
University of New Mexico

September 20, 2024

University Information

The University of New Mexico has 125 international exchange partners in more than 40 countries. We also sponsor short-term faculty-led programs during the summer, semester breaks and inter-sessions.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Applications for exchange programs beginning in fall semester are February 15; for programs beginning in spring semester are September 15. For summer or other short-term programs, deadlines vary, so contact the program sponsors.
For more information, contact the Office of International Programs & Studies, Mesa Vista Hall 2111, telephone (505) 277-4032, E-mail studyabd@unm.edu, website http://studyabroad.unm.edu.

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11/04/2021 Clowning In Cairo Study Abroad in Egypt at the American University in Cairo

"It was definitely worthwhile. I made a lot of friends, experienced new cultures I otherwise would have been completely ignorant and oblivious of. At no point did I feel like I was too far out of my comfort zone. "

University of New Mexico
Past Review Best Experience Of My Life! Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"I could go on for paragraphs for all the things I've learned/gained from my abroad experience but each person has a completely unique experience. Do yourself a favor and go abroad."

University of New Mexico
Past Review Best Semester Ever Karl-Franzens-Universitat Graz: Graz - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I feel more independent than ever. I also really learned the German language, and a lot about Austrian//European culture. "

University of New Mexico
Past Review I Miss America. University of Nicosia - Global Semesters: Nicosia - Semester in Cyprus

"Learned how to make friends of different cultures despite differences"

University of New Mexico
Past Review I Miss America. University of Nicosia - Global Semesters: Nicosia - Semester in Cyprus

"Encounters with people from more countries"

University of New Mexico
Past Review The Perfect Blend Of Culture And Tourism! Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"When you are abroad you really get a sense for what is out there instead of just being fed stuff from the media. For me this helped me gain knowledge of the world so I had my own idea what was going on in other countries. "

University of New Mexico
Past Review Fabulous Experience In A Beautiful Country With Welcoming People! Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"It was inspiring to feel the sense of community in Limerick and participate in the network of dedicated service groups. "

University of New Mexico
Past Review Cloud 9 ! Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I gained a taste of cultural newness all over again. The friendships I gained will be irreplaceable and the memories we shared. Not only while learning about Ireland, but we learned about ourselves and how to manage and multitask while learning, taking in the sights and being able to work with people we've never met before. It w..."

University of New Mexico
Past Review Amazing! Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I gained so much independence while being able to see a beautiful country. I learned about Ireland, but it is also interesting to see how the locals view the United States and it provided a new perspective of my own culture. "

University of New Mexico
Past Review Worthwhile Trip To A Beautiful Island!! Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I learned so much about the Irish culture and how Europe differs from the US. I gained many skills in how to engage in the community and how to respect cultural differences. It was worthwhile."

University of New Mexico
Past Review Taught Me About Myself Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Not only had i made some great friends, i also have some insight on another cultures sense of community, there are somethings i'd learned that id like to hold on to and carry with me and hopefully apply to other communities"

University of New Mexico
Past Review Irreplaceable Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"It was worthwhile! I learn about medical history and got to see the sites events happened at. I got to learn about culture through the history and current. I learn about the people and the struggles that faced them in the past and today. "

University of New Mexico
Past Review Magical, Educational And Entertaining Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"This program helped me make a decision about my future goals."

University of New Mexico
Past Review An Unforgettable Experience Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Not only did I learn about Irish culture, but I gained a better knowledge of how living in a foreign country compares to living in the US."

University of New Mexico
Past Review It Was An Unforgettable Experience! Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I learned that I love Ireland! It's an incredibly beautiful country. The people are funny, friendly and don't take themselves too seriously. I want to go back, maybe to live there. Social problems are the same everywhere. I liked the philosophy and well rounded social work being done in Ireland. They are dealing with problems th..."

University of New Mexico
Past Review An Amazing Experience Ireland Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I learned a lot about the Irish culture, and the way many social welfare programs are inspiring a positive change in the communities they serve. "

University of New Mexico
Past Review Wonderful Learning About The Locals And Being Able To Help. :) Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Being able to see the world and learning about their culture and taking it all in. Having the ablitly to learn their language and even making new friends."

University of New Mexico
Past Review Lasting Memories Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I gained a greater appreciation for different government systems and how a community can come together."

University of New Mexico
Past Review I Found My New Home! Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"This trip taught me a lot about myself and some of the biases I have. Being aware of these biases is helping me become a more accepting individual. I am also excited to become more involved in Albuquerque as a result of this trip."

University of New Mexico
Past Review I Feel That It Was An Excellent Experience That Will Last A Life Time. Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I think that the most important lesson that I learned is that it requires a great deal of patience and self control to contend with so many different personalities. "

University of New Mexico
Past Review A Fun And Enlightening Experience (With Minor Problems) Ireland Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"The day-to-day life of the Irish. The social problems that Ireland faces, and Irish history"

University of New Mexico
Past Review My Short, Yet Impacting, Experience Academia Latinoamericana de Espanol: Cusco - Academia Latinoamericana Center

"I gained so much knowledge of the culture and I am so excited to share them with my friends back home. I gained a wider perspective of the world and now I am inspired to go to other places and learn about their cultures. "

University of New Mexico
Past Review Lost On A Deserted Island! University of Granada: Granada - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned so much about myself and how independent I can be. It was worthwhile in the sense that I now feel comfortable with my Spanish and I know I can handle a lot, but I wish it would have been more of the mind-blowing experience everyone always talks about. "

University of New Mexico
Past Review Amazing Way To See Disability In Another Culture! Study Abroad Programs in Nicaragua

"Great way to see disability and therapy in other cultures and immerse myself in another culture as much as I could. The program is so supportive and encouraging of your growth as a student and future practicioner. I grew and changed from this experience and you cannot completey explain the experience without trying it for yousel..."

University of New Mexico