
Texas Christian University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Texas Christian University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Texas Christian University student, please check with the Center for International Studies for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Soaking Up All Amsterdam, Paris, And Italy Have To Offer! Texas Christian University (TCU): Traveling - Education: Montessori Method, Summer Program

"Overall, my study abroad experience was an eye-opening one. I not only learned about different countries and their cultures, but about myself. I now understand my capabilities and have learned so much about myself as a friend, student, future teacher, and person. "

Texas Christian University
Past Review Budapest, Praha, And Wien: One Month Of Immersion In Three Cultures Texas Christian University (TCU): Budapest, Prague, Vienna: Politics, Culture and Communication, Summer Program

"This was my first time outside the US, and it was entirely worthwhile. Unlike most students, the trip affirmed more of my persuasions than it changed. I have been determined to become as culturally aware and globally minded as possible since I was a junior in high school. While I did encounter inconveniences, they were largel..."

Texas Christian University
Past Review Dublin: Good 'Craic That Changed My Life IES Abroad: Dublin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"Studying abroad was the most valuable experience I could have ever asked for. I came home to the United States with a new feeling of independence and satisfaction. I learned that I can handle being on my own for long periods of time and can make friends abroad. Having studied abroad, I've found a new love for traveling and would..."

Texas Christian University
Past Review I Loved London And Came Of Age As A Global Citizen!! Texas Christian University (TCU): London - Coming of Age as a Global Citizen, Summer Program

"My study abroad experience was entirely worthwhile! I learned more about myself and about the English culture by studying abroad. I had some of the best experiences of my life in London during my study abroad program. The Coming of Age as a Global Citizen program has made me think about working in London or England in the future..."

Texas Christian University
Past Review I Love Salamanca! Texas Christian University (TCU): Salamanca - Language & Culture in Salamanca

"Absolutely, such a great experience. I learned so much and improved my spanish a lot. "

Texas Christian University
Past Review South Africa: Always Fascinating, Never Boring CIEE: Cape Town - Arts and Sciences

"Studying abroad helped me to become more independent and confident. It also opened me up to Africa. I knew little of South Africa before I went. But now I am in love with the country and I am much more interested in Africa. This program helped me realize just how complex South Africa is and often how misunderstood South Africa a..."

Texas Christian University
Past Review Seville: An Almost Worthwhile Experience Texas Christian University (TCU): TCU in Seville

"I would not go back, traveling by myself has taught me more about culture and language than I could ever learn. I will go abroad again but on my own schedule and my own time. I do not recommend the Center for Cross cultural Studies to anyone. I have traveled to over 30 countries in my lifetime but this was just not a favorite tr..."

Texas Christian University
Past Review A Month In Germany: The Best Way To Summer Study Texas Christian University (TCU): Traveling - Language, Criminal Justice in Germany

"Despite a long-established prior interest in German culture, I had never traveled abroad before and thus started from ground zero. Naturally, I gained much more independence and confidence while exploring the cities and speaking with others. I was able to experience a country that is very different from my own, but has alway..."

Texas Christian University
Past Review Would Do It Again In A Heartbeat Semester at Sea Study Abroad: Make the World Your Campus

"Being in so many different cultures in such a short amount of time is a once in a lifetime experience. "

Texas Christian University
Past Review Ireland: My Second Home IES Abroad: Dublin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"It was extremely worthwhile. I am now inspired to travel and I feel like it made me a better person. I am so grateful! "

Texas Christian University
Past Review Study Abroad Helped Me Learn A Lot About Different Cultures Texas Christian University: London - TCU in London - Westminster

"Study Abroad helped me meet a lot of new friends and actually see a different part of the world that i would not have been able to otherwise. Living in a different country really teaches you about that place and helps you respect other people in a way you wouldn't if not emerged in their culture. "

Texas Christian University
Past Review Costa Rica, Small But Life Changing... Texas Christian University (TCU): Rincon de la Vieja - Environmental Issues in Costa Rica

"I now know I want to be active in global issues such as politics, policy, and environment. "

