Seton Hall University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Seton Hall University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Seton Hall University student, please check with the Office of International Programs for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review A True Cultural Immersion CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Ireland and Scotland - Celtic Culture

"Through my time in Ireland and Scotland via CISAbroad, I had the time of my life. Although the trip was short, I was able to do so many activities and see so many parts of the countries due to the scheduling of CIS. There always seemed to be an activity planned to get us around, and even if there was not, our site directors and ..."

Seton Hall University
Past Review My Second Home In Freiburg IES Abroad: Freiburg - Language & Area Studies

"I gained a lot of language skills that you cannot learn in the classroom setting. I also gained new friends and a lot of independence. "

Seton Hall University
Past Review Unforgettable. Study Abroad Programs in Argentina

"It was definitely worthwhile. I learned not only about a new country... but about myself as well. "

Seton Hall University
Past Review This Is Living... AIFS: Grenoble - Grenoble School of Management

"There were many different lessons learned from being abroad. I learned about different cultures which I experienced when I was living in France and traveling around Europe. I exercised my independence and responsibility by planning my trips and traveling alone as well. I think it's important to realize you cannot always wait on..."

Seton Hall University
Past Review My Semester In Aix CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Aix-en-Provence, France

"I learned a lot about myself and gained confidence in traveling alone. It was the best experience of my collegiate career so far I wish I could do the semester over again. "

Seton Hall University
Past Review Take Me Back To Live It Again And Again. AIFS: Grenoble - Grenoble School of Management

"I learned that the people of the world have an immense amount of knowledge and it is important to experience everything and all you can, given the opportunities you seek out. "

Seton Hall University
Past Review A Life Changing Experience Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"In Costa Rica, I learned that I am truly a global citizen. I never felt more connected to humanity than I did when I was in Costa Rica. I learned that there is no such thing as a perfect country, study abroad program, or life. I gained the ability to find similarities between myself and the people around me. Lastly. I learned th..."

Seton Hall University
Past Review Awesome AMIDEAST: Rabat - Summer Intensive Arabic

"learned about myself"

Seton Hall University
Past Review An Amazing Service Learning Opportunity In A Culturally Fascinating Location IPSL: Peru - Environmental Justice, Indigenous Health and Human Rights

"My Spanish abilities greatly improved, I now have a much better understanding of Peruvian and Latin American history and culture, I made wonderful friends, saw amazing historical and cultural sites, and grew in my understanding of service."

Seton Hall University
Past Review A Small, Yet Perfect Taste Of The World. American College Dublin: Irish Language & Culture Program

"It was definitely worthwhile. I loved living on my own, even though I lived with other study abroad students and international students. I loved the culture and the the city. I loved the energy on the weekends to go out and have fun. I loved visiting towns and places outside of Dublin. I enjoyed being in Ireland during holidays ..."

Seton Hall University
Past Review Crazy Study Abroad Programs in Argentina

"I can't sum up my experience in words. Just know I would do it again in a heart beat."

Seton Hall University
Past Review Eye Opening Tsinghua University: Beijing - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"What I gained most from my experience abroad was the ability to live on my own in a completely new environment. "

Seton Hall University
Past Review Forever Grateful For Studying Abroad In Rome! AIFS: Rome - Richmond in Rome and Internship Program

"Yes! I learned so much about history and myself as a person. "

Seton Hall University
Past Review La La La London! AIFS London - Richmond, The American International University in London

"Yes, no matter how poor I was (and believe me, I was, I came home with $8 to my name), I always found a way to have a good time and get worthwhile experiences. If you are willing to live a less luxurious lifestyle than you are used to, you can make things work."

Seton Hall University
Past Review Cork: A Class Of Its Own University College Cork: Cork - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It definitely helped me mature further as an independent individual, and both the social and educational aspects proved rewarding. Although I have lived overseas before, this experience furthered my understanding of the American identity, language identity, and many aspects of Irish life."

Seton Hall University
Past Review Salamanca And The World Cup Win! API (Academic Programs International): Salamanca - Universidad de Salamanca

"Yes, yes, yes. I would recommend this program and specific city to anyone. I learned to be more open to different cultures. I understand the Spanish language so much better now. The API is well organized, the people are nice, and you just get so much out of the money you put into it Its definitely worth every penny."

Seton Hall University