
Trinity University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad program at Trinity University is designed to be accessible and flexible. With proper planning, students from every major can study abroad productively in many different countries around the world as a part of their degree.

This is possible because Trinity's program is based on individually advising each student so that the term abroad becomes an integral part of the degree that meets academic, personal, and professional goals. As a result Trinity students participate in a wide variety of academic experiences abroad from studying in a foreign university classroom to academic internships to intensive language study to field studies - or a some combination of these things.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 18th, last day to begin an application for Spring
October 25th, last day to turn in an application for Spring
October 31sth, last day to turn in Trinity forms (for Credit Approval, etc.)

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Wouldn't Do Syracuse Study Abroad Programs Again Syracuse University: Madrid - Syracuse University in Madrid

"I got to know the Spanish culture, explore both Madrid and other major European cities during the semester. Travelling was really were I ended up enjoying myself the most. Host families were a pain as well the classes. Studying abroad is definitely worthwhile. Studying abroad with this program is not. "

Trinity University
Past Review Going Abroad Helped Me Find Myself As An Individual. Arcadia: Rome - Arcadia in Rome

"I learned a lot about myself as an individual, how to be even more independent, and how to communicate and make friends with others. "

Trinity University
Past Review A Global, Educational, And Thought Provoking Summer In London. Arcadia: London - London Internship Program Summer

"I learned a lot about myself, my strengths and my weaknesses, and I learned how to grow upon those things and become a better version of myself. It was entirely worthwhile. I think with any study abroad program you learn and grow as a young individual. "

Trinity University
Past Review (Ir)Ish I Was Back In The Land Of The Irish! Irish Studies Summer School: Dublin - Study Abroad at Trinity College Dublin

"I learned how differently people live outside of the US. This experience taught me how amazing other cultures can be and I will be going back to Ireland in the near future. "

Trinity University
Past Review Fantastic! Want To Go Back If I Could Ewha Womans University: Seoul - International Co-ed Summer College

"Very worthy! I have experienced the real Korean culture, and learned alot about their history."

Trinity University
Past Review Archaeological Site Explorer CYA (College Year in Athens) - Summer Program

"It was worthwhile to excavate and use not only my brain but also my body and common sense to work in a team of very opinionated people. "

Trinity University
Past Review Fun Ewha Womans University: Seoul - International Co-ed Summer College

"I learned about the street life of Korea. It was incredible that we had access to all of Seoul (and even outside Seoul if we wanted) by public transportation. It was absolutely a worthwhile experience."

Trinity University
Past Review An Immediate And Total Cultural Integration Arcadia: Queensland - Griffith University

"I made a lot of friends from Australia that I will keep for a lifetime and that is priceless to me. I also got to experience nature so amazing and foreign to me that I will remember for a lifetime. "

Trinity University
Past Review Great Program! Unexpected Costs... IFSA: Buenos Aires - Advanced Language and Culture in Buenos Aires

"I gained a greater oral and aural understanding of Spanish and I learned how to navigate a 3.5 million city by myself."

Trinity University
Past Review Experience Munich, Truly And Completely Wayne State University: Junior Year in Munich

"I learned about Munich and Bavaria, and my experience at the German university gave me a deep insight into the life of German young adults "

Trinity University
Past Review My Wee Scottish Adventure Was Absolutely Brilliant! Arcadia: Glasgow - University of Glasgow

"I found that I can do this traveling abroad thing all by myself! It was so amazing to find that independence again! I also loved that I found the confidence to just go out and do things that I had never done and not once did I ever doubt myself. This trip was absolutely worthwhile and I think about going back everyday. "

Trinity University
Past Review First World City In A Third World Country IES Abroad: Shanghai - Economy, Business & Society

"to push yourself outside of you comfort zone and isolate yourself from your program...don't rely too much on the comfort/luxury of your program"

Trinity University
Past Review Highly Satisfying Boston University: Dublin - Internship Program

"The internship program was great, I was thoroughly immersed in the culture, and I found making friends within my program easy. "

Trinity University
Past Review A Really Good Summer DIS Summer in Scandinavia

"I gained a lot of independence. "

Trinity University
Past Review Greatest 6 Weeks Of My Life With Ies Berlin Metropolitan Studies And Architecture IES Abroad: Berlin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I learned a lot about myself in terms of political views. I learned what I truly cared about and believed in"

Trinity University
Past Review Best 6 Weeks Of My Life IES Abroad: Berlin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I learned a lot about myself and how to interact with other people. "

Trinity University
Past Review Great City And Friends With Bad Living Conditions ISA Study Abroad in Granada, Spain

"It was the best experience of my life. I came back to the US a completely different person than I had left. "

Trinity University
Past Review Exploring A Naturally Beautiful Country Arcadia: Wollongong - University of Wollongong

"I feel like my experience abroad brought out qualities in myself that seemed more hidden. I feel like I became much more independent and that I had better leadership. For example, I am usually not the leader or a trip planner. But I really wanted to go to this one city in order to do one of the things on my abroad bucket list. N..."

Trinity University
Past Review Amazing Temple University International Programs: Tokyo - Temple University Japan Campus

"I learned about myself, about my ancestry, and had a great time."

Trinity University
Past Review Study Study Study CET Harbin

"I really just studied--the downside of this program is that I really didn't have much free time."

Trinity University
Past Review An Experience Worth The Long Trip CET Kunming

"I learned how to understand Chinese in different settings as well as communicate with Chinese people with a little bit less of a language barrier. I feel that the program was worthwhile."

Trinity University
Past Review Learned A Lot And Became More Independent Arcadia: London - Arcadia in London

"I got to be a lot more independent "

Trinity University
Past Review The Parisian Journey Of A Lifetime IES Abroad: Paris - Business & International Affairs

"I learned a lot about what exists outside the Americas and how we are perceived and how much different the world is than what we know it as. Broaden my perception. "

Trinity University