SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Museum School has reciprocal exchange agreements with several renowned institutions throughout Europe and beyond. The exchange program offers independent and self-motivated students the opportunity to be fully immersed in an international education experience. Museum School students can be found studying in The Netherlands, Israel, France, Ireland, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Students considering exchange should schedule an appointment to meet with the Assistant Director of Student Life in the Student Affairs Office.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Fall Semester Deadline: March 31
Spring Semester Deadline: October 1

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review A "Wee Bit" Of A Challenge University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I would definitely say the experience as a whole was worthwhile. Within the walls of ECA, I was presented with challenges that gave me chance to see art-making through new eyes; I adapted to the unfamiliar surroundings, teaching methods, and tutor expectations. However, traveling provided the most valuable learning opportuniti..."

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review Israel, An Experience That Forces Independence On Ones Self. Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design: Jerusalem - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"This was a trip that needed adjusting to. The time length of this trip was very long but in the end needed to be. I think it was very worthwhile and very challenging. There were allot of positives and some negatives. This trip really forced independence on me and was overall amazing."

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review France Is Great Ecole Superieure des Arts Decoratifs de Strasbourg: Strasbourg - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"yes, great time, didn't make much work, but met some great people "

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review Paris Was An Experience Of Lifetime! Paris College of Art: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Most Definitely!"

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review Would Have Stayed If I Didn't Have To Come Back! Florence School of Fine Arts: Florence - Semester, Summer and Short-Term Courses

"Absolutely worthwhile. I feel like a different person, although I can't pinpoint how I have changed( too soon). Going outside of your comfort zone, not speaking the language, meeting new people who have a completely different lifestyle, and being in an unfamiliar place I think shows your true colors so to speak and shows how ada..."

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review Edinburgh College Of Art, Go There University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"This program was definitely worth while. I feel like I grew as a person and as a painter. I got to meet people from countries around the world, and made life long friends. I have a better understanding of what it is like to live outside of the United States, the differences in organization not only of the school system but of th..."

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review Study Abroad In Florence: Once In A Lifetime Experience! Florence School of Fine Arts: Florence - Semester, Summer and Short-Term Courses

"Absolutely. It changes you as a person and expands your mind and way of thinking. Definitely impact future plans because if you fall in love with the place, you are going to try to make plans to return in the future. "

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review Ensba Was The Most Liberating School Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts (ENSBA): Paris - Exchange Program

"I used to always think that I worked better under stress, I've learned here, that that is untrue. If I could go back in time to graduating high school I would have applied to ENSBA it's 500 euro a year to go there people. COME ON! My future plans are to graduate SMFA and come back to France find a simple job possibly WOOF and ..."

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review Art Program In Zurich, Some German Required F+F Schule für Kunst und Design: Zurich - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I must say, my abroad semester in Zurich, Switzerland was the most valuable time in college experience so far, due to all the new things I got to experience, live through, and learn from. I must say, time spent abroad is a part of school of life; more goes in to one's individual standing in life than to one's career as a student..."

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review (No Title) Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design: Jerusalem - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I got everything I was hoping for out of this program, a rich experience and a strong body of work because of it. "

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review Eca (Edinburgh College Of Art) Is An Amazing College University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I think studying abroad was one of the best things I have ever done. I can not stress enough how much I loved the experience."

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review Bilbao Is An Incredible City API (Academic Programs International): Bilbao - Universidad del Pais Vasco

"Absolutely...I learned a lot about myself, my strengths and weaknesses, etc. When you are the minority (i.e. not a native citizen, and spanish is not your first language) you are pushed outside your comfort zone which can be very challenging. But overall, I wouldn't change any of that because it was such an integral part of the..."

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review (No Title) Artez Institute of the Arts: Enschede - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"extra credits extra education another cultural experience, friends i still visit and they come to the USA....feels like a new home to me."

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review (No Title) Ecole Superieure des Arts Decoratifs de Strasbourg: Strasbourg - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I made some great friends, met some lovely girls, traveled all over France and Germany, learned some french, made some decent Art, had an exhibition. It was a great experience for me. It changed my perspective. I would hope everyone has that kind of opportunity at some point in there life. I will never forget it."

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Past Review Saci Florence Studio Arts College International (SACI): Florence - SACI in Florence

"I gained alot from traveling on my own, and meeting new people NOT through the school. Florencce as a city is very americanized so it wasnt a culture shock,but it is very beautiful."

SMFA - School of the Museum of Fine Arts