Bentley University
University Information
Bentley University is a private co-educational university in Waltham, Massachusetts, 10 miles west of Boston. Founded in 1917 as a school of accounting and finance in Boston's Back Bay neighborhood, Bentley moved to Waltham in 1968.
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Bentley University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Bentley University student, please check with the Cronin Office of International Education for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."Belgium is not the city for me. "
A student Bentley University
"I gained new friendships"
egeria1 Bentley University
"I learned a lot about the Italian culture, and it made me realize how lucky I am to be born an American citizen. We have a better education system that actually forces you to learn as opposed to memorizing useless facts. Our public workers are professional and prompt. They don't start yelling at you in Italian just because you t..."
A student Bentley University
"I learned how to be self-motivated. I also learned how to be independent and how to better manage my time. It was more than worthwhile. I loved living in Europe and experiencing a different culture. It was truly amazing and I would do it again."
Amy V Bentley University
"I learned a lot of traveling during some breaks. It was worthwhile, however I didn't feel it was life changing, rather it was more of a life milestone"
A student Bentley University
"It was definitely worthwhile! I met so many new friends, explored 8 different countries while abroad and become immersed in a new culture/city. I also learned about lot about myself during my time abroad."
Kelly G Bentley University
"I definitely learned how to be more independent. The school doesn't help you along the way they do at Bentley which could be seen as a bad or good thing. During the beginning I definitely hated it but I think I was thankful for it by the end. I also learned so much about other places that I never knew before and didn't even real..."
Jessica J Bentley University
"Yes this abroad experience was very worthwhile. I learned to appreciate and make the most out of what I have because sometimes we take that for granted. "
Xavier A Bentley University
"I learned how different cultures in the world are able to thrive. It was definitely a worthwhile experience. "
A student Bentley University
James K Bentley University
"I enjoyed learning about a unique culture that not many people get to experience. Yes, it was worthwhile. "
A student Bentley University
"Arabic / French / Darija survival skills. New understanding of Northern African and West-Arab culture. New perspective on the concept of "life" and "family" and "religion""
A student Bentley University
"Learned a lot about many cultures "
A student Bentley University
"Yes it was worth while, I would do it again in a heartbeat"
Libby N Bentley University
"Definitely worthwhile and I learned about a completely new culture."
A student Bentley University
"I gained a lot of appreciation for the United States and my home university. I also was able to travel a lot, which was so enriching and fun. "
Marcie D Bentley University
"A totally different perspective of the world, a great amount of independence, a thirst for new adventures and traveling. Extremely worthwhile, wouldn't trade this experience for the world. "
A student Bentley University
"Definitely worthwhile. Learned to live on my own and support myself."
chris.funnell.3 Bentley University
"Lot of responsibility improvement Social skills Budgeting 100% worthwhile"
A student Bentley University
"I learned alot about the Italian culture, language and lifestyle. I also learned alot more about myself. It was definitely worthwhile"
A student Bentley University
"Very worthwhile "
A student Bentley University
"It was 100% worthwhile. Learned so much about myself in many different ways. Feel much more confident. "
Emily S Bentley University
"I really learned a lot about myself as well as another culture. It really opened my eyes and look at myself and the US completely differently. I have been given an amazing chance to live in place with so much history and culture."
Stefanie G Bentley University
"I learned so much about myself and about the world. I gained a new perspective on life and living. I made some awesome friends who I'll be keeping in touch with. I learned that it's okay to just pick up and leave for 4 months and that nothing changes when you get back!"
Alyssa L Bentley University
"I grew as a person, learned about the spanish culture, learned spanish, learned better time management, how to deal with airlines"
A student Bentley University