SUNY - College at Oneonta
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at SUNY - College at Oneonta. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a SUNY - Oneonta student, please check with the Office of Global Education for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I learned that I really do want to move to London once i graduate. It was worthwhile for sure. "
Chrissy H SUNY - College at Oneonta
Celine SUNY - College at Oneonta
"It was so worthwhile, i learned to live on my own and be self-sufficient "
Jamie Giordano SUNY - College at Oneonta
"I learned so much about myself. I grew as a person. I feel like i came back a new person, more of an adult. I learned so much about fashion. I gained professional experience that will help me in the future so much."
A student SUNY - College at Oneonta
"I learned how to be completely independent, and be able to broaden my horizons and live in a completely different place. Was it worthwhile? Absolutely."
Brian R SUNY - College at Oneonta
"Though there were some negative aspects, overall it was the best experience I have had in college so far. Very worthwhile to say that you took classes in another country but get to travel the country at the same time."
Emma T SUNY - College at Oneonta
"it was worthwhile"
Julie G SUNY - College at Oneonta
"I learned more about myself while I was there because I was exposed to various cultures (also traveled to Nicaragua and Panama) and because of the experiences I had. I also learned many things from my classes and my friends. I improved my Spanish immensely which is what I had anticipated from the beginning (and was determined ..."
A student SUNY - College at Oneonta
"I feel like I understand the world much more after going. I have a great desire to travel for the rest of my life now. I was on the fence about going, and I am so glad I made the decision I did. Going abroad is worth the depression of returning. It really will change your life."
Stephen W SUNY - College at Oneonta