University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Alabama. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Alabama student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I loved every moment of being abroad"
Brooke University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I learned that America is much smaller than I had ever thought it to be before. I learned that just because things are "normal" in my country, that doesn't mean it's normal to everyone. I learned to take things with respect and understand that not everyone acts and thinks the same way I do. Very worth it. "
Jonathan Cole Richards University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"Visiting a new country and meeting new people. IT was worthwhile "
Konnor George University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"My experience abroad was the first time in my life where I learned more outside of the classroom than in it. Studying abroad is a valuable experience that every student should have. Experiencing life outside of one's "bubble" and into a new culture with new people is a difficult experience, however in the end, will become one of..."
Haley Taylor University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"Culture "
Emma Duncan University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I learned plenty of useful information about international business and gained a lot of good friends from this program!"
Bingxuan Cheng University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I improved communication skills, met new friends, and learned about many new businesses and industries that sparked my interest."
Everette Dawkins University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I learned how to live on my own in a foreign country and culture, which is an invaluable skill for my future career. In addition, I learned to travel throughout Europe and navigate several different cultural and language barriers. I learned a lot about myself along the way, and it was a great opportunity to try something complet..."
Griffin U University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I gained valuable language skills, appreciation for a different culture, I made close friends, I explored different cultures and countries in Europe. It was very worthwhile."
Mason M University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"it was very worth while! honestly I learned so much about the culture over there and their way of living and conducting business. it honestly in some respects made me much more appreciative of the United States and where I live!"
Rochelle C University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"A new set of life skills, more maturity, new friends, and a new perspective on culture"
A student University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"Absolutely worth while! Great cultural experience and Rome is a great base to travel throughout Europe."
Jacob B University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I learned a lot about myself as a person and world-traveller. I gained a lot of perspective about the world. It has been one of the top 4 worthwhile things I have ever done. "
A student University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I learned about different cultures, different countries in general, the different schooling, and in general just the different types of people and the way they live their lives."
Lindsey P University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I learned how to independently conduct my own research project in a completely new environment. This gave me confidence for my future research endeavors. "
Gwen G University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I wouldn't choose this one again because it just wasn't long enough. I learned what I have always suspected: I will be an American Expat. "
A student University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I am so happy I got out of the south and got to explore Paris. I had never been outside the country before and EiAbroad make the process very reassuring. "
Joseph J University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I wouldn't spend my time write a review for the program endorsing it if I didn't think it was the best. Studying abroad is the best decision I've made in college. I got to meet incredible people from all across the U.S., France, and the world. I got to be thrown outside of my comfort zone and truly live independently, away from ..."
Caroline M University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"Living abroad taught me to live independently, budget my money, cook some delicious meals, and to no get wifed up it's not worth it!"
A student University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Ethan S University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I learned so much. I am confident to speak Spanish to anyone and I learned a lot about different cultures. I realized that I am able to be thrown into a foreign country knowing no one and I can come out with new best friends and some of the best times of my life."
Haley F University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I gained so many friends all over Europe that I plan to visit later. I became fluent in Spanish and I became much less ethnocentric while appreciating the pros and cons of both nations. Spain provided so many experiences that I'll never forget. "
Lis G University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I gained an appreciation for the Italian culture that you can only get by immersing yourself within it."
Kerie K University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"I just loved studying abroad. I got to see new cultures and diversity with the world yet still feel a connection with people I met being a normal person like me with religion, political views, social life, and etc. "
Jordan R University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
"yes, studying in prague was so great and I got to experience so many different cultures and people. "
Helen J University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa