University of Missouri - Columbia
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Missouri - Columbia. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Missouri student, please check out the Study Abroad page for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I learned a lot about how equine sciences are done here. They do have some things a bit different compared to America. "
gabbie g University of Missouri - Columbia
"I learned more about anatomy and physiology within this program. Also, I found a new interest in riding which I really did not have before coming here. I also learned a lot more about Scottish history by exploring the cities around me"
A student University of Missouri - Columbia
"I was very eager to learn French when I began lessons and I had a great experience. I feel as though I learned a lot very quickly and was able to start understanding and replying in French during my time with Lankey. The Teacher was super nice and brilliant. I have learned enough in my three weeks of lessons to converse in Frenc..."
Diana Minho University of Missouri - Columbia
"I learned how important it is to step outside of your comfort zone. It's amazing how much you learn and how much you grow once you start doing things out of your everyday norm. "
Chloe Thornberry University of Missouri - Columbia
"I learned amazing career experience. It was so cool to be in an abroad environment, and I am looking into the same company for after college!"
Meredith Wright University of Missouri - Columbia
"I gained great professional experiences throughout my internship. I now know how the industry I want to enter works and have industry contacts to do so."
Erin Sastre University of Missouri - Columbia
" ."
A student University of Missouri - Columbia
"I made many lifelong friends, enhanced my language skills, and experienced many different cultures and cities."
Jack Huffman University of Missouri - Columbia
"It was so worth it! I learned so much about myself and about how truly diverse the world is. It gave me a different view of life and how everyone else lives their's. "
Savannah Bernard University of Missouri - Columbia
"I learned more than I would have ever imagined in my time studying abroad. Being away from home at college teaches you a lot about growing up and being self-sufficient, but being away from home in another country is an entirely different experience. It is such a special and eye-opening experience to live in another country. Lond..."
Ellie Telander University of Missouri - Columbia
"I gained knowledge about the Italian culture through experiences and classes taken while in Florence "
Mary Paige Hawkins University of Missouri - Columbia
"I learned a lot about myself and what I want with my life after college. I also learned how to be independent by traveling and booking trips. It was an incredible semester and I would do it all over again if I could. "
Sarah Vinton University of Missouri - Columbia
"I learned so much about other cultures. Thorugh our weekend travels and talking to our local teachers, we learned so much about different ways of life. I am now able to understand and appreciate every single lifestyle. "
Emily Aldrich University of Missouri - Columbia
"I recommend that everyone study abroad if they have the opportunity to do so. It was the best experience of my life and I would go back in a heartbeat!!!"
Kylee Sendobry University of Missouri - Columbia
"New riding styles and learned about a different culture which was nice."
Emily Martin University of Missouri - Columbia
"a lot about the different way other people handle horses"
Mikaela University of Missouri - Columbia
"I learned a lot about navigating around foreign cities/towns."
A student University of Missouri - Columbia
"equine anatomy and physiology"
Katie University of Missouri - Columbia
"This experience really sparked my interest for traveling and taught me so much about how international health care and human rights is viewed. I got hands on experience in the medical field in Jamaica, I was able to travel all over Europe for a very affordable price, and I got to volunteer with CLAPA. IES really catered to my in..."
Jorden Alex University of Missouri - Columbia
"I learned to take risks and do what you love. I chose marine biology for a career path purely because I am passionate and love the ocean. Going abroad to JCU helped me to make this decision."
Jessica Willis University of Missouri - Columbia
"I learned a lot about independence. Prior to the experience, I would've never thought I was the kind of person to go out exploring on my own and interacting with strangers. While in London, I found myself getting lost walking the streets of the amazing city and just taking in the culture."
Emmie Madsen University of Missouri - Columbia
"I gained a lot of insight into the culture of Barcelona and Catalunya as a whole, as well as experiences in different countries as I traveled during my stay. Also important – I learned a lot about myself and how to manage challenging/stressful situations. "
A student University of Missouri - Columbia
"I gained independence, traveling experience, and an open mindedness about other cultures. It was absolutely worth my while, and I would go back in a heartbeat. "
Christina Wilson University of Missouri - Columbia
"New knowledge and friends. Also a better appreciation for Ireland and Irish culture."
Alexandra Henning University of Missouri - Columbia
"I learned more about myself in that 3 months than I have during the course of my life."
JCU2016 University of Missouri - Columbia