University of Florida

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Florida. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Florida student, please check with the International Center for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Rome Loved The City, Hated The Romans John Cabot University - Study Abroad in Rome, Italy

"Gave me a great outside perspective on the world"

University of Florida
Past Review Valencia: An Opportunity To Grow ISA Study Abroad in Valencia, Spain

"Not only did my Spanish language skills improve (which had provided me with unique opportunities here in the states) but I now have good friends and experiences that will last me a lifetime. "

University of Florida
Past Review I Had Alot Of Ups And Downs But Like Any Study Abroad Experience You Learn Alot Study Abroad in Egypt at the American University in Cairo

"Yes!! I would have found a cheaper apartment and make sure you have enough financial aid to cover your expenses. Always have more than what you may think you need."

University of Florida
Past Review Incredible Exchange Program In Leicester, England! University of Leicester: Leicester - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was an eye opening experience for personal as well as cultural reasons. I already knew what I wanted to study and the direction I wanted to go, but it gave me a chance to explore parts of the world that I would not have gotten to otherwise, meet people from all over, and see how people outside of the US live. "

University of Florida
Past Review Granada, Spain: The Best Summer Of My Life AIFS: Granada - University of Granada and Internship Program

"I was able to improve my Spanish language skills, learn to adjust to new situations and I made new best friends. It made me more aware of other cultures and made me want to experience other cultures. The history of Spain and the beauty of it made me appreciate every day that I was there. I wouldn't have wanted a different experi..."

University of Florida
Past Review Buenos Aires: The Place To Meet Americans CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Buenos Aires, Argentina

"I learned a lot, but most of what I learned came from when I traveled around before and after my program. Being there was not the best because Argentinians are difficult to befriend and there is no support from the program provider or the university to facilitate this. I learned a lot of Spanish which was good, but it made me ap..."

University of Florida
Past Review Vacation And Education In One! Universidad Veritas: San José - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes! I had never been on a plane or travelled outside of the country before this experience. I learned so much about myself as well as Costa Rica. It is a beautiful country. The university and accommodations with host family were excellent and rewarding."

University of Florida
Past Review Cea Study Abroad In Barcelona Made Me Want To Go Back Forever! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Barcelona, Spain

"It was so worthwhile. I gained independence and a lot of confidence. I was so happy in Spain and loved the opportunities I had to travel. I absolutely plan to return to Spain and other places in Europe. "

University of Florida
Past Review Cusco, Peru: Cradle Of A Civilization Academic Studies Abroad: Study Abroad in Cuzco, Peru

"This study abroad experience allowed me escape my textbooks and live what I had been reading for so many years. It has helped me realize that I must continue traveling to learn not only about others but about myself as well. "

University of Florida
Past Review Seville Is The Best ISA Study Abroad in Sevilla, Spain

"The experience of a lifetime!"

University of Florida
Past Review The Other Santiago Improve Your Spanish And Cultural Awareness In The Dominican Republic!" ISA Study Abroad in Santiago, Dominican Republic

"It was amazing to not only see, but learn to adapt to another culture. It showed me that I would be fine living abroad, there are some difficult situations but the experience is well worth it. "

University of Florida
Past Review Pura Vida: Costa Rica My Home Away From Home ISA Study Abroad in San José, Costa Rica

"I became more confident in Spanish and was definitely impacted by the Pura Vida mentality adopted by all Costa Ricans. They teach you to smile more and enjoy the adventure! My study abroad term strengthened my passion to make Spanish part of my future career as a large animal veterinarian. I hope to return to certain places unab..."

University of Florida
Past Review Studying In Italy: Do It! AIFS: Rome - Richmond in Rome and Internship Program

"ABSOLUTELY!!! I have nothing negative to say at all about my program or about my experiences in Italy. Studying abroad, specifically with AIFS in Rome was by far the best decision of my college career."

University of Florida
Past Review I Fell In Love With San Sebastian Universidad de Deusto: Bilbao/ San Sebastian - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I think one of the most rewarding things about traveling is meeting people from all over the world. Even being in a study abroad program with people from different parts of the country was eye-opening. I forced to try to communicate in a language I barely knew with people who didn't know my language much better. It was hard, but..."

University of Florida
Past Review Study Abroad In Barcelona Was A Life Changer! ISA Study Abroad in Barcelona, Spain

"it was 150% worth it because of all the new things i learned that i never would have had i not gone abroad. i traveled to many places and met so many new friends. "

University of Florida
Past Review I Fell In Love With The People, Culture, And The City! It Was The Best Experience Of My Life. ISA Study Abroad in London, England

"I am more confident in myself. You change after living abroad. I am more outgoing now and more open to new things and places. It was the best experience. I hope to one day live in London when I am older. "

University of Florida
Past Review Valencia Owns My Heart! ISA Study Abroad in Valencia, Spain


University of Florida
Past Review Lifechanging Guanajuato Spanish Language And Mexican Culture Universidad de Guanajuato: Guanajuato - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely worthwhile. I improved my Spanish, got to see and understand a different culture and different way of life altogether. Studying abroad changed my outlook towards life in other countries, and if I'm able, I would like to live somewhere other than the United States, somewhere slower-paced like Guanajuato. I would pro..."

University of Florida
Past Review Semester Study Abroad With Isa: The Only Program That This Perfectionist Planner Will Ever Recommend ISA Study Abroad in Sevilla, Spain

"This was one of the best experiences of my life. I will never forget it and it gave me the chance to not only learn about another culture and another educational system, but about myself. Studying abroad gave me confidence in my ability to speak the foreign language that I have spent nearly my entire academic career learning a..."

University of Florida
Past Review Seville Best Trip Of My Life! API (Academic Programs International): Seville - Universidad de Sevilla

"The experience was life changing. It shows you the different perspectives that are not always seen from the news feeds inside of the United States. In addition, the mentality and way of life is very different to some of our cultural norms. "

University of Florida
Past Review Spain: Worth The Trip ISA Study Abroad in Santander, Spain

"I definitely increased in fluency in the language and learned a great deal of history and culture. I chose to minor in Spanish due to this amazing experience."

University of Florida
Past Review Study Abroad: Architectural Hunt In Vicenza Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Yes, definitely worthwhile. I am more aware of understanding how different cultures work. Also, seeing the fabric of historical cities and their growth helped me in my studies. "

University of Florida
Past Review How I Fell In Love With London CEA CAPA Education Abroad: London, England

"Yes, I had never been abroad before and I fell in love with traveling. I don't consider overseas countries to be as daunting as they were before and going out on my own made me realize I have the confidence and ability to even move back over there someday. "

University of Florida
Past Review Florida, A New World L'Universite Catholique de l'Ouest / Catholic University of the West: Angers - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"yes i feel like i grew as a person. i gave it a four because i met a great group of friend that helped me in my adventure. if you study hard and get good grades dont be afraid to go out with friends and have a good time. you must enjoy your experience in a new place. i am much more aware of people and how culture effect how peop..."

University of Florida
Past Review Russia: Go! Study Abroad Programs in Russia

"YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!! Met some amazing people, had the time of my life, and greatly improved my Russian skills"

University of Florida