Western Washington University

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Western Washington University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Western Washington University student, please check with the Office of Education Abroad for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review There And Back Again IES Abroad: Auckland Direct Enrollment - University Of Auckland

"The most important thing I think I gained from this experience was a sense of independence. As a junior I've lived away from my family for a little while but this was my first real solo travel experience. As I write this I am actually still in New Zealand a month after the end of my program and will still be here for another two..."

Western Washington University
Past Review Learning To Be Independent In Strange Surroundings ISA Study Abroad: Career-Building Internships in Australia

"My internship helped me understand the pros and cons working for a non-profit organization in a different environment. It was indeed worthwhile because I learned valuable skills and assets that can be applied for future employment. I also helped narrow my career interests. "

Western Washington University
Past Review A Fresh Perspective GEO: Athens - Study Abroad Programs Athens

"It is truly amazing how much you learn from living overseas. Greece feels as much like home as Washington to me now. Although I saw three different countries in my three months overseas, the experience showed me that people are people no matter how far from home you are. The journey gave me new vigor for life and I am a very ..."

Western Washington University
Past Review Learning Spanish And Traveling The World. CIEE: Seville - Language & Society

"I learned about how to be happy with what you have and to keep things simple. I improved my spanish skills and gained a new perspective on life. It was the most amazing experience of my life."

Western Washington University
Past Review I Had A Very Fun Time And I´M Glad I Did It. API (Academic Programs International): Granada - Universidad de Granada

"I learned more about the language, about people, and about Spain. It was definitely worthwhile."

Western Washington University
Past Review Best Three Months Of My Life. GEO: Oviedo - Study Abroad Programs in Oviedo

"I grew a lot as a person and my goals became more clear to me. Defintely worthwhile. "

Western Washington University
Past Review The Best 6 Months Of My Life CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I became a much more humble, well-rounded, and culturally aware person. I could not emphasize enough the importance of studying abroad."

Western Washington University
Past Review The Craziest And Best Experience Of My Life That I Will Never Forget! National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS): Fall Semester in the Amazon

"I learned more about myself then I have ever known. I learned how to work well with others and great leadership skills for both small and large groups. I learned outdoor skills, environmental studies, biology, ecology, and more!"

Western Washington University
Past Review Study Abroad And Find Yourself. ISA Study Abroad in Lima, Peru

"I learned a lot about myself and the rest of the world. I feel like I advanced a lot both linguistically and as a person. It was definitely worthwhile and I think every person would benefit from the opportunity to go abroad."

Western Washington University
Past Review This Was A Dream KEDGE Business School: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Everyday was a dream, there were so many parties and activities. This experience was amazing. "

Western Washington University
Past Review Marhaban Bikuum (Welcome All)!!!!!! ISA Study Abroad in Meknes, Morocco

"I made significant progress in Arabic, and in French even though I didn't take any French courses. I made lasting friendships with people from all over the world. I gained a sense of place in the world. I gained a whole new appreciation for the USA. It was definitely worthwhile. I must go back!"

Western Washington University
Past Review Studying Abroad Was The Best Way To Truly Become Independent And Find Myself. ISA Study Abroad in Santiago, Dominican Republic

"A lot about myself and becoming independent. Worth every penny. Loved it. "

Western Washington University
Past Review Tesol In Puerto Rico Study Abroad Programs in Puerto Rico

"Absolutely. Gained knowledge of another culture and language. "

Western Washington University
Past Review Once In A Lifetime Forum-Nexus: Ultimate Summer in Europe - 7 Cities in 1 Month

"I really loved that Forum Nexus incorporated so many different cultural experiences into one trip. I learned so much about both countries that I hadn't experienced before, and countries that I had already visited."

Western Washington University
Past Review Different Than At Home And Challenging But Overall Very Fun. EducatorsAbroad: Traveling - Student Teaching (10-18 Weeks)

"I became more confident in my teaching abilities BUT I think teaching at an all girls school (which I did really enjoy) didn't prepare me for the types of schools I'll be applying to at home. I think teaching all girls is a very different experience than teaching at a co-ed school. I wish my experience was more applicable."

Western Washington University
Past Review Mi Corazon Se Queda En Grana! My Heart Remains In Granada! API (Academic Programs International): Granada - Universidad de Granada

"It changed me as a person, student, and global citizen. If I could go abroad for my whole college carreer, I would. I expect to be back over seas next year, thanks to my experince in Granada. An academic year abraod was the best decision, and highlight of my college carreer. "

Western Washington University
Past Review Amazing Month! AIFS: Rome - Richmond in Rome and Internship Program

"My time abroad was absolutely worth it. The art and culture of the country was everything I wanted and more. I saw things I had only dreamed about for years, and there were completely surreal moments that I still look back on like it was all a dream. Completely and 100% worth it."

Western Washington University
Past Review Prague Is A City Unlike Any Other. CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Prague, Czech Republic

"Grew as a person - being away from home for that long is an eye-opening experience. It pushed me to be a better, more well-rounded, experienced person. "

Western Washington University
Past Review Paris Je T'aime! ISA Study Abroad in Paris, France

"This is the kind of experience that you only get once, I loved every day that I was in Paris and it was definitely worth while!"

Western Washington University
Past Review A First Hand Exploration Into The History And Resulting Culture Of Scotland ISA Study Abroad in Stirling, Scotland

"You have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things, because it can open up your eyes to new experiences. A person pretty much only tries haggis in Scotland. I made friends with a group of international students from around the world, which allowed me to learn about their cultures while we learned abou..."

Western Washington University
Past Review Irreplaceable Experience Nagoya University of Foreign Studies: Nagoya - Japanese Language and Japanese Studies Program / JLJSP Direct Enrollment

"I gained and learned more than I can express in this little box. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I'm so glad I took it. More than worthwhile. I learned a lot about Japanese and Japan, and about myself."

Western Washington University
Past Review Life Changing IFSA: Dublin - University College Dublin

"How to be independent and travel on my own "

Western Washington University
Past Review An Awakening To New Beauty In The World. IE3 Global Internship Programs

"This experience was one of the most worthwhile of all my days. I gained invaluable skills and training in the career fields I plan to pursue, and I grew exponentially as a person."

Western Washington University
Past Review Freaking Awesome. University of Galway: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"A sense of enormous self-confidence in my ability to navigate foreign places alone, and yes, it was the most important thing I've ever done."

Western Washington University
Past Review Outdoor Adventures In Nz Frontiers Abroad: New Zealand Earth Systems

"I gained confidence in my traveling abilities and my accomplishments as a research scientist. Greater appreciation for my home and the programs available to me here."

Western Washington University