Occidental College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Occidental College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are an Occidental College student, please check with the International Programs Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information

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01/05/2023 Surpassed All My Expectations!!!! An Amazing Experience! SIT Study Abroad: Argentina - Social Movements and Human Rights

"I learned about myself and gained so much maturity, confidence, and patience. I felt like a part of the local culture with friends in my community. I gained new inspiration and perspective about social movements and human rights, especially in Latin America and the Global South, which you can't get at a US university. I felt emp..."

Occidental College
Past Review A Covid 19 Semester Abroad SIT Study Abroad Malaysia: Money, Trade, and the New Silk Road

"How many good people there are in the world. Completely worthwhile."

Occidental College
Past Review Personal And Intellectual Development The Best Way Possible SIT Study Abroad: India - Sustainable Development and Social Change

"I learnt much my intellectual interests and myself. For the former, I was initially somewhat interested in development, but after the program I am not only sure of said interest, but I also got to learn much more about it than I had thought possible and had the experience to see it firsthand. Regarding the latter, I not only bet..."

Occidental College
Past Review The Best Study Abroad Program, Hands Down SIT Study Abroad: Morocco - Field Studies in Journalism and New Media

" I definitely came out of the program very confident and gained research, interviewing, and storytelling skills. I'm not a journalism major, but I am definitely carrying my skills with me to the workplace in the future."

Occidental College
Past Review A Journey Through Peru SIT Study Abroad: Peru - Indigenous Peoples and Globalization

"I grew academically as well as personally from this experience. It was definitely worthwhile."

Occidental College
Past Review A Worthy Program Even With Extenuating Circumstances SIT Study Abroad: Chile - Cultural Identity, Social Justice, and Community Development

"My Spanish improved immensely, I went from not feeling comfortable speaking in front of others to being able to have hours-long conversations. It was definitely worthwhile in the context of my academic interests and growing as a student."

Occidental College
Past Review Excellent! SIT Study Abroad: India - Sustainable Development and Social Change

"I gained a profound wake up call to American culture, Indian culture, and the human experience."

Occidental College
Past Review Lots Of Travel, Wonderful Program Staff, Great For Pre Health Students! SIT Study Abroad: Argentina - Public Health in Urban Environments

"Language fluency, appreciation for other cultures, perspective on the United States in terms of world relations"

Occidental College
Past Review Eye Opening SIT Study Abroad: Jordan - Geopolitics, International Relations, and the Future of the Middle East

"Language, independence, confidence etc. All worth it! "

Occidental College
Past Review Great Roman Term! IES Abroad: Study Rome - Language & Area Studies

"I've become interculturally competent in a way that I certainly was not before, I've learned a fair degree in a language I could barely say "hello" in, and I've gained an international outlook through relationships with the people I met in Rome. "

Occidental College
Past Review An Exhilarating Semester In Salamanca IES Abroad: Salamanca – Psychology

"I learned more about myself as I participated in different activities. I also met various people from different countries helping me to become more knowledgeable about different cultures. It was worthwhile as I truly got to know the language better as well as the city. "

Occidental College
Past Review Thank You, Ies Tokyo! IES Abroad: Tokyo - Language & Culture

"I learned how to manage cultural norms--an hour commute to school in Japan is considered normal; hour-long train rides are normal; packed trains are normal. "

Occidental College
Past Review My Only Regret Is That It Ended... IES Abroad: Paris - Business & International Affairs

"Of course, the obvious conclusion is an improvement in my French. However , I gained valuable life experiences as well. I learned to live more independently and immerse myself in a foreign culture . I learned to step outside of my comfort zone and it was very worth it."

Occidental College
Past Review My Semester Abroad In Milan IES Abroad: Milan - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I learned about the Italian culture, food, and language. I also gained lots of travel skills and networking skills. It was absolutely worthwhile. "

Occidental College
Past Review My Home In Rome IES Abroad: Study Rome - Language & Area Studies

"I studied abroad in Rome with IES Language and Area Studies during the Fall of 2016, and it was by far the best experience of my life. I lived in an apartment, just a fifteen minute walk to school, with five other abroad students and one Italian Student Companion. I absolutely loved my classes and really valued the opportunity..."

Occidental College
Past Review A Semester Of Growth, Change, And Independence IES Abroad: Freiburg - European Union: Politics, Law & Economics

"I learned how to be independent, and improved my leadership abilities. I learned how to navigate around places I hadn't been, and to travel on my own as well. I also learned A LOT about the European Union, which I believe is a fascinating and very important organization."

Occidental College
Past Review Great For My Professional And Academic Skills IES Abroad: Tokyo - Language & Culture

"I learned that my country is not the only one that we should focus on in the world and that many other people have their own bubbles that they focus on. "

Occidental College
Past Review Everything I Could Have Asked For In A Program IES Abroad: Nantes - French Language Immersion & Area Studies

"I improved my French immensely and overall gained so much confidence. I felt really independent abroad and had the best experience I could've hoped for exploring a beautiful city and meeting really great people."

Occidental College
Past Review A Fantastic Way To Tour Europe And Get Credits With Good Company Voyager Europe: Traveling Summer Program

"Studying abroad is so important to one's education. While in another a country you learn so much in and out of the classroom. Its so important that individuals expose themselves to other cultures to avoid narrow mindedness. "

Occidental College
Past Review A Black Sheep On A Quest For Truth Arcadia: Dunedin - University of Otago

"It was worthwhile and it helped me better understand relationships between people and the historical context behind those relationships "

Occidental College
Past Review A 4 Month Journey To Understanding Myself And How I Interact With Others Arcadia: Dunedin - University of Otago

"I learned how much my environment had shaped who I am. Everywhere you go you take that with you and it can be a source of strength and confidence but also isolating and challenging. Overall it was worthwhile to take the time to leave my comfort zone to be a part of a different culture and college environment. I felt very indepen..."

Occidental College
Past Review Awesome CEA CAPA Education Abroad: London, England

"I learned a lot about basic marketing that I think will help me in the pursuit of my degree."

Occidental College
Past Review Irish Immersion IES Abroad: Dublin Direct Enrollment - Trinity College Dublin

"I absolutely loved studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland and I wish I could have stayed the entire year! My favorite part about the experience was being directly enrolled into Trinity College and enjoying all of the academic (like the Book of Kells!) and social resources provided by the campus. The program allowed me to immerse mys..."

Occidental College
Past Review Fantastic Spanish Learning And Travel Experience Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"I definitely improved my Spanish through this program and had a wonderful experience with my host mom as well as the other American student I was housed with. I think the Sol program is particularly tailored to the student who hasn't travelled as much in the past, although there were many of us who had international travel exper..."

Occidental College