
Tufts University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Tufts University Office of Programs Abroad assists and advises students who wish to study abroad on both Tufts and Non-Tufts Programs.Please note: students who are reading the evaluations found on this site in hopes of studying abroad themselves should refer to our website for official information on which programs are currently approved and for what period (ie. some of the programs on the list here are NOT approved for fall semester only, whereas they may be approved for spring semester and/or full academic year).

Important Dates and Deadlines

Tufts Programs Abroad applications are due February 1 for study at any point during the academic year (including spring). Tufts-in-Oxford applications are due two months earlier, on December 1.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Amazing, Amazing, Amazing University of Oxford - Visiting Students

"This was the best experience of my life. "

Tufts University
Past Review Absolutely Life Changing Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Madrid

"Abroad was absolutely amazing. It was definitely worthwhile! I saw the world from another culture's eyes, I saw another way to live my life, and those two things changed me in great ways!"

Tufts University
Past Review Akwaaba Ghana! My Amazing Semester Abroad. Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Ghana

"Definitely one of the best experiences of my life. "

Tufts University
Past Review A Great, Once In A Lifetime Experience Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Madrid

"I gained a lot of independence and self-reliance as well as a lot of cultural and language knowledge. "

Tufts University
Past Review A Mixed Experience Turns Profound When The Scholarly Bubble Bursts SIT Study Abroad: Bolivia - Multiculturalism, Globalization, and Social Change

"Ability and confidence: speaking Spanish, being near-totally alone (socially, physically) for long stretches of time."

Tufts University
Past Review Transformative, Thought Provoking, And An Absolute Blast. Bca Barcelona University Of Barcelona Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"It was incredibly worthwhile. I was able to learn about culture, history, day-to-day life, food, clothing, philosophy, and most importantly, myself. It gave me new zest for life and made me much happier to learn that there is so much more wonderful things to the world than advertised. "

Tufts University
Past Review An Educational And Powerful Adventure 7,000 Miles Away From Home University of Minnesota - MSID: International Development in Kenya

"I grew personally and became more able to live independently. I also learned how to work and live with different people from diverse backgrounds. I have a new perspective about the role of government for its people and learned about poverty and social programs from people struggling to get by daily. "

Tufts University
Past Review Time Of My Life CIEE: Seville - Liberal Arts

"I grew up a lot."

Tufts University
Past Review An Amazing Experience Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Hong Kong

"Definitely worthwhile. I was able to travel to multiple South-Eastern Asian countries that I wouldn't have been able to otherwise. I was also able to eat a lot of great food."

Tufts University
Past Review Tufts In Tübingen Is Great Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Tübingen

"I learned what it was like to live in another country. And that even one as similar to my own as Germany can be stressful to acclamate to. It was definitely worth it."

Tufts University
Past Review Amazing And Unforgettable! Syracuse University: Madrid - Syracuse University in Madrid

"I became a much more independent and confident person after studying abroad. Living in a new city with a different language and culture pushed me out of my comfort zone. Traveling to many countries and cities with other students taught me to be more independent. Studying abroad was extremely worthwhile. "

Tufts University
Past Review Great Abroad Experience! Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Madrid

"A sense of accomplishment, independence, and many, many life skills. It was incredibly worthwhile. "

Tufts University
Past Review Sit South Africa The Absolute Best Way To Experience Cape Town SIT Study Abroad: South Africa - Multiculturalism and Human Rights

"I learned an incredible amount about South Africa and got to see a fair amount of the country. Doing my ISP research made me feel independent and confident in my interviewing skills. I made great relationships with my host families and other SIT kids"

Tufts University
Past Review Midd's 1st Semester In Amman Won't Reflect Your Experience! Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury In Amman

"It was absolutely worthwhile and I don't regret going. My language skills improved significantly and I made the best of a difficult situation"

Tufts University
Past Review It Was A Great Experience, But There Were Difficulties Along The Way. IFSA/Alliance: Pune - Contemporary India

"I learned a lot about India, and a lot about how I handle situations. And it was absolutely worthwhile."

Tufts University
Past Review Language And Cultural Immersion In Burgos Boston University: Burgos - Spanish Studies Program

"I became much more comfortable speaking Spanish because I was able to speak not only in class but also in the dorm with Spanish students. It was definitely a worthwhile experience that I would recommend to anyone that wants to challenge themselves and have a high level of immersion while abroad."

Tufts University
Past Review An Experience That Changed Me Forever! IFSA: Dublin - Trinity College

"I wouldn't give up this experience for the world. I am definitely a changed person since studying abroad, and I made tons of local, lifelong friends. A few of them even came to visit me at home this summer! I am so glad I decided to study abroad in Ireland, and that I really put myself out there in the local social environment. ..."

Tufts University
Past Review Manger Bouger! Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Paris

"I learned SO much about myself - about living in a big family, about finding my way and getting lost in a big incredible city, about how to introduce myself to people and keep up relationships, about French etiquette and customs, etc. "

Tufts University
Past Review Very Memorable Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Hong Kong

"I think i learned a lot from going abroad and it was extremely worthwhile. My favorite part of the program was the reading period during which we had time for traveling. Asia is also pretty cheap so there is some more freedom in that regard. My view of the world definitely changed thanks to that semester. "

Tufts University
Past Review Phenomenal Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Madrid

"An entirely new outlook on life, culture, and how to interact with different people. I also became much more comfortable in my language. "

Tufts University
Past Review London Is An Amazing City. Make The Most Of Your Experience. Boston University: London - London Internship Program

"I got to visit a lot of new cities and learn about new cultures. I had a great time in London and abroad. I would recommend it to everyone!"

Tufts University
Past Review The Most Rewarding Challenge Of My Life! SIT Study Abroad: India - Sustainable Development and Social Change

"YES! I learned how to balance my health, my time, my studies, my travels and more!"

Tufts University
Past Review Spanish Culture And Traveling On A Cushy Language Intensive Program Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Madrid

"I learned a lot about the differences in education in Spain and America. I also felt like I improved my Spanish a lot, and got the chance to participate in numerous valuable cultural experiences. Definitely worthwhile!"

Tufts University
Past Review Amideast Morocco Summer Program AMIDEAST: Rabat - Summer Intensive Arabic

"I had an immensely instructive experience and learned both a lot of Arabic and a lot about Arab culture and politics and definitely found the experience worthwhile."

Tufts University