SUNY Purchase

September 20, 2024

University Information

Study abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a student’s life. Experiencing another culture and language and seeing an unknown part of the world while gaining a new perspective on an area of study can be life changing. Equally importantly, students can gain a new perspective on the United States by seeing it from a foreign vantage point. And without question, students will gain insight into their studies at Purchase College. In addition, experience abroad may open new and unexpected doors upon graduation and thereafter.

On campus, visit the study abroad office on the second floor of the Student Services Building to research options available around the world, or attend the study abroad fair in the fall or one of our information sessions. We would be happy to advise you, make recommendations and help you plan for your sojourn abroad. You may also contact International Programs and Services on the Purchase College campus for more information at

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Past Review Denmark: Challenging And Cold DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"My study abroad experience was worthwhile. I learned how to live independently, how to live in a foreign city, how to travel in cities and use public transportation. I absolutely feel more culturally aware and more sensitive towards people everywhere. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Great Experience SUNY Purchase: Groningen - Hanze University Groningen - Prince Claus Conservatoire

"Yes, I learned a lot from my time abroad. I especially benefited from something like that, since I was going to College from home here in the US, and got a chance to live away from home and with a roommate for the first time. I also learned a lot about managing money, and other kinds of responsibilities linked to this. In terms..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Study Abroad In Seville, I Keep Going Back API (Academic Programs International): Seville - Universidad Pablo de Olavide

"yes it was worthwhile. i learned alot about myself what iw ant to do and who i want to be or should not be. also i made great friends that i ahve emt up with several times since coming backl"

SUNY Purchase
Past Review (No Title) ISEP Exchange: Hirakata - Exchange Program at Kansai Gaidai University

"I really enjoyed the life in Hirakata Osaka. Conveniently situated in between Osaka and Kyoto - great spot to do a lot sight seeing and travel. Though living costs were high as long as you spend wisely its manageable. the faculty and student body is very welcoming making it comfortable living space and good environment to practi..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review (No Title) SUNY New Paltz: Limerick - Study Abroad at University of Limerick (Summer Irish Studies)

"I could not have asked for a better semester abroad. I met amazing people, i did amazing things while travelling and while at UL. If i could repeat my experience abroad I would do it in a heartbeat. It simply was the best time of my life. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review London Is An Amazing City Middlesex University: London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was amazing. Not only did I love Europe but it also allowed me to feel comfortable on my own and experience what it's like to have complete freedom in a wonderful environment. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Semester Study At Edinburgh College Of Art SUNY Purchase: Edinburgh - Edinburgh College of Art

"I see my own culture very differently. I have such a fascination with the rest of the world that I had never really tapped into before. Being in an english speaking country was beneficial for making work in a short period of time, however, going to Barcelona while I was there was amazing. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review This Experience Will Change You For The Better Study Abroad in Egypt at the American University in Cairo

"The people that you meet here will change your life. Getting to know the city will quickly help you to feel like you've accomplished something grand. Dealing with the constant hassle of the city (the traffic, the pollution, the different customs, etc.) will help you be much more patient. Overall, this experience will change y..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review I Loved It So Much That I Decided To Do It Again. Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"My study abroad experience was totally worthwhile. I had actually done this exact same program back in the Fall of 2008 and loved it so much that I decided to do it again. Studying abroad enriches your life in so many ways that you would have never even dreamed of. I have such a greater appreciation for cultures and other people..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review (No Title) Florence University of The Arts: Florence - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained a lot of knowledge about Italy and Europe and found that the trips I ventured on and the museums I visited were amazing. Italy will always stay with me and I am encouraging all my friends to try programs such as this one. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review (No Title) Kansai Gaidai University: Hirakata - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My study abroad experience held so many wonderful memories and experiences, and I wouldn't change it at all. Other international students are often quite interested in traveling together and participating in various activities both on and off campus. I found myself far more motivated to do well in school because of this program;..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Purchase: Amsterdam - Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten

"Traveling and living in a completely different culture and city was incredible. I expected more from the school. Take advantage of any opportunity and don't stress with the school. You will find it very different from the American system: you have more liberty with assignments, not much time to complete them because of the build..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Study Abroad In Ghana Is Very Worthwhile University of Ghana: Accra - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My study abroad experience was great. I had an opportunity to go back to Ghana after seven years. As a senior in college and looking back I have grown, learned about myself, and lived more in those six months than I ever had. The experience was a lot more than I expected and that only made it better. I am more outgoing and i..."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review London Study Abroad Helped Me Gain Freedom And Independence Regent’s University London: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was definitely an experience that i would want to do again. It helps you gain freedom and independence. The people were great. it teaches you to keep an open mind about things. Enjoy yourself. Keep track of your money because it definitely goes by fast. but over all have a great time with lots of friends and laughs."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Purchase: London - London Contemporary Dance School

"YEs, I gained confidence, inspiration, connections, and a thorough understanding of myself. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review No Time For Social Activities University of Oxford - Visiting Students

"yes gained independence and extensive knowledge."

SUNY Purchase
Past Review The Arts Program At Ecu Was Extremely Rich Edith Cowan University: Perth - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely. I have never learned so much about myself in four months. I feel more confident socailly, I feel I improved dramatically in my craft, and I feel that I truly learned how to live fully. "

SUNY Purchase
Past Review Australia Is A Beautiful Place That I Fell In Love With Edith Cowan University: Perth - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My study abroad experience was VERY worthwhile. I learned an incredible amount about myself, as well as my area of study. I was happy every day that I was there and renewed my love for dance, which is a very big deal. I think being in a different culture can really change your perspective on a lot. I had a lot of great discussio..."

SUNY Purchase