Bowdoin College
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Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Bowdoin College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Bowdoin College Student, please check with the Office of Off-Campus Study for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I learned so much about tropical ecosystems, Panamanian culture, Spanish, and how to function as a foreigner. I gained a more easygoing nature, an appreciation for what our world has and how much is at stake, and 12 lifelong friends. "
A student Bowdoin College
"I gained an ability to conduct research and carry it out from data collection to paper writeup. I learned to critically analyze the world around me, and I opened my eyes to cultures I had never been exposed to before. "
A student Bowdoin College
"It was quite worthwhile. I got a very different perspective on how the world works and developed interesting skills. "
Jeb Polstein Bowdoin College
"Yes, it expanded my understanding of other cultures and my knowledge of the subjects I took courses in."
A student Bowdoin College
"I learned a lot about Chilean culture and improved my Spanish skills. "
Allison B Bowdoin College
"Incredible travel experience and cultural immersion if you seek it out! I learned a massive amount about the European Union but more importantly, about myself and my ability to navigate an entirely other continent independently and with confidence. This experience was way more than I expected and is absolutely worthwhile."
Marisa O Bowdoin College
"I learned a lot from my experience with SITA, not only about Southern India, but about my own perspective, about America, and about myself. There were definitely challenges, but these challenges were an important part of this learning experience, and I don't think I would want to avoid any of them. Going to India with SITA chall..."
Emma R Bowdoin College
"My experience was challenging but incredibly rewarding. I learned a lot about myself (what fascinates me, my potential career path) and fell in love with India."
Hayley N Bowdoin College
"Can't really reduce this answer to a little box because I learned so much and grew in so many ways, so I'd definitely say it was worthwhile."
A student Bowdoin College
"I learned many things about the Italian language and was able to befriend several locals. It was fantastic."
Matthew G Bowdoin College
"My semester abroad was probably the best thing I've done in college. It was an incredible experience, Bologna is amazing, Italy is amazing."
Anna B Bowdoin College
"My experience abroad was extremely worthwhile. Not only did I greatly improve my Spanish speaking abilities, make new American and foreign friends, and explore all over Spain and Europe, but I also grew a lot as a person. Mainly, I experienced a new level of independence traveling in foreign countries by myself, and gained a fre..."
Caitlin S Bowdoin College
"I learned Spanish, made friends and experienced so many new things. It was definitely worth it"
A student Bowdoin College
"100% worthwhile!!! I learned so much about myself, other people, the world, ecology, conservation, and science in general."
A student Bowdoin College
"The main things I gained were botanical knowledge, field research experience, and connections with the science community in Ecuador. Not too much new academically, but the experiences were great. I also saw a fair number of birds, which for a birder like me was great."
A student Bowdoin College
"I learned to love being in new and uncomfortable situations. I learned that people are generally very similar, but there are inherent differences in the ways we choose to live our lives. I learned how to do my part in forming incredible relationships, and I'm excited to see how they continue in the future. "
Jimmy D Bowdoin College
"I learned how to be adaptable. I easily adapted and immersed into a new culture, a new language, and a completely new style of life which I soon called one of my own. I made tons of friends and shared many memories that I will remember forever and have left behind remnants of a place that is another home to me. "
Nina H Bowdoin College
"Absolutely loved the experience of living overseas. I would do it again. "
Cailey O Bowdoin College
"Istanbul is a fascinating and incredible city!"
Stevie L Bowdoin College
"Prior to studying abroad, I thought I had a broad perspective on the world and an open point of view. After studying abroad, I actually have both of those things. It was incredibly worthwhile. "
A student Bowdoin College
"My study abroad experience encouraged me to pursue Spanish as a second major upon returning to my home institution. I returned with a new perspective and a strength in international knowledge. My plans for this summer include working for an investment manager in its global department, which was clinched by my experience with Spa..."
Megan K Bowdoin College