University of Rochester

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Center for Study Abroad and Interdepartmental Programs serves students who wish to customize their undergraduate experience. Advisors in the Center specialize in three areas: study abroad, interdepartmental programs, and senior scholars research projects.

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Past Review Australia Is Expensive, But Fun Beyond Belief! IES Abroad: Sydney Direct Enrollment - University Of New South Wales

"Absolutely! While it didn't necessarily impact my cultural awareness as much as maybe some other countries would have, I still got to experience being on the complete other side of the world, and they DO do things very differently. I also feel that maybe others would have more of a cultural awakening if they haven't been anywher..."

University of Rochester
Past Review Salamanca, Spain: The Most Memorable Semester IES Abroad: Salamanca - Advanced Spanish Immersion

"Going to Spain opened my eyes to another world. I didn't realize that people could live any differently than how we live in the United States. I consider myself more culturally knowledgeable and I am curious now to know more about other cultures as well. I feel much more confident in my Spanish-speaking ability and was able to b..."

University of Rochester
Past Review China Changed My Life! Beijing Foreign Studies University: Beijing - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Definitely worthwhile as it made me improve my language and make new friends. It also let me see how living life on the other side of the world is like, and made me more aware of cultural differences among others. "

University of Rochester
Past Review Freiburg, Germany The City That Will Be Missed! IES Abroad: Freiburg - European Union: Politics, Law & Economics

"Studying abroad has changed what I want to do post-grad. For instance, I am considering post-grad programs abroad that I was not considering before and I can see myself living over there for a few years."

University of Rochester
Past Review Sweet As IES Abroad: Auckland Direct Enrollment - University Of Auckland

"Yes, it was definitely worthwhile, and I would recommend studying abroad for everyone."

University of Rochester
Past Review Study Abroad: Not All It's Advertised To Be IES Abroad: London Direct Enrollment - SOAS, University of London

"Oddly enough, despite all the issues, I would still choose this program over again. I learned an awful lot from it, in terms of being independent and asserting myself. I am happy it's over, and I don't feel like it was a huge life changing experience, but I still thing it was a useful thing to go through."

University of Rochester
Past Review Ies Sydney Is Great! IES Abroad: Sydney Direct Enrollment - University Of New South Wales

"I was given the chance to remove myself from my comfort zone and go to a place that I have always wanted to go to. My expectations were exceeded. I saw such beautiful things and tried new things. I was fortunate to travel so much throughout Australia and also to New Zealand. I would never change anything about my abroad experien..."

University of Rochester
Past Review Tel Aviv: My New Home Away From Home Tel Aviv University: Undergraduate Semester / Year in Israel

"Absolutely. Going abroad was the best decision that I made in college. I wanted to go to Australia, but that didn't work out, but Israel exceeded my expectations. I became much more independent and my self-confidence grew significantly while I was abroad. I'm definitely more away of the political climate in the Middle East and n..."

University of Rochester
Past Review Best Experience Of My Young Life: Study Abroad Sydney IES Abroad: Sydney Direct Enrollment - University Of New South Wales

"It was certainly worthwhile. It has motivated me to get abroad again in life and perhaps go back to Australia to work and live. It also increased my confidence. Knowing I can travel in the world on my own is rewarding!"

University of Rochester
Past Review Temple University Japan: Immersion At Your Own Pace Temple University International Programs: Tokyo - Temple University Japan Campus

"I wouldn't say it was life-changing, since I was very well prepared for what I would experience there, but I definitely want to go back as many times as I can in my life. The only major change in me has been my decision to work and live in Japan in the event that my post-graduation plans all fall through."

University of Rochester
Past Review It Was Good IES Abroad: Christchurch Direct Enrollment - University Of Canterbury

"Why do you ask me so many questions?"

University of Rochester
Past Review Dublin: An Amazing Experience I Hope To Repeat IES Abroad: Dublin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"Study abroad was definitely worthwhile. It made me realize that I am ready to interact with people outside of America and live on my own."

University of Rochester
Past Review Chile: Everyone Should Go! IES Abroad: Santiago - Study in Santiago

"It was definitely worthwhile. Just to really live and be in a different country and culture for such a long time is completely different than just traveling. You get to really know the people and how things work and begin to feel at home there. That can be a confusing feeling but I feel blessed to have made more than one coun..."

University of Rochester
Past Review Best Experience Of My Life Really IES Abroad: Paris - Business & International Affairs

"yes-loved it regardless"

University of Rochester
Past Review Prague The Best Place To Spend A Semester! CIEE: Prague - Central European Studies

"It was definitely worthwhile. It was tough being away in a new culture for so long, but it was so worth it. Also, Prague is super cheap and centrally located, so traveling and living were both very possible and affordable."

University of Rochester
Past Review Sydney: Totally Worth The Debt IES Abroad: Sydney Direct Enrollment - University Of Sydney

"I loved my time abroad. I learned that I am an independent person and that I love being in challenging situations. I also look at things from a more global perspective."

University of Rochester
Past Review Rome Absolutely Amazing AIFS: Rome - Richmond in Rome and Internship Program

"I learned so much. I loved every minute of it."

University of Rochester
Past Review London: I Wish I Could Go Back IES Abroad: London - Study London

"Independence, culture, new areas academically, new friends"

University of Rochester
Past Review Prague: A Fun And Rewarding Adventure CIEE: Prague - Central European Studies

"My study abroad experience was worthwhile and beyond. I not only learned so much about the Czech Republic in my classes, but I really did feel as though experiencing every day life in Prague was a class in itself. I am so much more independent, have a new interest in EU politics and Central European history, and really feel as t..."

University of Rochester
Past Review Botswana Couldn't Have Been Better. CIEE: Gaborone - Arts and Sciences

"Absolutely. The academics weren't the most demanding but I wasn't there for the academics. I tell everyone that I was there because I wanted to experience the culture and I was taking classes becuase I wanted to graduate on time. Culturally, I couldn't have experienced anything better. I wanted to be in an African country that w..."

University of Rochester