
Trinity University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad program at Trinity University is designed to be accessible and flexible. With proper planning, students from every major can study abroad productively in many different countries around the world as a part of their degree.

This is possible because Trinity's program is based on individually advising each student so that the term abroad becomes an integral part of the degree that meets academic, personal, and professional goals. As a result Trinity students participate in a wide variety of academic experiences abroad from studying in a foreign university classroom to academic internships to intensive language study to field studies - or a some combination of these things.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 18th, last day to begin an application for Spring
October 25th, last day to turn in an application for Spring
October 31sth, last day to turn in Trinity forms (for Credit Approval, etc.)

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Amazing Experience Where I Learned About Culture, Research, And Myself! SIT Study Abroad: Argentina - Social Movements and Human Rights

"I learned a significant amount of Spanish, I took 3 classes towards my major, and I got to make so many friends. It was beyond worthwhile."

Trinity University
Past Review The Experience Of A Lifetime! IES Abroad: London - Theater Studies

"This experience was ABSOLUTELY worthwhile. I wish more American students would study abroad."

Trinity University
Past Review New Culture, New Climate, New Experineces, And A Ton Of Travel! DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I learned about the people and culture of Denmark and Scandinavia. I travelled extensively was exposed to cultures and peoples across Europe. I learned a great deal about myself; how to be self-sufficient, how to get around in a place I've never been, how to be flexible with my plans. It was absolutely a worthwhile experience an..."

Trinity University
Past Review Great Experience, Program Could Be Improved! Boston University: Geneva - Internship Program

"I made my experience in Geneva great on my own accord. The program did not contribute to my wonderful time in Geneva. I learned a lot about Swiss history and enjoyed exploring the country."

Trinity University
Past Review The Amazing Australian Adventure IFSA: Sydney - Macquarie University

"I learned a ton about myself and who I wanted to be. Every minute was worthwhile"

Trinity University
Past Review A Great 5 Months In Buenos Aires IFSA: Buenos Aires - Argentine Universities Program

"I learned a lot about adaptability and I learned a lot about myself. I learned that different countries have different ways of life and that no single one is correct. I learned that you have to get out of your comfort zone in order to meet interesting people and also in order to discover things about yourself. "

Trinity University
Past Review Tokyo Is Out Of This World Temple University International Programs: Tokyo - Temple University Japan Campus

"try new things, put yourself out there, learning how to be independent"

Trinity University
Past Review Perfect Study Abroad Program For Computer Science Majors Aquincum Institute of Technology / AIT - Budapest: - Creativity in Computer Science & Software Engineering

"I was able to take courses that weren't offered at my university, such as Computer Vision and Mobile Software Development. I visited the company headquarters of Hungarian startups, including Prezi and UStream. I met the inventor of the Rubik's cube, toured Colorfront, the company that developed digital imaging software for Lord ..."

Trinity University
Past Review A Life Changing Experience In Quito, Ecuador! IES Abroad: Quito - IES Abroad in Quito

"Studying abroad in Ecuador was the best decision I ever made. I not only improved my Spanish skills, but I also learned a lot about both the Ecuadorian culture and my American culture."

Trinity University
Past Review Taking The Stage IES Abroad: Dublin Direct Enrollment - National Theatre School of Ireland-Gaiety School of Acting

"I learned to trust myself. I gained confidence I never had before. I learned how to be self-sufficient. I learned how to prioritize. I grew into an adult through all the mistakes I made and all the successes I celebrated. I gained friends. Some who were even foreign to Ireland. I became so much more creative. I discovered..."

Trinity University
Past Review I Wouldn't Change It For Anything In The World CET Jordan

"So when you're in Jordan, that far from the world, you're in it by yourself. It's really hard to contact your family because of time differences and very low internet quality. This is kind of a good thing because it means you have to adapt and actually try to make it work. I loved my experience in Jordan because it was such a di..."

Trinity University
Past Review I Wouldn't Trade The Experience For The World! API Universidad Veritas

"I learned a lot about being independent. I thought Trinity taught me to be independent, but in reality I was not. It was definitely worthwhile and I would do it again in a heartbeat."

Trinity University
Past Review Most Beautiful And Inspiring Two Months Of My Life! CIEE: Prague - Summer Psychology

"I learned so much I don't even know where to begin! It was one of the best opportunities and experiences of my life. It helped me grow to be more independent and confident in myself."

Trinity University
Past Review When In Rome... Do As The Romans Do! IES Abroad: Study Rome - Language & Area Studies

"I learned to not keep such a limited perspective on the world. There are so many cultures out there and every one has a different perspective... it really blew my mind to see how peoples' values and lifestyles changed across the world."

Trinity University
Past Review Most Memorable Experience Of My Life! IES Abroad: London - UK Today Summer

"I learned to be more confident, and I learned how to get around a new city all by myself. "

Trinity University
Past Review Indiana Jones Huqoq Excavation Project

"It was absolutely worthwhile and gave me hands on experience in archaeology, which is hard to get in the states."

Trinity University
Past Review My Fantastic Semester In Paris! API (Academic Programs International): Paris - Institut Catholique de Paris

"It was absolutely worthwhile! I learned a lot about who I am because I met so many new people from so many different backgrounds. I was able to learn others people's points of views and beliefs, and then compare them to my own. I really loved seeing through new lenses and recreating my own. "

Trinity University
Past Review Adventurous IFSA/Alliance: Shanghai - International Business in China

"Learning to accept and adapt to a foreign culture "

Trinity University
Past Review The Best Summer Experience Ever! IFSA: Scotland - Study Abroad at the University of Stirling

"Experiencing another culture was so much fun and I feel like I have a new view of the world. I met so many interesting people and saw so many new things it was impossible not to smile! "

Trinity University
Past Review Scotland An Amazing Place To Spend Your Summer And Learn IFSA: Scotland - Study Abroad at the University of Stirling

"It was great to learn about other cultures and see how they live. Anyone who has the opportunity should study abroad in a country they are interested in. No matter where you go it will be an amazing experience and a lot of fun"

Trinity University
Past Review I Love Italian Food And Culture! Syracuse University: Florence - Syracuse University in Florence

"I learned a lot about the culture and how to act in social situations "

Trinity University
Past Review Summer In Quito Universidad San Francisco de Quito: USFQ Cumbaya Program

"it was definitely worthwhile "

Trinity University
Past Review Harbin CET Harbin

"I loved it."

Trinity University
Past Review Britain And The Beginning Of A Traveler's Life Rhodes College: Oxford - British Studies at Oxford

"For one thing I learned a great deal about English history and Shakespeare, two subjects I have been fascinated with since birth. I also learned how to travel intelligently, both in groups and on my own, and how to complete assignments in a condensed time period and under great pressure. Perhaps most importantly, however (forgiv..."

Trinity University