Bentley University
University Information
Bentley University is a private co-educational university in Waltham, Massachusetts, 10 miles west of Boston. Founded in 1917 as a school of accounting and finance in Boston's Back Bay neighborhood, Bentley moved to Waltham in 1968.
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Bentley University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Bentley University student, please check with the Cronin Office of International Education for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
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A student Bentley University
"Language, learned about the Italian culture, got to travel and learned so much from just that - it was amazing! Totally worthwhile! I had the time of my life it was unreal!"
A student Bentley University
"I gained a new language (still not fluent, but it has improved significantly) as well as an open mind to a new culture. In addition, I met very close friends from across the United States and I still stay in touch with Spaniards that I met in Spain. It was worth the experience and I recommend to anyone!"
Isaac P Bentley University
"got very cultured. learned alot about the different countries i traveled too...VERY worth while!"
chelsea l Bentley University
"Got a little bit of different cultures, from my weekend trips to working with students of other nationalities. Definitely worthwhile."
A student Bentley University
"I have a better understanding of how different cultures live their lives, and I know a lot more about myself after living on my own in a foreign country. "
Michael Z Bentley University
"I learned a lot about how other people live and about different cultures. Unfortunately, I felt really stiffled in my program because it was so difficult to make friends either American or Spanish. I think if we are not forced to take classes in Spanish, then we should go through a program like Syracuse because then you are wit..."
A student Bentley University
"I gained an understadn of sulture, language, and other ways of life. I also gained a deeper sense of self understanding. This expereince was extremly worthwhile andI wuold do it again in a heart beat "
Deanna R Bentley University
"A gained a lot of perspective and it was absolutely worthwhile. "
evan.perkins.376 Bentley University
"Learned that the simple things in life are the most important. Definitely worthwhile."
A student Bentley University
"Learned out to integrate into a new culture while maintaining past relationships and connections."
Christopher O Bentley University
"It was worthwhile and I learned what it is like to live on my own."
A student Bentley University
"I got to learn a lot about myself and how to live on my own. CBS did not give much help and there was really no campus like Bentley, so it was up to the student to be independent and figure things out for themselves. The city has so much to do and is unlike any other city I have ever been to. It was definitely worthwhile and I r..."
A student Bentley University
A student Bentley University
"Cross Cultural Confidence and Understanding. Absolutely worthwhile"
A student Bentley University
"I learned so much about different culture and also about living on my own. I was in charge of my own budgeting, spending, and trip planning which taught me a lot. Overall the trip was worthwhile and I plan on visiting Australia and New Zealand again!"
A student Bentley University
"I learned about poverty, I learned about the transition away from apartheid, I learned the strength some people have to stand up to the sometimes dominants remnants of racism. I learned of the natural beauty of Southern Africa and overall this life changing experience was the greatest thing I've been fortunate enough accomplish ..."
Chrysanthos N Bentley University
"Global perspective, understanding of Spanish culture Yes"
A student Bentley University
"spanish language"
A student Bentley University
"I gained a lot of independence and learned so much more than I expected. If I could do it all again, I would go right back to Dublin with the same group of students. It was an experience I'll never forget!"
A student Bentley University
"I learned that not only do I have the ability to live on my own, I can do it in a foreign country. Making friends of all different cultures was fun and rewarding, and I was able to learn and understand the intricacies of different cultures, learnin styles etc. Overall, I could not be happier"
A student Bentley University
"I learned about the Spanish culture and controversies with Catalunya, also I learned about all the cities I visited during my time abroad. It was a great experience and it was definitely worthwhile. "
A student Bentley University
"I believe that I learned a lot about myself and discovered things that I would have not normally discovered. I also traveled to 9 different countries and was able to learn about their cultures"
A student Bentley University
"It was an amazing experience. I had a great time and was sad leaving. I learned a lot about myself and grew as a person. I love speaking the language and hope to keep it up. I made a lot of new friends. "
A student Bentley University
"Gained a better appreciation for all the different places and lifestyles around the world. Gained many new great friends. Gained unbelievable memories that I will always cherish. Came to the realization that I can be comfortable in a multitude of environments, that I can adapt well to different situations, and that I really enjo..."
A student Bentley University