
The University of Texas at Austin

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad team is guided by our commitment to promoting access to study, research, internships and experiential learning abroad. We are committed to reducing financial and academic barriers and to removing disparities amongst study abroad participants. We accomplish this by collaborating with the faculty and staff on our campus and partners throughout the world. Partnerships are the foundation of our success. Along with our academic colleagues and our affiliated partners, we are committed to providing pathways for students to participate in education abroad through curriculum integration, innovative programs, and targeted scholarship programs which serve students and the University.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 1st - Spring Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
November 1st - UT Maymester Faculty-Led Applications Due
December 1st - UT Summer Faculty-Led Applications Due
February 15th - Summer Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
March 1st - Fall Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Freiburg: Surprisingly Wonderful IES Abroad: Freiburg Summer - European Union: Politics & Economics

"My knowledge of the Western Balkans and Turkey was not much, thus this program taught me a whole lot about the region and the problems that prevent them from entering the EU. I am now more interested in the future of these countries and how the EU may improve their conditions. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Spain: Unforgettable. CIEE: Seville - Liberal Arts

"My study abroad experience was absolutely worthwile. I would never change one minute of it for the world. Although, everything wasn't perfect, looking back, I realized that it couldn't possibly have been better. I learned so much about myself and how I perceive the world. It has improved my cultural awareness. I would like to in..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Barcelona: More Than The Time Of My Life! CIEE: Barcelona - Language and Culture

"YES YES YES a thousand times YES! I came back a more independent, confident and just more globally aware human being and without studying abroad I could never have said that. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Porto Alegre: Breaking The Brazilian Stereotypes. Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul (UFRGS): Porto Alegre - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I am a much more confident person now and I have also learned how to deal with all sorts of people and difficult situations. I grew up a lot in the five months I was in Brazil, and though it was often VERY trying I would do it again in a heartbeat."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Barcelona Changed My Life IES Abroad: Barcelona - Study Abroad with IES Abroad

"absolutely "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review The Best Time Of Your Life IES Abroad: Barcelona - Study Abroad with IES Abroad

"I learned so much about the Spanish culture, and the language that I now I feel more prepared to go back some day and live in Spain. The internship helped me assimilate into the culture and make friends so that I did not feel alone in the foreign country. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review I Found Everything I Was Looking For Plus More In Germany University of Erfurt: Erfurt - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was the absolute best time of my life, and I wouldn't change a second of it, or dream of having gone to a different program. I am a completely different person than I was when I left, and would go back to Erfurt at any given possible opportunity."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Exploring The Amazing City Of Barcelona!! IES Abroad: Barcelona - Study Abroad with IES Abroad

"My study abroad experience was amazing. This experience encourages me to travel to see the rest of the world, and appreciate America!"

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Cet Intensive Chinese Language In Beijing CET Beijing

"Yes! I got everything I wanted from the experience and more. My Chinese improved, I am more culturally aware, and I have made friends that live in China that will last me a lifetime. I definitely want to visit them again in the future and see other parts of China now."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Madagascar: Is All Really Possible? SIT Study Abroad: Madagascar - Traditional Medicine and Healthcare Systems

"Yes it was completely worth the money for the people that I met, the experiences I had, the places I saw, and the life long friends that I made."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Prague! Amazing! AIFS: Prague - Charles University

"My study abroad experience was life changing, though after returning to the United States, it is still unclear how many different complex changes the experience has instilled in me. Traveling and studying abroad, above all, helps you realize what it means to live in and be a citizen of your own country. It forces you to consider..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Great Experience CIEE: Seville - Liberal Arts


The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Sit In The Balkans SIT Study Abroad: Belgrade, Budapest, and Vienna - Comparative European Perspectives on Conflict and Democracy

"Absolutely. I learned so much more by living in Serbia and traveling to Kosovo, Bosnia, and Croatia than I could have in any course or book. Having the opportunity to design and conduct my own research project was also invaluable. I learned how challenging and rewarding fieldwork can be and was able to create original research o..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Study Abroad In Spain Or The Time I Lived A Lifetime In One Semester. CIEE: Seville - Liberal Arts

"Study abroad introduced me to a set of friends and like-minded individuals who greatly enriched my global learning and awareness. I've come back to the United States with a greater understanding of a lot of issues ranging from food politics to environmentalism to sociocultural relations. I've been able to completely change the w..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Review Of A Summer In Alicante CIEE: Alicante - Language & Culture

"I'm glad to have an understanding of how another culture works. I wasn't a big fan of the States before I left, but spending time in Spain made me more aware of what I do like about living here. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Spain, but I sorely missed my job as a counselor at Camp Longhorn the entire time that I was there."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Freiburg Small But Culturally Diverse With Strong Academics University of Freiburg: Freiburg - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Better language skills, independence"

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Half A World Away, Yet R Ight Where I Belong CET Beijing

"Yes. Everything I hoped and more. I even made some business connections and will be returning to Beijing for an internship. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Sevilla: Experience That Will Never Leave You CIEE: Seville - International Business & Culture

"my cultural awareness and confidence grew exponentially. I am more confident and excited to travel the world and learn more. I don't feel like I have to stay in my little bubble in Texas any more. I know there is so much more out there that I can explore. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Spain: Where You Learn Much More Outside Of The Classroom Than In University of Valencia: Valencia - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was definitely worthwhile. I will never regret it for the rest of my life. I wish I had gone for an entire year because when I was leaving I was just then really starting to feel like a local. I think it is at that moment when one is able to truly understand what it means to live outside of the US, to grow up in a country, cu..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review China: A Coming Of Age CIEE: Nanjing - Intensive Chinese Language and Culture

"My study abroad experience definitely changed my future plans. I want so badly to go back and work in China or at least have a career that has to do with China. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review New Friends University of Freiburg: Freiburg - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I made amazing, life-long friends and I learned a lot about different people."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review What The China? CET Shanghai

"I think my language abilities jumped up so far it made all the craziness worthwhile. I also made a lasting bond with my roommate and will never forget the people I met and friendships I made there. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Wurzburg: A Nice Little City Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg: Wurzburg - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My time in Germany was great. It took me a while to get used to how the University worked."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Semester In Santiago: The Best Decision I Ever Made IFSA: Santiago - Chilean Universities Program, Santiago

"Studying abroad in Chile opened my eyes to so many things. It really helped me grow as a person and has definitely shaped my future career plans. After traveling around South America and taking a class about environmental policy, I have now decided that I want to go on to get my Masters in Public Health and work in environment..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Seville: The Experience Of A Lifetime CIEE: Seville - Business + Society

"My experience abroad was absolutely incredible. I hope to be able to travel the world again in the near future! "

The University of Texas at Austin