SUNY Purchase

September 20, 2024

University Information

Study abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a student’s life. Experiencing another culture and language and seeing an unknown part of the world while gaining a new perspective on an area of study can be life changing. Equally importantly, students can gain a new perspective on the United States by seeing it from a foreign vantage point. And without question, students will gain insight into their studies at Purchase College. In addition, experience abroad may open new and unexpected doors upon graduation and thereafter.

On campus, visit the study abroad office on the second floor of the Student Services Building to research options available around the world, or attend the study abroad fair in the fall or one of our information sessions. We would be happy to advise you, make recommendations and help you plan for your sojourn abroad. You may also contact International Programs and Services on the Purchase College campus for more information at

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Past Review Florentine Lifestyle Changed My Outlook On Day To Day Life Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"Absolutely. It was hard at times but it was extremely rewarding and I saw so many things abroad. It very surreal."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Firenze: La Bella Vita Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"So far, best experience of my life. I would have never had the chance to travel as much as I did if I didn't go abroad. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review London <3 Brunel University: London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes. I learned that I am much braver than I give myself credit for and I learned how to function on my own."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Kansai Gaidai: An Excellent Option For Students Interested In Experienceing The "Real" Japan Kansai Gaidai University: Hirakata - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My primary goal in traveling to Japan for a semester was to test my own ability to immerse myself in a completely different culture and language. Overall, I succeeded in doing so. I learned a great deal and really, truly enjoyed my five months in Japan. My experiences contributed greatly to my study of Asian History and Politica..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review (Aside From The Actual Program) Studying Abroad In Tel Aviv Best Experience Of My Life. Tel Aviv University: Undergraduate Semester / Year in Israel

"It was an amazing experience regardless of the program's shortcomings. I fell in love with the country and the people. I felt like a better version of myself when I was there and was more engaged with things I normally wouldn't have found interest in in America (ie. hiking, spontaneous explorations). While I committed to startin..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Fall In Love With Florence Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I wouldnt have traded it for anything. the only thing i regret is that i am not still there. I got the travel bug and now know the incredible experiences i have yet to have. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review South Korea: Unexpected Challenges & Life Changing Lessons Yonsei University: Seoul - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I found that many times I was automatically judged based on where I was from. My experience made me realize how important it is to communicate and learn from people from other countries. It is important to see how other countries tackle their problems and how other countries view how the Unites States tackles its problems. This..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Take Me Back To Ireland University College Cork: Cork - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned how to meet new people in a place where I knew absolutely no one, and that is something I know I will live with for the rest of my life. I taught myself how to get around foreign countries armed with only a map, and I learned a lot about myself in the meantime. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Florence, Italy; Like Living In A Dream :) Florence University of The Arts: Florence - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I fell in love with a country, it's language, and it's people. They will all follow and influence me for the rest of my life, and that is something I wouldn't trade anything for. The experience was amazing, and I'm SO GLAD I did it :)"

SUNY Purchase
Past Review La Belle Vie Dans La Sud De La France! Institute for American Universities (IAU): The School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France

"It was worthwhile. I had a wonderful experience. I learned about a different culture, which was much different than I had originally expected. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Argentina An Older Familiar Home. SUNY New Paltz: Buenos Aires - Study Abroad at Pontificia Universidad Católica

"I learned how to rely on myself and open up my world to others and learn and respect their cultures. I was able to practice my spanish on an everyday basis and I realized more clearly what I might be interested in persuing in the future."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review My Life Changing Experience In Ireland University College Cork: Cork - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"This trip was definitley life changing. It opened up my eyes to new cultures and different lifestyles. I got to travel to Madrid, Paris, and London and now I want to travel to as many places as I can. This experience was so rewarding and I can't imagine my life having not studied abroad."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review A Magical Experience In Beautiful Ireland SUNY New Paltz: Limerick - Study Abroad at University of Limerick (Summer Irish Studies)

"My study abroad experience was definitely worthwhile. I gained so much from this experience and it will definitely be something which I will never forget. I learned so much about the world around me as well as myself. I had never been surrounded by so many people from different parts of the world. It was so incredible and def..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Semester At Sea Indescribable Semester at Sea Study Abroad: Make the World Your Campus

"My study abroad experience was so worthwhile. I learned so much from this one experience. I grew up a lot and learn to do things for myself, like make travel plans, how to spend money and fund myself. I became a lot more patient and laid back. I learned not to have expectations and to go into everything with an open mind. I lear..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review India What I Learned Study Abroad Programs in India

"Yes I learned a lot about myself , the way in which others view me and my county. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Madrid, Spain Summer: An Unbelievable Adventure Of Epic Proportions UFV Madrid / Universidad Francisco de Vitoria: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"This experience completely opened my eyes to a world of possibilities. I returned with a love of Spain and Spanish people and culture, and a new perspective and love for my own country. I was able to achieve a lifelong goal of being able to speak another language on a conversational level, and now I am strongly considering a car..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review University Of Edinburgh Is Fantastic University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"The University of Edinburgh provided a great experience by allowing you to determine what you wished to do while abroad. You were allowed to be as involved or uninvolved in the University activities and they put you in housing with local students. My involvement in this experience has certainly changed my perspective on life, ..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Living In Valencia, Spain Was The Best Decision I Ever Made In My Life!!! Go!!! Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Because of this experience I have a better knowledge of people as a whole. It opened my eyes to how Americans are perceived in other countries and how different cultures work. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Great! Mexico Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"It has changed me in that I know before I go to grad school I will spend some more time abroad."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Ecuador, A Random But Right Choice. Ecuador Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Of course it was worthwhile!! I am impressed with how well I adapted to a new culture and how readily I accepted what came to me. I came to live a different life style, that was completely different than mine. Living this way showed me that everyone's way of life is different and right for that group of people, or even individua..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Aur Encouraging Segregation And Seperation SUNY Broome: Rome - Study Abroad at American University of Rome

"It was worthwhile to be able to live in a different country for an extended period of time- the idea of "study abroad" was more or less a vehicle to allow such to happen... which may or may not be the general focus of these programs "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Dingle Summer Art Review Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I'm on the fence about if it was worthwhile. I'm glad I got the experience of Europe, forced myself to be disconnected from home for a while, and got to focus on painting so much, but socially and emotionally I felt trapped and this was very hard for me to get through. I would have preferred to be stationed in a foreign city, wh..."

SUNY Purchase