
Trinity University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad program at Trinity University is designed to be accessible and flexible. With proper planning, students from every major can study abroad productively in many different countries around the world as a part of their degree.

This is possible because Trinity's program is based on individually advising each student so that the term abroad becomes an integral part of the degree that meets academic, personal, and professional goals. As a result Trinity students participate in a wide variety of academic experiences abroad from studying in a foreign university classroom to academic internships to intensive language study to field studies - or a some combination of these things.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 18th, last day to begin an application for Spring
October 25th, last day to turn in an application for Spring
October 31sth, last day to turn in Trinity forms (for Credit Approval, etc.)

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Alicante: An Authentic Spanish Experience CIEE: Alicante - Liberal Arts

"Absolutely. It changed me and my outlook on life and the world. I benefited so much from my experience and I miss it a lot. I want to go back to Alicante and Spain and work there because I loved it so much. "

Trinity University
Past Review New Zealand Opened My World Arcadia: Dunedin - University of Otago

"learned to break down barriers and abolish fears"

Trinity University
Past Review Ireland: Personal Growth Arcadia: Galway - National University of Ireland, Galway

"Yes! I realized how the United States is viewed by other countries. Also it made me want to travel a lot more."

Trinity University
Past Review Life Lessons In Barcelona IES Abroad: Barcelona - Study Abroad with IES Abroad

"I loved my study abroad experience! If I did it again I would not do my same program because I would want one that is more language intensive. I learned how to travel and use public transportation. I learned a new sense of independence and a better knowledge of the world around me."

Trinity University
Past Review Sevilla In A Flash. CIEE: Seville - Advanced Liberal Arts

"studying abroad is something that everyone should do in my opinion. "

Trinity University
Past Review London: Round Two Boston University: London - London Internship Program

"It was an amazing opportunity and I wouldn't take it back for anything. It was interesting and different going a second time, especially as a senior. I was able to balance my time better this time around with traveling to other places, seeing the city, and having a sort of professional prospective as a full-time intern. "

Trinity University
Past Review Granada, Spain A Great Semester Abroad! IES Abroad: Granada - Liberal Arts & Language

"Yes, it was definitely worthwhile. I feel that I gained independence and cultural awareness. "

Trinity University
Past Review Spain: Learn To Live CIEE: Seville - Advanced Liberal Arts

"My experience really shifted my perspective on future plans. Going abroad helped me gain independence and realize the context in which I can thrive. I think that the study abroad experience allows people to learn more about themselves which is why I would recommend that students go abroad if they have the opportunity to do so. "

Trinity University
Past Review Historical Scotland Taught Me Lessons That I'll Never Forget IFSA: Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh

"Yes, loved the activities, night life, and food"

Trinity University
Past Review Live To Your Fullest In Cordoba I Ca SSA Education Abroad: Córdoba - Semester, Year or Summer in Argentina

"I do believe I changed after my study abroad experience. I grew as a person and learned things about myself. "

Trinity University
Past Review Limitless Possibilities In Oceania Arcadia: Auckland - University of Auckland

"I learned a lot about how the rest of the world see the U.S. (not necessarily a bad thing). I plan to travel a lot more now. Southeast Asia is next on my list. I learned that beautiful places are not unattainable; you just actually have to go to them. "

Trinity University
Past Review A Semester In The Uk Arcadia: London - King's College London

"Yes. Although it was challenging at times, it was a valuable experience. I've always enjoyed British history and literature and my one semester stay there increased by interest."

Trinity University
Past Review The Sweet Sunny Sur CIEE: Seville - Advanced Liberal Arts

"Extremely. I learned to be more independent in Sevilla and think its interesting to see how you cope with certain situations so far away from home. It is very difficult, but will help in the long run. "

Trinity University
Past Review Sevilla: A Taste Of Tradition CIEE: Seville - Advanced Liberal Arts

"My experience in Sevilla was mainly cultural. The classes at the University did not present a challenge to me and I did't feel like the educational aspect of my semester abroad was worth it. However, getting to know such a different culture was a really great experience. "

Trinity University
Past Review Ies Beijing: Language Intensive Program Beijing Foreign Studies University: Beijing - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely. The balance between academics, culture understandings, and having a good time at the IES Beijing Center make it the ideal place for Sinophiles from all over the world. "

Trinity University
Past Review Paris Changed My Life. IES Abroad: Paris - French Studies

"The language part was challenging. It's a wonderful program for the students with a strong French background. Classes are all in French, so I struggled a little but I really improved a lot."

Trinity University
Past Review Spain: The Best Time You Never Want To Have Again. IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid

"YES! I loved everything about it "

Trinity University
Past Review Brazilian Ecosystems: Beauty In Learning Study Abroad Programs in Brazil

"There was a wonderful mix of cultural exposure and ecosystem hands-on learning in this program, so I learned a whole lot about a whole lot of things. Different perspectives and different environments I think are of invaluable impact, especially on a young and open mind. "

Trinity University
Past Review Semester At Sea Was The Single Best Decision Of My Life! Semester at Sea Study Abroad: Make the World Your Campus

"YES YES YES!!! I feel more open to the possibility of living abroad and starting a career somewhere other than the US. I feel more empathetic and flexible. I do not need every second of my life planned out and I know that no matter what life brings me I can handle it. Life is complex and I am ready to take on everything...the go..."

Trinity University
Past Review How Morocco Changed Me IES Abroad: Rabat - Study in Rabat

"I have always been interested in the Middle East and North Africa but you can't truly understand a culture till you leave there with the people and experience everyday life. "

Trinity University
Past Review Costa Rica: How Living Happily Coincides With Saving The Planet. The School for Field Studies / SFS: Costa Rica – Ecological Resilience Studies

"I remain more committed than ever to helping to make resource infrastructure sustainable in developing countries. I acquired useful skills in accomplishing that task, and I am psychologically ready now to accept that lifestyle."

Trinity University
Past Review L'italia, La Bella Paese SAI Study Abroad: Florence - Florence University of the Arts (FUA)

"I think I learned more about myself and ability to be independent than I did about being out of my element culturally. I chose 4 stars because I was able to go out and see places I'd merely dreamed of seeing, and made me truly want to learn a beautiful language and possibly step outside the states again and take a hop across the..."

Trinity University
Past Review Ewha, Seoul, South Korea: An Amazing Experience Ewha Womans University: Seoul - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot of about Korea and a lot about myself. Living abroad in a different country forces one to learn and adapt. "

Trinity University