
Simmons University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Information Sessions are offered every semester. Come join us and find out more about how to take the first steps on the adventure of studying abroad!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Simmons Study Abroad Scholarship application deadlines: October 15 and March 15.
For more information, please visit https://www.simmons.edu/undergraduate/academics/study-abroad

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Past Review Nothing Short Of Adventure! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Dunedin - University of Otago

"I gained many skills from my experience. Some skills included how to survive in the outdoors, while others were more personal such as being more outgoing and not being afraid to try new things. It was absolutely worthwhile since it made me stronger as a person. "

Simmons College
Past Review Amazing! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Thailand - Summer in Bangkok

"I learned so much about Thai culture and people in general as well as human rights in Southeast Asia which as the class I took. I had so many amazing experiences outside the classroom and learned in the classroom as well. We took an excursion to the border of Myanmar which gave me a lot of perspective on things. It was absolute..."

Simmons College
Past Review Siena, An Indescribably Beautiful City That Will Have My Heart Forever. IES Abroad: Siena - IES Abroad Center

"The program didn't really affect my academic interests, however, it did provide me with a solid seating for my second semester of junior year. Learning a new language was something that I feel was extremely rewarding and now I can't wait to learn French. I love my host family and hope to stay in touch for years to come. It was a..."

Simmons College
Past Review Cyprus, Not Recommended University of Nicosia - Global Semesters: Nicosia - Semester in Cyprus

"I would recommend that everyone travel abroad, even if you dont like the program (like I did) it doesnt change the fact that you learn so much about yourself. I for example learned that I NEED to live in a city with a fairly large population size (no smaller than Boston!) because otherwise i become bored easily and I am not a hu..."

Simmons College
Past Review Study Australia: Sydney Is The Best! The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Sydney - University of New South Wales

"It was so incredibly rewarding. I did more in those four and a half months and did more than I've done in the other 21 years of my life. It was the best four and a half months of my life. Even though I missed my family, it was so cool to be in a country by myself. I learned so much about what I'm capable of and became much more ..."

Simmons College
Past Review (No Title) IFSA: St. Andrews - University of St. Andrews

"YES!!! i learned so much about myself. I have moved around my whole life because of the military, so i didn't think i'd be afraid to go abroad at all, but I actually did get nervous and a bit homesick (for the first time in my life!). Dealing with that was scary, but totally worth it. I learned how to take a flight to a differen..."

Simmons College
Past Review (No Title) CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Barcelona - Semester at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

"Yes is was more than worthwhile. I learned a lot about myself as well as the people I as with. It gave me a sense of the world as a whole rather than focusing on the smaller picture. Not only do I have a desire to travel the world, I now want to learn more about my own country and even my home city."

Simmons College
Past Review It Was A Lot Colder In Spain Than I Expected. Universidad de Pompeu Fabra (UPF): Barcelona - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"i really enjoyed my experience, but i wish i would've have gone somewhere where the spoke less english. i wanted to have some more culture shock when arriving, but i really didnt experience any when arriving. "

Simmons College
Past Review Very Intensive Spanish In Granada Granada Institute of International Studies (GRIIS): Granada - GRIIS in Granada

"My study abroad experience was worthwhile because I allowed myself to explore new opportunities with the people I have met along the way. I was even offered by the mother of one of my students to stay at her house when I return to Spain. I cherish the people and the places I had the opportunity to visit, I strongly believe that ..."

Simmons College
Past Review (No Title) SIT Study Abroad: Chile - Public Health, Traditional Medicine, and Community Empowerment

"My study abraod program was worthwhile!! I feel that I have a better understanding especially of how another functioning health care system can work. In addition I feel as though I have become more confident in talking to people that I do not know and putting my self into situations that are unknown. "

Simmons College
Past Review (No Title) CIEE: Lima - Liberal Arts

"I absolutely loved my experience abroad. My main goal in life is to be fluent in Spanish and while I still have a ways to go my Spanish has improved immensely. The people were great, the school was beautiful and the city of Lima was amazing. I feel that I have become much more outgoing and much more independent. Before I came to..."

Simmons College
Past Review (No Title) IES Abroad: Nantes - French Language Immersion & Area Studies

"Studying abroad literally opens up a whole new world to you. Just that makes it worth it!"

Simmons College
Past Review I Loved Everything About My Study Abroad In Barcelona API (Academic Programs International): Barcelona - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

"Yes. I gained an understanding of another culture, of euorpean and spanish politics and history. I had a lot of fun. Overall it was a really great experience"

Simmons College
Past Review So Much French That I Started Thinking In French Boston University: Paris - Internship Program

"I learned a lot about myself, my friends and my family. I understand a lot more about Europe and France. I am proud of myself for having lived by myself. I learned another language, I learned how to cook, I met amazing people and am so thankful."

Simmons College
Past Review Studied In Sydney, Loved Living At Bondi The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Sydney - Macquarie University

"Yes, it was absolutely amazing. You learn so much about yourself and a new country and gain independence. It's an amazing opportunity to travel and study and you only have a few opportunities, so take them!"

Simmons College
Past Review (No Title) Advanced Studies England: Bath - ASE Study Centre

"I loved my study abroad experience. I feel more confident and that I have gained a great deal of self-awareness. I am also happy that I made foreign friends that I am still keeping in touch with. I learned so much about a new culture that I never could've learned at home. I also enjoyed being around other very motivated American..."

Simmons College
Past Review Sydney Is Lovely, But Expensive The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Sydney - University of Sydney

"I enjoyed it--I increased my independence, my willingness to do things by myself, but wished I had been more outgoing, going out and such."

Simmons College
Past Review (No Title) Umbra Institute: Perugia - Direct Enrollment in Semester, Summer or Academic Year Programs

"My study abroad experience was defintely worth it. I loved (almost) every minute of it and experienced so much. So much more than I ever would have otherwise! I learned so much about the culture, the people, the world, and myself. I learned skills I never would've learned otherwise, like how to get from Perugia to Oettingen with..."

Simmons College
Past Review Just Go For It CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Sydney - Semester in Sydney at Macquarie University

"It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It boosted my confidence, it gave me strength I never knew I had. It was something beautiful that I will treasure always."

Simmons College
Past Review (No Title) ISA Study Abroad in Gold Coast, Australia

"I wish I could be back in Gold Coast with all of the friends that I made so it was definitely worthwhile. I made friends that I will have for the rest of my life and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I am kind of a homebody and I think study abroad really broke me out of my shell and taught me that I am independent."

Simmons College
Past Review I Learned So Much In Lisbon CIEE: Lisbon - Language and Culture

"It is hard to pinpoint my gain from this program. I learned so much from it: about myself, my heritage, and also my family."

Simmons College
Past Review (No Title) SIT Study Abroad: South Africa - Social and Political Transformation

"A new perspective that will better prepare me to begin my adult life. "

Simmons College