Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville student, please check with the Office of International Affairs for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review A Once In A Lifetime Experience AIFS: Salamanca - University of Salamanca

"I gained a sense of independence yet felt more connected to people than I ever have before. I learned about so many people, cultures, languages, and myself. "

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review It Was The Most Enlightening Semester In My Academic Career. CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I gained a true understanding of the culture and language that will be invaluable for my future career. "

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Amazing! Learned Lots Of New Things About Myself And Costa Rica CEA CAPA Education Abroad: San Jose, Costa Rica

"How to adapt to different situations and good problem solving skills! It takes a lot to live in a different country and I will definitely "

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Try New Things, Learn The Language And Culture, Pura Vida! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: San Jose, Costa Rica

"My experience was definitely worthwhile! I wish it could have been longer, but even with just the 4 week program I learned so much about the culture and the city, as well as improved my spanish skills and took adventures. "

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review A Semester In The Alps CEA CAPA Education Abroad: French Alps, France

"My time abroad has taught me not only a lot about French and international cultures, but also about my own culture and myself. I know myself better now than I ever expected to. "

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Alicante: My Home Away From Home CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Alicante, Spain

"First, I became nearly fluent in Spanish, which was very beneficial to my Spanish degree. I also just grew as a person in general. Studying abroad helped me gain independence, problem solving skills, cultural knowledge, and a new network of people."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Mind Opening CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Shanghai, China

"I have gained so much. Most importantly, I now have the confidence and ability to travel or live abroad in any country in the world. I now have the capability to communicate with native Chinese speakers, and the same skills of learning a new language in a foreign country can be applied if I try to learn any different language in..."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Buenos Aires, New York City, But In Spanish CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Buenos Aires, Argentina

"A month wasn't long enough to really have a chance to speak, especially to natives (for someone who is already fluent. I am able to share cultural information with my students now."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Cuernavaca Make Every Moment Worth It! Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM): Cuernavaca - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My experience was amazing. I learned a lot from my students and look forward to teaching in the future. This program really reinforced that I have made the right decision to get my MA in TESL."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review London Showed Me What My Life Could Be Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): London - Theater Studies Program

"This trip gave me the assurance that I needed in choosing my career. It showed me what theater is capable of and what it can be. I learned that plenty of people out there still appreciate it and will continue to do so. It gave me confidence in my choice."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review China Travel Study: Broadening Your Horizons Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): Traveling - Business Program to China

"This trip was definitely worthwhile and I gained the understanding that people can be on the other side of the world and there are so many similarities. They still do the same daily activities as us, but you see them from a new point of view. This was a great experience and I will remember it for the rest of my life."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Istanbul Technical University Istanbul Technical University: Istanbul - DIrect Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes. I have a whole new outlook on the world, and I think engineers don't normally think about going abroad but it should be a necessary requirement just to expand their horizons and outlooks."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Ireland Was Both Beautiful And Breathtaking. I Will Cherish My Photos For Life. Burren College of Art: Ballyvaughan - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was definitely worthwhile. I learned about photography in such a photogenic place."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Germany A Trip I Would Take Again Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): Traveling - Business Program to Germany

"This trip was more than worthwhile.It was a great way for me to broaden my horizons.I experinced a different way of life and made lifelong friends."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review A Life Changing Experience In Ghana! Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): Accra - Health Ed Internship Program in Ghana

"The program opened my eyes to the world, I hope to continue to travel around the world and help people as much as I can. Ghana was very rewarding and I love the feeling of accomplishment and the appreciation I gained for my own country."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Abroad In London Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): London - Theater Studies Program

"Very much so. It's hard to voice. Much inspiration and knowledge of myself and the world around me was gained."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review China The Trip Of A Lifetime Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): Traveling - Business Program to China

"Even though I have studied Chinese culture for many years, I realized how very little I actually knew. The real world will never be found, completely, in books."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review London: L Ife Is But A Dream Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): London - Theater Studies Program

"I was able to travel the world at the British Library and learn about many different cultures and history."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review London Was Great! Missouri Consortium: Missouri London Program

"I really enjoyed my study abroad experience but, as I have stated several times already, I would not use CAPA again. My experience has not changed my academic interests or future plans but I definitely feel that experiencing London has given me a greater understanding and appreciation for my chosen field."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review America Is My Country, But Florence Is My Hometown. Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): Florence - History Program in Italy

"My study abroad experience was amazing. I met a lot of great people. I was able to immerse myself in a culture that I thoroughly enjoy. I was able to see the things that I have studied throughout my college career. This trip has further established my goal of working in a museum, being a professor, and becoming a practicing hist..."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Germany Travel Study: Education, Friends, & Memories That Will Last A Lifetime! Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): Traveling - Business Program to Germany

"The Germany Travel Study was definitely worthwhile. I learned so much about the history, culture, and business in the country. I feel it is far easier to retain information with you experience for yourself instead of reading facts from a textbook. I also met some people that I have created lasting frienships with. Not only w..."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review China An Experence Of A Life Time Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): Traveling - Business Program to China

"I understand the Chinese culture and business so much better by being there than I ever would have through a class or books. I learned alot about myself from being on the trip with people I did not know very well before we left for the trip."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Study Abroad In Ghana, You Will Never Want To Leave! Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): Accra - Health Ed Internship Program in Ghana


Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review I Left My Heart In Ghana: A Rewarding Change In Perspective. Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): Accra - Health Ed Internship Program in Ghana

"Yes. I learned a lot. I view my life and my belongings a lot differently. I have learned patience when I do not receive instant gratification and it has focused me on my goals much more because I accomplished a major goal just being able to experience Africa. I think it would've been more fun if it was chalk full of geography ma..."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Past Review Siue Study Abroad Trip To The Burren College Of Art In Ireland Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE): Ballyvaughan - Studio Art Program in Ireland

"I was able to come away with a deeper understanding of the Irish culture as well as develop a nice portfolio of photographic work."

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville