SUNY - Binghamton

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at SUNY - Binghamton. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a SUNY - Binghamton student, please check with the Education Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review My Semester In Spain Was The Best A Few Months Of My Life SUNY Albany: Madrid - Study Abroad at the International Institute, Madrid

"My semester in Spain was the best a few months of my life. It was emotionally difficult at times, but everything was completely worth it. I gained so much in just a short time. Not only do I know more Spanish, but I feel like I am so much more independent. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: New Delhi - Technology, Economy, and Society in India

"It was definitely worthwhile. I learned so much about Indian culture by getting to experience it firsthand. It was truly a remarkable experience. I would probably do it again just so that I could fully appreciate it rather than being distracted by my culture shock. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"Yes, it most certainly was. I think I gained a lot of growth as an individual that can be applied in the real world, and in my future learning as College student. Going abroad was the best thing that could have ever happened to me and I am forever indebted to those that made it possible. The faculty was sublime and the students ..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: New Delhi - Technology, Economy, and Society in India

"Growth of Indian markets in various industries "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"Definitely worthwhile! I learned so much about myself and was able to see and experience so many things that wouldn't have been possible without this programs. The memories and friends i made will last a lifetime"

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Studying Business In India SUNY Binghamton: New Delhi - Technology, Economy, and Society in India

"Tremendous experience I would advise this trip to anyone serious about exploring themselves and a unique and rich culture outside if their own."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"yes it was i learned a lot about myself and how to interact with other"

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Semester Abroad In London SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"I learned that I enjoy living in a city and I can make good friends with the people who live in a neighborhood, I thought I would just be on my own, but i ended up becoming very good friends with the people who work at the board game store down the street."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"My study abroad experience was definitely worthwhile. I became more independent and confident in myself and my abilities. I was able to indulge my passion for theater while reading great works of literature written by people who once lived in the area in which I was staying. I gained a sense of the bigger picture and grew to app..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Study Abroad At University Of London SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"Yes this experience was very worthwhile. I learned so much about myself. I was taught by great professors and learned about so many cultural things that I wouldn't have learned without this program. I can finally say "Yes! I've been there" when I see a picture of Big Ben or Greenwich Park. I loved living in a city that only ..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"My study abroad experince was for sure worthwhile in many ways. The chance to live independently in another country was definently a learning experience that many people do not get. Learning about another part of the world was an experience that will stay with me for a long time.Exploring London and meeting some new people also ..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"My experience was definitely worthwhile and I recommend that any who has the opportunity to study abroad to do it. I have gained a new sense of what it means to be independent. I also had the opportunity to step outside of the sheltered life I live here in America and was able to experience many different cultures. I think th..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Study Abroad At Murdoch University Murdoch University: Perth - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I enjoyed my study abroad experience A LOT, but it is all about what you make of it. There were many things that I did not like, but there were many things that I did like. As long as you don't get the adminstrative details get to you, you should have a great time! Beaches around Perth are beautiful. I also enjoyed Syndey!..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: New Delhi - Technology, Economy, and Society in India

"It was definitely worthwhile because I learned so much about an entire different country and saw what the conditions are actually like there. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"I would definitely chose a program that is run through a University that is non-American. Not that this one was not life-changing and great, but it didn't allow for a complete submersion into the life of the British culture like I was hoping for. the laid-back classes did allow for more free time, but I guess I feel as though co..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"The study abroad experience was incredible. I feel that I have seen so many different cultures now. I feel like I was able to gain insight to myself."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"I found it worthwhile. I learned all about other cultures and countries and I gained a better understanding of the world. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"I was worthwhile. The trip altered my academic interests a bit- I may decide to live in London for a while in the furture. Also, due to the faculty and the books that I had to read for my classes, I am considering a career in writing. I dont know what it is, but there is something about London that makes me want to write!"

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"I think I really learned some insight not only into the international system we are in, but also a personal insight. I think I have grown and am more mature than before."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: London - Semester in London

"It was incredible I just wish we had more time. The program should go to the middle of may at least. Its such an awkward time to go home, and London is finally getting nice right at the end of april, right when we are leaving. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY New Paltz: Besancon - Study Abroad at Université de Franche Comte

"Yes. Being on my own, I learned much more about myself. Studying abroad put things into perspective for me, in regard to whats important and what I want in life. You become independent and experience things you wouldn't at home."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: Shenzhen - Understanding Contemporary China

"It was worthwhile. I just wished it was longer and when we arrived, it was not during the Shenzhen Univeristy's finals week. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review My Semester At Korea University SUNY Binghamton: Seoul - Exchange & Study Abroad Program at Korea University

"it was a great opportunity for me. i got to meet many new people and specially i lerned about myself a lot through tha hard time i had. that was the biggest gain i had.i just would not choose the same program because it ruined my study habbit and grades. "

SUNY - Binghamton