Texas Christian University
Past Review Australia Study Of Evidence Based Practice Really Broadened My Knowledge Of My Future Field Of Study La Trobe University: Melbourne - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It has impacted my cultural awareness-especially going to a country so far away with a much different cultural aspect to it. It was very interesting to learn the differences in our field of study and that is something that I can apply in my future to make me a better speech-language pathologist. "

Texas Christian University
Past Review Sevilla: A Great And Unforgettable Adventure! SSA Education Abroad: Seville - Semester, Year or Summer in Seville

"It was everything I wanted and more. It wasn't always absolutely perfect, but I would definitely go back and do it all again! I learned so much from this amazing opportunity and experience and I'm so glad I went. I encourage everyone who's considering it, to do it, because you definitely won't regret it. "

Texas Christian University
Past Review Australia: Evidence That Proves Success University of Melbourne: Melbourne - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"During the program I was able to visit locations that influenced my career path. In visiting different professional settings and listening to lectures on how Evidence Based Practice should be applied, I now have something to bring back to my campus. I can be a leader in the classroom and the professional world and emphasize th..."

Texas Christian University
Past Review Seville: Great Cultural Experience But Not As Good Of An Academic Experience SSA Education Abroad: Seville - Semester, Year or Summer in Seville

"I learned that other countries have different views on customer service and getting the most for your money. I learned a lot about the Spanish culture and my Spanish improved some. I plan to continue with my Spanish minor."

Texas Christian University
Past Review Spain: The Land Of Siesta And Fiesta Texas Christian University (TCU): Salamanca - Language & Culture in Salamanca

"Yes, I learned a lot, and it's very different actually experiencing it instead of just hearing about it. I have always wanted to work overseas and this only further encouraged this thought."

Texas Christian University
Past Review Ebp For Sl Ps In Australia, Great Experience University of Melbourne: Melbourne - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot and loved being in Australia. However, I wish I had more free time during the Sydney component to explore the city! There is so much to do there!"

Texas Christian University
Past Review Melbourne: Best 6 Months I'll Ever Have University of Melbourne: Melbourne - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, it was completely worthwhile. As I sit in Texas, I wish I could be back in Melbourne living at St. Mary's and going to school there everyday. The city, the people, and the lifestyle totally fit my personality and made me realize that I will do anything to go back."

Texas Christian University
Past Review You Can Leave Italy, But Italy Never Leaves You! Texas Christian University (TCU): Rome - FTDM Italian Cinema, Summer Program

"It was an amazing experience, not only am I 100% more proficient in Italian but I have such a better understanding of everything Italian. I learned how to be self reliant and to put into practice everything that I have learned. This study abroad experience has definitley made me rethink what my future goals are now. I now think ..."

Texas Christian University
Past Review Buenos Aires: Learning To Live In An Post Prime City In A Developing Nation IES Abroad: Buenos Aires - Society & Culture

"Absolutely. Learning a new culture that is so counter-US was extremely valuable. Although it was very challenging personally, socially and spiritually, I would not trade my personal growth for anything. "

Texas Christian University
Past Review Speechies Take Australia!: 3 Whirlwind Weeks Of Expanding Educational Horizons! Texas Christian University (TCU): Traveling - Speech Pathology in Australia

"This study abroad was a stepping stone academically, not only fulfilling supporting area credit within my major but also fulfilling Honors cultural visions credits; which allowed me to begin my upperdivision honors classes a semester early, as well as open my eyes to a myriad of research opportunities for my senior thesis. This ..."

Texas Christian University
Past Review London: Never A Dull Moment Texas Christian University (TCU): London - Journalism in London, Summer Program

"I think getting out to see the different culture and actually living there for an extended time really changed many perspectives I previously had and enhanced my ability to accept other cultures however I think the rigorous academic schedule this program had did not allow for me to have the full Study Abroad Experience. Althoug..."

Texas Christian University
Past Review Salamanca: Was An Unforgettable Experience That I Will Never Forget Texas Christian University (TCU): Salamanca - Language & Culture in Salamanca

"I now know about the life style that they live in and not just simply the history of the Country"

Texas Christian University
Past Review Salamanca: Was An Unforgettable Experience That I Will Never Forget Texas Christian University (TCU): Salamanca - Language & Culture in Salamanca

"I now know about the life style that they live in and not just simply the history of the Country"

Texas Christian University