
University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Pittsburgh. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Pittsburgh student, please check with the Pitt Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review When Are We Going Back? University of Pittsburgh: China - INNOVATE, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"My experience abroad was definitely worthwhile. I would recommend this trip to anyone, even if you have the slightest interest in China. If you want to go to China just to see it once, you will see it once and want to go back. "

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review My Trip Gave Me The Travel Bug University of Pittsburgh: China - INNOVATE, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"Going on this trip was truly eye-opening and exposed me to a new way of living and new technologies that I would love to see implemented in the U.S. It taught me that you need to be open to new ideas in order to succeed in life."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Awesome First International Experience University of Pittsburgh: Global Research Practicum in Asia, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"experiencing a very different culture, trying new food, seeing amazing places"

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review China Was The Best Country I've Ever Visited University of Pittsburgh: Global Research Practicum in Asia, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"Visiting the a foreign city makes you appreciate other cultures"

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review An Unforgettable Experience! University of Pittsburgh: Global Research Practicum in Asia, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"This program provided a first hand experience of both business and social culture of China - absolutely worthwhile "

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review I Learned Enough About China To Want To Go Back University of Pittsburgh: Global Research Practicum in Asia, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"I learned a ton about the Chinese business culture which would benefit me in my future career. "

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Awesome Trip/Program! University of Pittsburgh: Global Research Practicum in Asia, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"The experience was great. I earned a lot about the culture and how to conduct business in China. We went to awesome locations, the visits were informative and our hosts were great. "

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Great Stay, Great Learning Experience, Lovely Hosts! University of Pittsburgh: Global Research Practicum in Asia, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"It was worthwhile. I gained personal experience by learning a lot about people and cultures. Academically I learned a lot through all the on-site visits."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Wow. University of Pittsburgh: China - INNOVATE, Hosted by the Asia Institute


University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Magical. Yes, Truly. IES Abroad: Dublin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I learned to welcome and appreciate any culture that I come across. Instead of rejecting the little differences, embrace them. They may not all be pleasant at first, but there was nothing that made me feel like I was in a completely foreign land. I also learned to put myself out there, to do things I wouldn't normally do. Those ..."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Unforgettable Amazing Experience. Instituto Franklin-UAH: Alcalá de Henares - Study Abroad in Spain

"My Spanish skills greatly increased and I learned how to be independent. Worthwhile."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review The Best Part Of My College Experience! API (Academic Programs International): Dubrovnik - Libertas International University

"I learned so much about Croatian culture and history, and I have a greater understanding of European perspectives regarding major events such as wars, "

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Cape Town, South Africa Summer Health Studies IES Abroad: Cape Town - Summer Health Studies

"Half of the educational side of the abroad program is class and the other half is volunteer hours in the public healthcare system. Classes are focused on learning about the history and public healthcare system of South Africa and how South Africans are trying to change the system for the better of all people. Learning from peopl..."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Experience Of A Lifetime The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Sydney - University of Technology Sydney

"I absolutely loved my 5 month long study abroad experience through TEAN. I lived in the heart of Sydney and studied at UTS. Every day was a new adventure, whether it was walking to Darling Harbour, taking the train to Circular Quay to a) stare at the Opera House or b) take a ferry to Manly Beach or Watsons Bay or c) walk around ..."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Copenhagen Is Amazing Dis Was Good But Too Americanized DIS Summer in Scandinavia

"I learned that Denmark is perfect and Copenhagen is one of my favorite cities in the world. It was most definitely worth it."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review The Nice Est Place In France IES Abroad: Nice Direct Enrollment - Université Nice Sophia Antipolis

"As for Nice itself, the city is absolutely incredible. I was never out of things to do, see, or explore, and I honestly cannot wait to go back someday. From the food to the sea to the mountains to the convenience of having an airport just a short bus ride away, Nice is the perfect location for travel bugs."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Viewing Morocco Through The Lens Of Journalism SIT Study Abroad: Morocco - Field Studies in Journalism and New Media

"My main take-away from the program is that since we generally all speak the same language here in America, there is no reason to not step outside your comfort zone and engage strangers in a conversation."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Traveling Across China University of Pittsburgh: China Plus3 Study Abroad Program, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"I gained a better ability to sympathize and understand people of different cultures. I think it's very easy to dismiss another person's action as weird or unusual, but when you look into why they act that way, it becomes much less strange. I've also gained a larger sense of adventure, and I know I'd like to travel abroad again!"

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Jerusalem, The Eternal Capital Of The Jewish State Of Israel MASA: Israel Journey

"The experience transformed my life. Learning about the history of my culture in the actual location where so many events actually transpired was really something that impacted everyone strongly."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Would Do It A Million Times Over! University of Pittsburgh: China - INNOVATE, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"The cultural experiences were so eye opening. It was so great to see a very different culture. This trip was so incredible and I'd recommend it to anyone."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review My Life Will Never Be The Same. University of Pittsburgh: China - INNOVATE, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"I learned so much about China's role in the world and how its changing to become even more important. I would not hesitate to do it again."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review China Trip University of Pittsburgh: China - INNOVATE, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"This trip to China was my first experience traveling outside the United States. I feel I am now better prepared to interact with business associates who live in different countries than I was at the beginning of the trip."

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review Innogreat University of Pittsburgh: China - INNOVATE, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"Great experience overall. Each of the program coordinators did a spectacular job, and everyone involved made sure that we got the best possible look into Chinese culture, business, and innovation. I would definitely recommend this program and others like it to friends. "

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review The Best 10 Days Of My Life! University of Pittsburgh: China - INNOVATE, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"Having never been outside the US before, the Innovate trip provided me a glimpse into an entirely different way of life. I got to meet amazing people from all different parts of the world and learn how they learn and apply the concepts of engineering and globalization. "

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Past Review My Semester In Tokyo IES Abroad: Tokyo - Language & Culture

"I learned a lot about how to adapt to the situation. I learned a lot about learning how to live by the standards of another culture, and through that I feel that I am able to view my own culture with a more knowledgeable eye. "

University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh