The University of Texas at Austin
University Information
The Study Abroad team is guided by our commitment to promoting access to study, research, internships and experiential learning abroad. We are committed to reducing financial and academic barriers and to removing disparities amongst study abroad participants. We accomplish this by collaborating with the faculty and staff on our campus and partners throughout the world. Partnerships are the foundation of our success. Along with our academic colleagues and our affiliated partners, we are committed to providing pathways for students to participate in education abroad through curriculum integration, innovative programs, and targeted scholarship programs which serve students and the University.
Important Dates and Deadlines
October 1st - Spring Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
November 1st - UT Maymester Faculty-Led Applications Due
December 1st - UT Summer Faculty-Led Applications Due
February 15th - Summer Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
March 1st - Fall Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
"Absolutely--I believe everyone should have the chance to study abroad, whether it is for a semester, or even three weeks. The experience, even at its worst moments, is an excellent learning experiences and without a doubt, fun!"
Jamie B The University of Texas at Austin
"Wine is amazing. "
Kathleen K The University of Texas at Austin
"i enjoyed the experience but would have done a different program"
Amanda S The University of Texas at Austin
"my study abroad expericen was worthwhile. i enjoyed classes at SNU and im glad that i became friends with local students since i might work in Korea after graduating. "
Miseung K The University of Texas at Austin
"Yes! I loved my experience!! I loved Paris and my homestay family, but I did not like the cold weather and long winter. Also, I did not love the other students in my program. "
Molly B The University of Texas at Austin
"I learned a lot about my self and improved my Spanish skills while having a wonderful time."
sarah b The University of Texas at Austin
"It was more than worthwhile. It really did make me more open minded, more sure of myself and sure of what I want, more confident and more empowered. One surprising effect of learning so much about another country was that it made me more interested in my own country. Seeing a contrasting view of how another country handles thing..."
Lanna L The University of Texas at Austin
"Extremely worthwhile. I was able to learn things both about myself and the world. "
Connor B The University of Texas at Austin
"Yes, it was an educational experience I could not have gotten at my home university. "
Annik E The University of Texas at Austin
"It certainly was. I know I want to cross borders in my career. I've met some people who have changed me completely. It was a great experience."
Wes G The University of Texas at Austin
"yes it was worthwhile I had a great time"
Daniel F The University of Texas at Austin
"It was the best decision I have ever made."
Amy B The University of Texas at Austin
"My study abraod experience was definitely worthwhile. I tried a lot of new things in Erfurt, such as aerobics, going to museums and concerts, going to clubs and parties with my friends (I just turned 21), and socialized a lot more in Erfurt than I did with my friends at UT Austin due to the fact that it was easier to manage my t..."
Nikki K The University of Texas at Austin
"Yes, the experience was definitely worthwhile. It is a great experience to see how society and political/educational systems are different in other countries. Also, especially if you have any interest in history, art, food, culture, or language, you get to see and experience things that pale in comparison to what you have access..."
Jennifer G The University of Texas at Austin