Berea College

September 19, 2024

University Information

Berea College is a liberal arts work college in Berea, Kentucky, U.S.A., founded in 1855.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Application deadlines:

  • 15 September: Berea Term Abroad (Spring)

  • 1 October: Berea International Summer Term

  • 15 February: Berea Term Abroad (Fall) and Summer Abroad

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Israel & Egypt: A Once In A Lifetime Experience KIIS: Israel & Egypt

"I gained an increased cultural awareness and sensitivity. I learned so much about the rich history of Israel and Egypt. Amazing!"

Berea College
Past Review Kiis Japan Summer 2018 KIIS: Traveling - Experience Japan (Summer)

"I have always wanted to travel, but had never really been outside of the United States, so this trip made me realize that travelling is even more worthwhile when you're so immersed in learning about the culture and language of the place you're travelling to rather than just being a brief tourist and missing out on the aspects of..."

Berea College
Past Review Best Decision Of My Life KIIS: Segovia - Experience Spain Summer Program

"made friends in spain that i will have for a life time "

Berea College
Past Review Idk KIIS: Segovia - Experience Spain Summer Program

"The Spanish practice and experience was the most useful for me and that is what makes it worthwhile... however, I didn't use Spanish as much as I expected because I didn't interact with Spaniards as much as I thought I would"

Berea College
Past Review A Trip I'll Never Forget KIIS: Paris - Experience Paris (Summer)

"I learned how to culturally adapt in uncomfortable situations"

Berea College
Past Review Once In A Lifetime AIFS: Athens - American College of Greece

"I gained a new appreciation for international travel it was a worthwhile experience. "

Berea College
Past Review Mild Nagasaki Spring, Melting Nagasaki Summer USAC Japan: Nagasaki - Japanese Language, Society, and Culture Studies

"It was ABSOLUTELY worthwhile, I learned more here in one semester, content-wise, than I have during my whole career at my college. I learned so much about the language and culture, but also things like foreign policy, manners, all of it. "

Berea College
Past Review In Order To Grow You Must Become Uncomfortable AIFS: Travel Program – Storytelling in Australia

"I learned a lot about my self and how big the world truly is. it is definitely worthwhile! "

Berea College
Past Review Something I Will Never Forget. KIIS: Traveling - Experience Japan (Summer)

"We have more things in common than we think. "

Berea College
Past Review Americans Are The Worst, Japanese Are The Best KIIS: Traveling - Experience Japan (Summer)

"I gained friends and a new found love for Japan that I'd never experienced before, and a family on the other side of the pacific."

Berea College
Past Review An Adventure That Will Never Be Forgotten. KIIS: Traveling - Experience Japan (Summer)

"I got to live somewhat as a Japanese person and not feel so much like a tourist. I got to see amazing places such as temples and cities. I made wonderful friends and I consider my host family part of my family now."

Berea College
Past Review If You Are Going To Struggle, You Might As Well Struggle In Europe CIEE: Rome - Open Campus

"I became more comfortable with myself when it comes to being independent and I met people and learned things that you can not learn from textbooks or TV shows"

Berea College
Past Review The Greatest Experience Of My Life Thus Far KIIS: Experience Scandinavia - Summer Program

"It was definitely worthwhile. I learned so much about Danish culture and how it's similar/different to ours."

Berea College
Past Review It Was Great KIIS: Israel & Egypt

"It was an amazing experience and I learned so much about the cultures of the countries and I am able to make my own choices and assumptions now that are actually educated."

Berea College
Past Review Life Changing Keimyung University: Daegu - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a great deal about the culture and language, and I have learned how I can work harder on learning the language. It was definitely the most worthwhile experience I've ever had."

Berea College
Past Review Wonderful Experience Studying In Seville & Living With A Host Family! API (Academic Programs International): Seville - Universidad de Sevilla

"I was able to practice my Spanish much more, get to know more people, gain a more international outlook, understand people from other cultures. It was very worthwhile! "

Berea College
Past Review Archery, Archaeology, And American Students University of Galway: International Summer School

"I feel like I gained more independence and could live on my own. I gained some amazing friends through the process both International, local, and American. I learned how to take public transportation and I'm really proud of that."

Berea College
Past Review A Year In Korea Keimyung University: Daegu - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I became much more confident in my language skills and hope to build upon them more. I learned how many things in the country work, such as the subway, phone service, postal system, etc. "

Berea College
Past Review First Growth Abroad KIIS: Regensburg - Experience Regensburg (Spring Semester)

"Definitely worthwhile. The simplest answer to what i learned/gained was that I can adjust to life/work in new situations and I can understand/speak more German than I could if I stayed in the U.S.A."

Berea College
Past Review Exiciting CISabroad (Center for International Studies): London - The London Semester

"How to manage time and money, Yes it was worth it."

Berea College
Past Review A Semester In The Heart Of Mexico CIEE: Guanajuato - Liberal Arts

"Spanish skills. Connections. Definitely worthwhile."

Berea College
Past Review Americans Studying With Americans CIEE: London - Open Campus Program

"To conversate with everyone "

Berea College
Past Review Japan Is Amazing Kansai Gaidai University: Hirakata - Asian Studies Program

"Adjusting to a new culture Learning about the culture Lifelong friendships"

Berea College
Past Review Morocco! ISA Study Abroad in Meknes, Morocco

"I gained a greater sense of independence and understanding of a unique country."

Berea College
Past Review Enlightening Berea College

"new perspectives more tolerance patience independence friendships networking international events and programs classes i couldn't take back at my homestay institution"

Berea College