Bowdoin College
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Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Bowdoin College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Bowdoin College Student, please check with the Office of Off-Campus Study for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."Learning about Icelandic culture Scientific writing and talking more about climate change Independent living "
Gabriel G Bowdoin College
"I learned so much about the community and how conservation work within this region. This program made me think about the larger implications of effect community based natural resource management and how it offers a alternative method of conservation that focuses on the economics of the region."
A student Bowdoin College
"I learned most about other people and myself. It really opened me up to other experiences."
Nickolaus A Bowdoin College
"I gained more confidence in my ability to communicate in french."
Eugene A Bowdoin College
"It was incredible- it allows you to learn how people live outside of your bubble. It helps you understand other societies and civilizations and the ways in which other societies function in at times more efficient and more ethical manners than you have observed. "
Ereny M Bowdoin College
"I learned about how the border is affecting wildlife, how to do ecological surveys, how to carry out a scientific study and write a paper that will be used by conservationists, and how conservation and cultural issues tie together."
Perrin Milliken Bowdoin College
"As someone who wants to have an international career, I learned that I definitely would love to work in Latin America in the future due its to warm and welcoming culture. It was worthwhile because I felt comfortable to make mistakes and grow, which might have not been possible in other locations. It was just enough to get me out..."
Erin Harris Bowdoin College
"Language acquisition, cultural insights, lifelong friendships."
A student Bowdoin College
"This was a great program to improve my Spanish, learn about public health, and explore Argentina."
A student Bowdoin College
"What didn't I gain/learn?! As cheesy as it sounds, TBB was the single-most transformative experience I've had, and every part of it was beyond worthwhile -- even (/especially) the moments of culture shock and discomfort. "
Corey Schmolka Bowdoin College
"I learned even more about how to live on my own/with friends and come up with routines to keep myself learning and happy. I feel way more prepared for life after college as a result. On top of that, I learned a ton about the politics and cultures of the areas we visited, and how climate change will impact those areas."
A student Bowdoin College
"I learned too much to sum up here, and it was worthwhile. "
A student Bowdoin College
"I feel so much more comfortable speaking and writing in Spanish now. The only thing I regret is making plans that prohibited my staying longer."
Alexandra Briere Bowdoin College
"Outside of the classroom I had a fantastic experience, it was worthwhile but could have been done better."
William Orion Watson Bowdoin College
"I learned to be more confident in my language abilities and that it's okay to make mistakes. I found that having local friends, though unexpected, was the best part of my experience. And if you have any faith background that is present in the home country, it is a very profound experience to be part of that while abroad. "
Sarah Walker Bowdoin College
"I gained valuable exposure to European politics and culture. I was able to visit 12 countries while learning about the ins and outs of the European Union. "
Sabrina H. Bowdoin College
"I definitely improved my German skills, in reading, writing, and speaking! I met new friends who shared my passion for German, which was actually super cool for me, coming from a super small school where all of my German classes had fewer than 7 students. I got to know the beautiful city of Berlin and made connections with Berli..."
Emily Cohen Bowdoin College
"I learned how to interact with people a little different than me as well as sail a boat and do research on a ship. It was worthwhile."
Qyn (Eriq) Byrne Bowdoin College
"It was worthwhile, I learned about cultural adaptation and grit. As a government major, observing the political life and influence of the state was very interesting to me as well."
A student Bowdoin College
"I learned an unfathomable amount of French, I learned how different culture interact with each other and exist and finally I learned who I am and who I want to be. It was incredibly worthwhile and I am so grateful for Middlebury and the opportunity to experience Paris through a safe, fun and immersive program."
A student Bowdoin College
"Gained a lot, confidence in an international city. "
Miles Brautigam Bowdoin College
"I got much better with my language skills and felt like I was able to see a new side of French culture that I had not seen or learned about before. I would like to go back again sometime and would recommend it to others as well."
A student Bowdoin College
"Definitely worthwhile. I learned to be more independent."
A student Bowdoin College
"Yes, definitely worthwhile. My language skills improved significantly and it was useful for my academic and professional futures. "
Jonah Watt Bowdoin College
"Field techniques, group dynamics, as well as cultural experience and travel experience"
A student Bowdoin College