
Middlebury College

September 21, 2024

University Information

Each year more than 50% of the junior class at Middlebury studies abroad in more than 40 countries at more than 90 different programs and universities.

Mission Statement:

International Programs supports Middlebury’s mission to cultivate the intellectual, creative, physical, ethical, and social qualities essential for leadership in a rapidly changing global community. A student’s study abroad experience should be an integral and coherent part of his or her academic program at Middlebury, enhancing the on-campus curriculum and supporting a liberal arts education. To achieve these ends, Middlebury students study abroad on academically substantive programs that foster cultural and linguistic integration.

Middlebury Schools Abroad:

Middlebury has Schools Abroad at more than 40 universities in Argentina, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Morocco, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay.

Externally-Sponsored (Non-Middlebury) Programs:

Each year a significant number of Middlebury students study abroad on externally-sponsored programs (programs other than Middlebury Schools Abroad) in countries such as Australia, Botswana, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Ghana, Greece, Ireland, Kenya, Madagascar, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and more!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Middlebury Students Study Abroad Deadline: FEBRUARY 1 (to study abroad the following fall, spring, or academic year)

Visit http://www.middlebury.edu/international/sa for more information.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review It Was A Difficult Semester, But I Learned A Lot. Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Paris

"I gained competence as a French speaker, the ability to adjust to and navigate through different cultures. I gained personal confidence and knowledge of how to take care of myself in challenging/stressful situations. I also discovered a lot about my personal likes and dislikes."

Middlebury College
Past Review An Eyeopening And Refreshing Experience To Be Immersed In Another Culture Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Niterói

"Yes, my time abroad was worthwhile. I advanced my language skills, made local friends and experienced a rich culture. "

Middlebury College
Past Review The Food Was Great! Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Beijing

"I gained a greater appreciation and understanding of the language and culture"

Middlebury College
Past Review It Was The Best Of Times, It Was The Worst Of Times. Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Bordeaux

"I improved my fluency in French and gained experience living on my own in a foreign country."

Middlebury College
Past Review Challenging But Memorable And Growthful Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Delhi

"Flexibility and adaptation. Insight into a new culture and inspirational travels. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Learn Chinese Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Beijing

"I learned Chinese, and I really enjoyed my relationship with my roommate who was a local student. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Iceland Abroad University of Iceland: Reykjavík - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Aside from learning a lot at the University of Iceland, I learned about "adult life". Coming from a small college in the US, things like paying rent and cooking for yourself are kind of an afterthought when housing and meals are provided for you. Having to live on my own and cook my own food and pay rent like an adult were a rea..."

Middlebury College
Past Review Truly Life Changing! Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Hangzhou

"A gained a new knowledge of self, a new love for the Chinese culture, and an improved set of language skills! It was definitely worthwhile and I wish I could do it all over again!"

Middlebury College
Past Review Work It Harder Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Getafe

"Independence and Spanish It was worth it but had I tried harder from the beginning, I could have gained much more."

Middlebury College
Past Review This Program Is Not That Valuable, From An International Perspective. Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury – CMRS Oxford Humanities Program

"So and so. It was a different experience than studying at my home institution, very challenging and I guess I feel good about myself, knowing that I managed to complete the work I was assigned every week. The tutorials of the program were very interesting: one-to-one with an Oxford professor and weekly discussions on the assigne..."

Middlebury College
Past Review Beijing Baejing Slayjing Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Beijing

"I learned a lot about what I want to do in life, and I now know that I want to live in China for part of my life. It was 100% worthwhile."

Middlebury College
Past Review In Valpo & Not Getting Robbed Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Valparaiso

"Language skills/ independence increased dramatically"

Middlebury College
Past Review Small Program In A Beautiful City! The Swedish Program: Stockholm, Sweden

"Opportunity to travel a lot and meet lots of cool people. Interesting classes about Swedish culture. Very worthwhile. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Lekker CIEE: Amsterdam - Social Sciences + Humanities

"I became more independent, learned how to allocate my time, etc."

Middlebury College
Past Review The Most Amazing, Bizarre, Important Experience I Have Ever Had. CIEE: Khon Kaen - Development and Globalization in Thailand

"I gained a lot of insight about myself, independence, a sense of calm, what I care about and what is not worth caring about, my role as an American citizen in the global world, the pros and cons of development; I expanded my view of the world and what is important to its continued success; what success means and is is so depende..."

Middlebury College
Past Review Amazing Experience UPCES - Study Abroad in Prague (CERGE-EI, Charles University)

"I learned that you should atleast try and integrate into other cultures and not just assume that other people act similarly to those in your country"

Middlebury College
Past Review An Amazing But Challenging Journey SIT Study Abroad: IHP - Cities in the 21st Century: People, Planning and Politics (Fall 2)

"I learned how to better defend my beliefs as well as how to understand and empathize with others. I gained amazing friendships and experiences I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. However I'm not sure if I would do this program again if I do it all over again."

Middlebury College
Past Review An Intriguing, Life Changing, Fun Experience. UPCES - Study Abroad in Prague (CERGE-EI, Charles University)

"Outside of school I learned an incredible amount over the course of the semester. Living and traveling in a foreign country/continent teaches someone unforgettable life lessons. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Moscow Is Cold Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Moscow

"I learned how to live somewhat independently in a big city. In some respects, yes it was worthwhile."

Middlebury College
Past Review Not Your Average Study Abroad Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Berlin

"Yes! I had a fantastic time learning how to be an adult and live completely on my own. I feel that I have experienced a tremendous amount of self-growth and would not change my experience for anything (even if I wouldn't necessarily do the same program again)."

Middlebury College
Past Review An Incredible Experience In Spain Full Of New Friends And Culture Immersion UC3M / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about living in a city independently, as well as the Spanish culture and language. It was extremely worthwhile."

Middlebury College
Past Review Incredible Experience In A Great City With Great People Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Getafe

"I gained perspective and a desire to see much more of the world. I also was able to significantly improve my ability to speak Spanish and learned a lot about Spanish culture in particular."

Middlebury College
Past Review Great Time Seeing Spain And Europe But Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Madrid

"Definitely worth while, gave me great amount of independence"

Middlebury College
Past Review Disappointing Level Of Immersion For Middlebury Ben Gurion University of the Negev: Beer Sheba - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Totally worthwhile. I met so many relatives and learned that I loved the Israeli culture. Had a great experience playing with the university basketball team."

Middlebury College