Fordham University
University Information
Study abroad at Fordham is part of a long-standing tradition of Jesuit education that seeks to enhance students’ understanding of the world’s peoples and their interdependence. Our goal is to help students gain an understanding of other cultures and to incorporate a global dimension to their chosen fields of study. Fordham prides itself in offering its students one of the most extensive networks for foreign study of any major university. As such, it is important to research your options, to become familiar with the different types of programs Fordham offers as well as the applicable academic and financial guidelines and policies. It is also important to deliberate. What would matter most to you in selecting a study abroad program? A destination and the length of the intended program? Opportunities to do course work on your major? Would the prominence of a given city or foreign university and the richness of the culture of the host community be more important to you? What about commitment to linguistic, cultural and academic immersion? Do you have specific academic goals or interests you would like pursue in a foreign academic setting? What would these be?
We urge you to plan ahead and start a conversation about these questions and your aspirations with family members, friends, faculty, and study abroad alumni. We also want you to meet and talk with the International and Study Abroad Programs (ISAP) staff. While the University recognizes a sustained period of study in another culture is important, it is important to remember that study abroad is not a requirement, nor an entitlement of a Fordham education. Rather, participants do earn the right to study abroad by high academic performance, a clearly reasoned academic purpose, appropriate preparation, and conduct that demonstrates genuine enthusiasm for learning about and experiencing other cultures.
Do you have general questions about Fordham’s study abroad programs, eligibility requirements, the application process and what Fordham expects of study abroad participants? Are you curious about what you may do after your study abroad term? Please stop by our offices—the ISAP staff looks forward to working with you and to offering the advising and services you will need to get the most out of your experience abroad.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Fall Early Action Deadline: January 15
Fall Final Deadline February 15
Spring Early Action Deadline: June 30
Spring Final Deadline: September 10
Summer Abroad Course Deadline: February 15
Winter Abroad Course Deadline: November 1
Summer Outside Program Deadline: April 15
"Many. I'm now open to considering a career abroad whereas before I wasn't as certain of such a possibility."
Vincent L Fordham University
"It definitely broadened my worldview and opened my eyes to the richness of cities--just how much one building or site can signify, etc. I am interested in going back to Berlin because it has so much to offer for wannabe artists and writers."
Sarah M Fordham University
"It was amazing. Honestly the best four months of my life. I loved living around and constantly encountering people who did not have any of the same upbringing that I had. But I also completely and totally enjoyed all the Syracuse students in the program as well. "
Katie H Fordham University
"I learned so much, and despite not taking classes I was majoring in, I feel as if I learned valuable information. London is a great city and buzzing with different people and cultures and history, a great place to spend the semester."
Jonathon S Fordham University
"My study abroad experience was extremely positive, especially when it came to improving my Spanish."
Katherine G Fordham University
"I definitely think it was worthwhile because I got to see so much of Europe and Scandinavia and I was pushed really far outside of my comfort zone, in terms of interacting with people very different from my friends at home. I also became a lot more independent and learned how to handle stressful situations in much better ways. M..."
Darya R Fordham University
"I learned a lot about my family's culture and, in turn, a lot about myself. Study abroad also changed my cultural perceptions of the world. Now, I constantly consider the cultural aspects of business whenever I hear about major developments in other parts of the world. Additionally, I have a clearer perspective of the economic a..."
Tammy K Fordham University
"I am so much more mature, confident, and independent after spending four months in a foreign place."
Claire L Fordham University
"Enormously. I came back to the U.S. with a greater appreciation for our economy, resources, and way of life. I also grew in my fondness and understanding of European culture. It was a win-win situation. "
Emily L Fordham University
"Despite some of my complaints and struggles, my overall experience was worthwhile and very rewarding. I learned how to live independently in a foreign country, deal with landlords and apartment issues, fight for visas, etc. . . all in my second language. I feel that I understand Europe much better as a whole, and I know many mor..."
Rebecca H Fordham University
"It made me realize that I would like to continue traveling and that I may consider living in Spain in the future."
Gabriela M Fordham University
"Absolutely. I learned so much about Irish culture and people and also European lifestyles. It did not change my academic or future plans, but definitely allowed me to gain a more worldly view and appreciate America more. "
Nancy B Fordham University
"Absolutely worthwhile. I gained a better understanding of Europe as a whole and the city of my dad's upbringing. It helped me care about the whole world and not just America first."
Harry H Fordham University
"You really do learn so much about yourself; your values, experiences, perspective on life, history, and human achievement. It defiantly makes you want to see the rest of the world and wonder what great things other places have to offer."
Mario P Fordham University
"Absolutely, best time of my life."
Brian M Fordham University
"For me, i made so many good memories that i wouldn't change that for the world. I made great friends, took amazing pictures, and i have memories to look back on and laugh. However, had someone told me more specifically how strict the program is, i most likely would have chosen a different program for the mere fact that it was so..."
katherine N Fordham University
"I really like how Philippine education is very heavy on application. I had many groupworks wherein I was able to apply concepts I learned in the classroom. I appreciated my business electives because I want to be involved in the PHL corporate field in the future."
Julia P Fordham University
"Very worthwhile. I gained a perspective of the entire United Kingdom which i never had before. I also gained a greater appreciation for my education and had my interested peaked for my future career. "
Graham B Fordham University
"Definitely. I am so incredibly happy that I had this opportunity. I met so many great people and went to so many amazing places, I wouldn't trade those experiences for anything. I definitely am more willing to try new things and I am even more curious about different cultures than I was before going abroad. My future plans defin..."
Elizabeth A Fordham University
"Yes! Mexico was amazing, and my experience abroad gave me everything I had hoped to gain from it and so much more. It was such an enriching experience, not only culturally, but in meeting new people from all over the world and finding a part of myself in another setting. "
Erica H Fordham University
"I became more independent and mature. While abroad, I went on a plane by myself for the first time and even went on a weekend trip by myself for the first time. I learned more about the Italian culture as well as the cultures of other places that I visited. Studying in Italy wants me to become better at the language. I am itchi..."
Alexandra A Fordham University
"Definitely gained independence and a better understanding of my personality. Definitely more stressful than expected but still worthwhile. I still wish I took more advantage of it by being more immersed and surrounding myself with more Spaniards."
Christina S Fordham University
"As negative as my review of my program might have been, studying abroad was the greatest experience of my life. You literally learn who you are as a person, and appreciate everything you have at home in America. I've had the greatest times of my life, and memories to write novels over. I just wish my academic career took place i..."
Kaitlin F Fordham University
"I gained language, world outlook and a wonderful 4 months."
Sofia M Fordham University
"Yes because I was able to travel."
Victoria K Fordham University