SUNY - Binghamton

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at SUNY - Binghamton. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a SUNY - Binghamton student, please check with the Education Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review (No Title) CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Barcelona, Spain

"Yes. I learned about myself and my relationship with the world. I really learned how to live with another culture and appreciate it. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: Shenzhen - Understanding Contemporary China

"My experience in China was definitely worthwhile. I learned so much more about the culture than I ever could have from simply reading about it in a textbook. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: New Delhi - Technology, Economy, and Society in India

"It was one of the best experiences I've had while in college. I learned so much about the culture/people of the country, the devlopment of India, emerging markets, but most importantly had a great time experiencing a country I may necessarily have never went to. Everyone was so friendly and we accomplished so much I wouldnt tr..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Study Abroad At Two Different University Of Paris Campuses MICEFA: Paris - Study Abroad in Various Universities of France

"I loved my study abroad program. I got to speak French every day, I got to live in Paris, I didn't have to go to class if I didn't want to, and I didn't need a fake ID. Life was sweet."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"The experience was definitely worthwhile and I learned a lot about myself and the world. I would do it again if I had the chance. You have to see what Europe is all about and college is a great time to do it. I became much more independent during my stay and feel that I have matured a lot. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: Suzhou - Exchange & Study Abroad Program at Soochow University

"I am very grateful for my opportunity to study abroad in Suzhou. While there, I tried to take advantage of everything that was offered to me and I made an effort to speak Chinese all the time. I learned so much about people of other countries, while also trying to give a good impression of Americans and what our culture is like ..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: New Delhi - Technology, Economy, and Society in India

"My study abroad experience was not only worthwhile, but it was definitely an eye-opening experience. To travel to India - one of the oldest civilizations in the world - and to see the people, culture, foods, etc., while also seeing its characteristics as an emerging market was a very unique experience. A trip like this is wort..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: New Delhi - Technology, Economy, and Society in India

"My experience was very worthwhile and even indescribable in some aspects. I just enjoyed most of all learning about another culture, and most importantly being granted the opportunity to experience something outside of what I know and am used to. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) Southwestern University of Finance and Economics: Chengdu - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My study abroad experience was worthwhile. It was the best study abroad program one can ever have done. I gained leaderships skills from it by helping the program directors giving out instructions. I also gained communication skills as I helped other students translate. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Visiting 11 Countries In 4 Months Is Mind Boggling Semester at Sea Study Abroad: Make the World Your Campus

"Absolutely. I became a world citizen, and came home a different person."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: New Delhi - Technology, Economy, and Society in India

"Yes, the study abroad experience was something I never imagined but nevertheless experiencing life in a different way is interesting. I gained a valuable experience while visiting professional companies."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: New Delhi - Technology, Economy, and Society in India

"It was worthwhile. I gained different perspective from this trip."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) The American University of Rome: Rome - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"The people are amazing. The school was not that great. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Buffalo State: Newcastle - University of Newcastle

"Yes the study abroad was worthwhile. I met the most interesting and a good variety of people in a concentrated area. This experience allowed me to realize how much I belong in New York State and appreciate my family and friends at home. It allowed me to learn that there are ALL kinds of people out there in the world. I learn..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Study Abroad In Valencia Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Yes. I wish I stayed longer as I was just beginning to feel a part of the community when the semester was winding down. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: New Delhi - Technology, Economy, and Society in India

"It was worthwhile, and I learned a lot about the culture in India. It was very valuable."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Valencia Is The Perfect Setting To Study Abroad Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I was able to understand other cultures and people to an extent I had no Idea. I want to go to Africa and the Middle east again. And I want to fall in love with a girl from Valencia and marry her (thats a personal life goal I did not have before I went on the trip)"

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Oswego: Paris - EICAR Cinema and Screen Studies Program

"Of course it was. I went traveling to other places in Europe as well. Traveling and experiencing cultures outside one's own is an experience that can never be fabricated or learned another way. It is completely enlightening and makes you notice the things that make you what you are as according to your particular culture. It rai..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Winter Term Study Abroad In China SUNY Binghamton: Shenzhen - Understanding Contemporary China

"It was one of the best things I have every done. Getting to see so many amazing things and meet so many great people was just great. I loved it and hope that more students take advantage of this opportunity. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Study Abroad In Shenzhen, China SUNY Binghamton: Shenzhen - Understanding Contemporary China

"I learned that I can push myself and handle situations where I'm not in control at all (and that it's ok). I also learned that for as different as environments and cultures are people still essentially the same. Finally, I learned that preconceptions are often misconceptions and that people including myself need to be more open ..."

SUNY - Binghamton