Berea College

September 19, 2024

University Information

Berea College is a liberal arts work college in Berea, Kentucky, U.S.A., founded in 1855.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Application deadlines:

  • 15 September: Berea Term Abroad (Spring)

  • 1 October: Berea International Summer Term

  • 15 February: Berea Term Abroad (Fall) and Summer Abroad

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Awesomeness Berea College: Istanbul - Middle Eastern Cultures: Religion and Arts in Context

"history, friendship, a fun time. YES!"

Berea College
Past Review Wanna Have A Life Changing Experience? Go To Paris Through Bist!!! Berea College: Paris - The Wonders of Paris

"It was definitely worthwhile. I got to experience the culture, language, art and architecture of not only Paris, but also Chartres and Reims. I also learned that even though we all come from a specific country/culture, we all have things in common, and sometimes u get impressed of how alike people can be, in a good way of course..."

Berea College
Past Review Merida: Living Out "Viva Mexico!" KIIS: Merida - Experience Merida Semester Program

"I learned much more than I expected. I loved the area and the people so much I am going back for a completely different reason this summer. I loved my experience but I know that its not the only experience I want to have. For me, this was the preparation experience. Now I'm going back to have my own adventure :)"

Berea College
Past Review Northern Ireland With Ifsa My Adventurous Life! IFSA: Belfast - Queen's University Belfast

"Yes! I gained a better understanding of the world around me, how it feels to be a minority, and immense independence. This experience has made me want to travel all over the world and given me the drive to do so!"

Berea College
Past Review Germany: Beneficial, Yet Not Mind Blowing Heidelberg University: Heidelberg - American Junior Year Program

"Yes and no. I learned things about myself and about the world and it has solidified some of my thoughts about future plans, etc. But it wasn't what I was expecting and it wasn't the fantasy I had always imagined."

Berea College
Past Review Mexico: A True Cultural Experience KIIS: Merida - Experience Merida, Summer Program

"yes, very! I definitely improved with my language and speaking skills!"

Berea College
Past Review Segovia: A City With Many Corners KIIS: Sevogia - Experience Segovia Spring Semester Program

"I learned some tricks to living cheaply in Europe. I would do the same program again, but I don't think I need to go back to Spain again on my own. "

Berea College
Past Review Morocco And Andalucia: Connected By History KIIS: Traveling - Experience Spain & Morocco (Summer)

"The traveling I did before classes started taught me that I can travel anywhere."

Berea College
Past Review I Have Learned A Lot! BSM: Budapest - Budapest Semesters in Mathematics

"Need to do more reading outside of class"

Berea College
Past Review Sydney: Throw Your Cares And Bank Account To The Wind! ISA Study Abroad in Sydney, Australia

"This experience was totally worthwhile! I loved being abroad and seeing another part of the world. It was not all that I expected, which is part of the reason it was worthwhile. Every day was not rainbows and butterflies, but all the experiences made me grow as an independent adult. This abroad trip also reinforced my future pla..."

Berea College
Past Review Chile: The Best Choice Of My Life USAC Chile: Santiago - Spanish Language, Latin American Cultures, Journalism, and International Studies

"Chile was amazing. It impacted me in such a way that my future plans are now to get my ESL teaching certification and return to Santiago to teach English. "

Berea College
Past Review Not Just Asians, But People. Keimyung University: Daegu - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Two major and new understandings: 1. Though Asians may look different, we aren't that different generally. 2. The Asian continent is actually very well developed that I had ever imagined. My experience abroad had impacted my academic interest particularly in the area of peace-making. I realized practically how that more pea..."

Berea College
Past Review Merida, Yucatan: A Whole New World KIIS: Merida - Experience Merida, Summer Program

"First, my Spanish has improved tremendously from the beginning of my time in Merida to today. I have met so many new people, and made important contacts for possible future internships in Merida. Being in Mexico and seeing the discrepancy between the education in both city life and country life has solidified my desire to chang..."

Berea College
Past Review Turkish Time Such An Amazing Experience Koc University: Istanbul - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I went into the experience as a blank slate--not really knowing what to expect but it turned out amazing and I wouldn't change a thing. I would like to take ALL THE TURKISH FOOD back to the USA!"

Berea College
Past Review Merida, Mexico: Rigorous Academics, Cultural Immersion KIIS: Merida - Experience Merida, Summer Program

"Though I could have chose a program closer related to my interests, the program provided a very holistic experience by offering excursion experience but leaving the rest to the student to discover."

Berea College
Past Review Chile: The Semester That Changed Me Forever USAC Chile: Santiago - Spanish Language, Latin American Cultures, Journalism, and International Studies

"This was the most worthwhile experience of my life. My entire outlook on life has changed. I will continue studying Spanish until I am fluent and I also want to travel to more Spanish-speaking countries and experience the culture in as many of them as I can. "

Berea College
Past Review German Studies In Marburg: Awesome! Speak + Write Marburg: Intensive German in Marburg

"I have a better understanding of how others see me, my country, and my situation in general. I was not aware of how my place and my outlook can affect the repuation of my "people" in the home country so much. It is important to help others understand that everyone is different and everyone can have much more in common than expec..."

Berea College
Past Review My Experience In Fukuoka Japan Kyushu University: Fukuoka - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes. I learned more about myself and I realized just how much is out there and I want to travel so bad!!! People are people no matter where you go and it's so great to meet them and see things from new perspectives. Get out there and do something!!"

Berea College
Past Review (No Title) Kyushu University: Fukuoka - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I feel I have a slightly better understanding of Japan, and some perspectives of other Asian cultures."

Berea College
Past Review (No Title) Universiti Sains Malaysia: Penang - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I was able to learn more about people and see the way poeple act. From living here i was able to learn more about the world and why some places are different than others. There are just to many observations to be made to write them all down. You can only know if you go there. "

Berea College
Past Review Great Location For Sightseeing Didn't Have To Worry About A Language Barrier James Cook University - Cairns: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes it was worthwhile, i enjoyed it alot, and learned alot in a different educational and global setting. I have become more independent and practical."

Berea College
Past Review (No Title) KIIS: Caen - Experience Caen, France (Spring Semester)

"It was worthwhile. I did this program not knowing a single other person who would be going, and it made me much more confident and independent."

Berea College
Past Review (No Title) CEDEI: Cuenca - Semester in the Andes

"It was, I learned many things but perhaps the most important was how much I enjoy my life, where I'm from and how important the people I love are to me. "

Berea College