student's reviews and experiences at the different programs and locations that can be found at Abroad101.

Important Dates and Deadlines

As of right now, there are no firm deadlines in place for you to complete the Abroad101 Survey. However, before we can post your transcript from your sojourn abroad, you must complete the Abroad101 Survey and interview with the director (Truett Cates).

Thank you very much for your help and cooperation with this. We look forward to hearing about your time and experiences abroad!

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Explorations Of London IFSA: London - University College London

"I learned so much about myself, my studies, and the differences and similarities between American culture and British culture. I was enrolled in the chemistry department, so I was able to compare different learning styles in my concentration of study, which was a really rewarding experience. I loved living in London and going ..."

Austin College
Past Review The Best Locals, Gorgeous Scenery, And Lots Of Sheep! IFSA: Limerick - University of Limerick

"I learned so much about myself and how to get to know others. I could go on for pages about what I've learned, and it was one of the most worthwhile experiences of my life. I can't believe that it all actually happened - I met so many great people and had the best time in an extraordinarily gorgeous country - I feel like it was ..."

Austin College
Past Review Found A Second Home! Lancaster University: Lancaster - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained social skills, a sense of self-worth and self-appreciation. Most importantly I found the most amazing friends ever!"

Austin College
Past Review Things You Won't Learn In A Classroom SSA Education Abroad: Seville - Semester, Year or Summer in Seville

"It's hard to put it all down in writing, but in short I realized that there's a lot more to this world than the Texas bubble that I've lived in. I learned that we shouldn't take for granted all that the world has to show us, and that if ever offered the opportunity to explore it again, I would take it with no questions asked. Al..."

Austin College
Past Review Florence: The City That Taught Me Who I Am SAI Study Abroad: Florence - Florence University of the Arts (FUA)

"I reaffirmed my goal to be an artist. I learned how to achieve that goal. "

Austin College
Past Review India: The Most Incredible And Surprising Place On Earth! SIT Study Abroad: India - Sustainable Development and Social Change

"I think one of the most important things I learned while being abroad in India was to always look to broaden your perspective on life, there will always be a positive lesson to be found if you are willing to dig deep enough and to allow yourself to get lost in the experience. "

Austin College
Past Review Abroad In Africa An Unforgettable Adventure The School for Field Studies / SFS: Tanzania - Wildlife Management Studies

"I learned more than I thought I could about African wildlife and ecosystems, issues in the ecosystems, and how to be independent and accomplish important research projects. Not to mention what I learned about myself as a person... priceless! "

Austin College
Past Review A Whole Lot Of Excess SIT Study Abroad: Indonesia - Arts, Religion, and Social Change

"I learned to check my privilege and to get outside of what I deemed my comfort zone "

Austin College
Past Review Berlin: Arm Aber Sexy IES Abroad: Berlin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"It was certainly worthwhile. My German improved, I met some great people, and I learned a good deal about the German culture"

Austin College
Past Review A Time Of Growth Central College Abroad: Study Abroad in Paris

"I learned a lot about myself, American & French culture, independence, and how to achieve goals. I also got to co-present a painting to the public at an event called "Nocturne du Louvre"with another student at the Louvre"

Austin College
Past Review An Experience Of A Lifetime SAI Study Abroad: Florence - Florence University of the Arts (FUA)

"I learned so much about the locals and culture. But I really learned a lot about myself, as far as my strengths and weaknesses go. Being outside of your comfort zone forces you to confront those issues head on. "

Austin College
Past Review Dw I'n Hoffi Siarad Cymraeg! IFSA: Cardiff - University of Cardiff

"I gained an appreciation of the Welsh language and culture and was inspired to write my honors thesis on a very Welsh subject - Dewi Sant. It was worthwhile, but I was disappointed by the lack communication and lack of recognition of my Study Abroad status by the University. There were some issues with the lecturers as well; one..."

Austin College
Past Review Sun, Gelato, And Italy SAI Study Abroad: Florence - Florence University of the Arts (FUA)

"among other things, I gained the ability to find my limits and surpass them. It was definitely worthwhile, and i can say that my only regret is that i didn't stay longer, and maybe even forever."

Austin College
Past Review The Best Experience Of My Life!!!!!!!!!!! ISA Study Abroad in Lima, Peru

"I gained independence and more confidence in myself. It was much more than worthwhile"

Austin College
Past Review It Was The Happiest Time Of My Life I Discovered What Is Important To Me. SSA Education Abroad: Seville - Semester, Year or Summer in Seville

"I discovered what makes me happy and how importance my happiness is to me. I discovered a way of life that was very different to that in the U.S. and that I like a lot more. "

Austin College
Past Review Life Changing! University of Alicante: Alicante - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned how to adapted to foreign costumes and embrace them."

Austin College
Past Review Excellent Educational And Networking Experience IFSA: London - University of Westminster

"I gained the experience of sharing my passion for film and stunt work with many people from other cultures."

Austin College
Past Review A Once In A L Ifetime Experience: Culture, Adventure, And New Understanding IFSA: Belfast - Teacher Education at Stranmillis University College

"While being abroad I learned a lot about myself and who I really am. By being able to work in a classroom with students once a week I was able to see what it was like to be a real classroom teacher. I loved getting to compare the educational system set up in Northern Ireland and the one in America. Just from my experiences at th..."

Austin College
Past Review Living In Cork IFSA: Cork - University College Cork

"This was a bad choice for my personal circumstances and preferences."

Austin College
Past Review Best Experience Of My Life SSA Education Abroad: Seville - Semester, Year or Summer in Seville

"I learned how to be on my own and I learned how to work with being uncomfortable a lot of the time. It was definitely worthwhile."

Austin College
Past Review Fun But Ready To Be Back! IFSA: Belfast - Teacher Education at Stranmillis University College

"I gained great culture experience. Belfast is a great place."

Austin College
Past Review I Found Myself Even Though I Didn't Know I Was Lost. SAI Study Abroad: Rome - John Cabot University (JCU)

"I learned that I take so many things for granted at home. These people take for granted that they live next door to some of the greatest monuments in the world and that they are surrounded by history. I thought that my family was annoying and that my friends weren't all that great, but i know now that I need them and that I coul..."

Austin College
Past Review An Eye Opening Experience SSA Education Abroad: Seville - Semester, Year or Summer in Seville

"I learned a new language, a culture, a ton about myself, adaptibility skills and much more. It was VERY worth it!"

Austin College
Past Review When They Say "Life Changing Experience", They Definitely Mean It. IFSA: Limerick - University of Limerick

"My semester abroad was the most worthwhile experience I've ever had. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I learned more about myself and who I am than I ever thought I could in a mere 4 months. Most of my learning was done outside the classroom."

Austin College